2 // Car Ride

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It had been an hour in the car, and they were nearly home. Neither had said a word to each other, however Max's dad had taken loud gulps of beer every once and a while and turned up or down the radio when he heard a song he liked.

"How was it?" Max's dad slurred, not taking his eyes off the road, as he seemed to be struggling to drive in a straight line.

"Fine." Max responded.

His dad was silent for a moment. "Fine? What do you mean fine?"

"I mean it was fine, dad. That's all."

"We spent money to make you happy and all we get is fine." His dad scoffed then took down a large gulp of beer. Max glanced at his dad then looked out the window.

"You spent money to get rid of me." Max mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I said you spent money to get rid of me!" Max exclaimed, sounding much more like a toddler throwing a tantrum than he had intended. "You spent money to have me shipped away to some Summer camp so you wouldn't have to put up with me all Summer! If we're being completely honest- I'm glad you did! At least the idiots at camp didn't try to fucking kill me all the time!"

The man's grip on the steering wheel tightened and his foot pressed down on the gas peddle harder, his chest heaving with anger. "When we get home we need to have a little chat." He managed through grit teeth.

Max's head snapped towards his dad. "Wait dad-"

"We should've never brought you to camp. You've forgotten your place."

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