Chapter 1: Secrets and Revelations

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"Harry, we need to talk." It was late September and the all Potter children were at Hogwarts. Ginny walked into the bedroom she shared with her husband to find him sitting at the foot of the bed. She sat down next to him and let her eyes glaze downwards. 

"Yes?" Harry replied more as a statement than a question. He knew they needed to talk, and he had a good idea of what was coming, but he hadn't prepared to have this conversation tonight. He feels like he should be dreading it, but he's not.

"I'm not sure how to say this, Harry... something just isn't right. Between us. And it's not because of your issues." She looks him in the eye, "Do you love me?" 

Harry has said 'I love you' to Ginny a million times and he always meant it. He knows the answer should be 'yes, of course' but he also knows what she means; they were never talking about the same type of love. Harry knows whats she's really asking, and can't bring himself to lie to her. He can't bring himself to say anything actually, so he sits there in silence and they both know the answer is no.

Ginny doesn't cry, and not because of she's in shock, she's not; she already knew the answer.  Harry finally just says,"I'm so sorry, Ginny."

Ginny turned to look at Harry, "Harry... I think I'm falling out of love." Ginny had always been brave, but this took some of the most courage she ever had. 

"That's not your fault Ginny, I haven't been good to you. You deserve better."  Harry felt so horrible, he had been keeping something from Ginny for far too long. "I have to tell you something."

Harry knew he just had to say it. She deserved to know the real reason and know that it wasn't her fault at all. "I think... I think I might be gay." he said, glazing at the ground.

Ginny's eyes widened in shock. She knew something wasn't right, she knew he didn't really love her, but she had guessed there was another woman, not a man.

Harry felt like it owed it to Ginny to explain everything to her. "I've never cheated, Ginny. And I didn't always know. I never really paid attention who I liked during school; I didn't have much time to. I thought I liked Cho for a bit, but looking back I think it was just a mix of her liking me, me thinking I was straight, and her understanding my grief about Cedric." 

Harry took a deep breath and continued, "I knew you always had feelings for me, and after the war, we just made sense together. I loved you like family, and I thought what I was feeling for you was what love was supposed to be. Our lives were so hectic, and by the time things started to settle down, we were married and already had James and thinking about having Al. I couldn't think about not loving you. But the more time that went by, the less I could deny it. For a while I thought I might be bisexual, but recently I've realized I don't think I am. I don't know what else to say. None of this is an excuse for what I did to you, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Ginny. I never meant to trick you."

Ginny took a moment to process, staring off into space. What he was saying all made sense to her. She was surprised with herself that she wasn't more mad with him. She guessed, in a way, this was better than him cheating on her. Harry couldn't help this. He didn't mean to hurt her. She understood how he didn't know. He had had the most stressful and crazy life imaginable. She couldn't put it all on Harry anyway. She had made her own mistakes. 

"I believe you Harry." she said, turning back to her husband. Harry breathed a little sigh of relief. He thought for sure she would yell at him, but she just looked defeated. "And I don't blame you... for all of it. I wish you would have told me sooner, but I understand why you didn't. You didn't want to give up on our family. I did that."

"No, no, no, Ginny. It's not your fault in any way." Harry said trying to comfort his wife. 

"But it is. Harry... I cheated on you." Harry was shocked by this, he knew his wife had started to realize something was wrong. He thought maybe she thought he was cheating. He never would imagined that she would cheat on him.

Ginny looked back down at her feet as she started the story, "I went to a bar one night, while you said you were working late, I thought you might be doing something else. I wanted to... you know, forget for a little while. After quite a few drinks, an old friend came by and was trying to help me get home. I knew that he liked me so I flirted with him. He knew I was drunk so he didn't engage. When he got me back here I convinced him to take me to the bedroom. I don't remember exactly what happened but I just remembering wanting to kiss him and then doing it." 

Ginny started to cry, she so was ashamed of what she had done. "I was touching him, Harry! After a second he pushed me off, but still... I wanted to..." Ginny knows that if he hadn't stopped her, she would have slept with him, which was bad as cheating in her eyes. Harry had kept secrets from her, but he hadn't acted on anything. 

She was sobbing quite loudly now. Everything was just flooding out of her: the guilt of that night, all the feelings she had been bottling up about not feeling loved by Harry, the grief this would mean for her family. Harry put his arm around her shoulder and was rubbing it and saying "Shhh... It's ok honey, it'll be ok." When she had pulled herself together a bit, she finished, "After that he apologized and left, and I went to bed. "

Harry asked, "Who?" But he already had a guess.

"Dean." Ginny confirmed Harry's suspicions. Harry always thought that Dean never got over Ginny; Dean hadn't been in a serious relationship since he with with Ginny in school, and he was currently very single. But the way Ginny described it, he hadn't done anything wrong. 

"Listen, Ginny. This is not your fault." Harry didn't think Ginny had cheated. Even she really had, he was the one that pushed her into the arms of another man. "Even if you weren't drunk, I wouldn't blame you. You've been living with me for years and I've never been able to love you the way I should have. Then here comes someone you used to love who still has those feelings for you."

"I don't have those feelings for him anymore though, Harry. It was just..."

"He was there. When I wasn't. It's not your fault; it's mine. You just wanted to be loved, and you deserve to be loved."

"This is the end of us, isn't it?" Ginny said sadly but definitely. 

"I think it has to be." Harry agreed, "I'll stay, if you want, for the kids. You can see someone else–"

"No. You deserve to be happy too. I don't think we really have a choice." They both understood when Ginny meant. They needed to divorce. 

"I don't regret anything between us." Ginny said and gave Harry a small smile. She meant it; despite how it was ending, she cherished the chapter of her life with Harry. 

"Neither do I." Harry said, "We had a lot of good times, our three beautiful children. I just wish we could be one big, happy family. It's my fault we can't have that."

"You love who you love Harry, you can't change that. There is nothing perfect about this world; you of all people know that best." She said looking into his green eyes that were now on the brink of tears. "How are we going to tell them?" Ginny asked sadly. 

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