Chapter 17: Harry James Potter

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Author's Note: Overlapping timelines for chapters 16 & 17

"Dad?" Albus and Scorpius both say in surprise in unison. 

"Albus?" said Harry.

"Scorpius?" said Draco.

"What are you doing here Albus?" Harry can't believe his son just walked in on him and Draco. Of course, of all the students at Hogwarts, his son would be the kind to hang out in the Hog's Head. Harry felt a bit stupid. 

"What are you doing here?!" Albus yells angrily. 

"Uh..." Harry didn't know whether to try to lie or not. What had Albus seen? Had he seen them kiss? "Draco and I were just getting a drink–"

"I saw you dad!" Well that answered that question. Scorpius stood silently behind Albus looking to his father. 

Harry looked to Draco next to him to try to see what they should do, but Draco was looking back at his own son. Harry didn't know what to say, but he said "Albus, let me explain." even though he had no idea how he would. 

"You don't need to explain anything! You're with Mr. Malfoy!" Albus yelled angrily, then quieter he said, "You're.... gay." 

Harry feels so guilty for keeping this from his son. He should have told him earlier, he should have told all of his kids earlier. He shouldn't have stayed in Hogsmeade when he knew his kids were here. He shouldn't have kissed Draco in public.

But he can't take any of it back now, "Al, I'm sorry. Please, lets talk." Harry pleaded with his son. 

"No. Lets go, Scorpius." and Albus turned to leave. 

"Wait, Albus!" Harry knew he wasn't going to be able to stop him from going, but he had to ask for one thing. 


"Don't tell your brother and sister, please, let me tell them." Harry needed to tell them himself. They should have all heard it from him, but James and Lily at least should now. 

"Fine!" Albus says before storming out with Scorpius on his heals. The door slams behind them. 

Everything is quiet again. "Harry...?" Draco's voice broke the silence then trailed off. 

"He didn't take it too well did he?" Harry said. Draco didn't say anything. Harry continued, "I didn't want them to find out this way."

"I'm sorry, Harry. Neither did I."

"What about Scorpius?"

"Well... it's not completely new to him. He already knew I'm gay." Draco says.

"What?" Harry says in complete surprise. "I didn't know you were out!"

"I'm not really. Just to him. We - my wife and I - told him, and I've had men by the house over the years."

"Your wife knew? You knew you were gay when you were with her?" 

"Yes, our marriage was more of a partnership. After the war, Astoria and I became very close friends. Everyone thought we were dating, even my parents. Then we started to. It was a way to hide it from my parents, even though they didn't like her it was better than the truth. When Astoria started to bring up the topic of marriage, I finally told her, but it didn't persuade her from the idea. See, she knew she didn't have much time with her blood curse. She loved me, and I deeply cared for her, and that was enough for her. I made her happy and she liked the security. She wanted to start a family before she got too sick and I was willing to give her that. When Scorpius was very young, we both had other lovers, but as she got sicker and Scorpius got older, it was only I who was still bringing men home. There wasn't going to be secrets or lies in our house, I had had enough of that growing up. So we told him I was gay when he was older enough to understand. He took it well, but it probably still pushed Scorpius away from me a bit."

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