Chapter 19: His Own Son

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After Harry left Hogwarts from telling the kids, he headed to Hermione and Ron's. He wanted to go to Draco; Harry loves him but now he's worried he might have to leave Draco to make his kids happy. They had to come first. Why should he be happy if the price is making his kids miserable? Harry needed to talk to his best friends. 

He knocked on the door, and Hermione answered. "Harry? What's wrong?" she asked seeing the sad look on his face. 

Harry finally broke down crying, into Hermione's arms. She led him inside. Ron walked in, "Who's here-" he stops short when he sees his best friend crying in his wife's arms. "Harry..." he said quietly, in a worried voice. 

"They hate me!" Harry cries out, "The kids hate me." he continued to sob. 

"They don't hate you, Harry." Hermione said trying to comfort him. "You're they're dad, they love you very much."

"My own son..." Harry said between sobs, "called me a coward.... and he's right." Harry couldn't stop thinking about what James has said. He was a coward for living a lie all these years. Lily was right that he hid it from himself and Ginny when deep down he always knew. Albus was right that he chose to date Draco, something he predicted Albus wasn't going to be happy about. Harry kept it from him, from all of them, which he always knew was just going to make it worse. But he was too much of a coward to face them. His son was right.

Harry felt Ron's arms wrap around him too. "No, he's not. You are the bravest man I have ever known." Ron said.  

Harry couldn't bring himself to believe Ron, but he was so grateful for his two best friends. 


Harry woke up on Ron's couch the next morning to the smell of coffee. He found Ron in the kitchen. 

"I sent an owl to the Ministry telling them you were sick. Figured you could use the sleep." he said, "Hermione had to go in. Said there was too much to do at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, but I'm staying home with you today." he smiled and handed Harry a cup of coffee. 

"Thanks," Harry said, still sleepy. He wished last night was all a dream, but he knew it was real. 

"There's something you should probably see..." Ron said nervously, "It's not good." He handed Harry the morning's Daily Prophet. 

Harry Potter is Gay? His Own Son Says So.

Yesterday, an anonymous source from inside Hogwarts told Daily Prophet reporter Morgan Burke that he heard James, Albus and Lily Potter the in the hallway talking about their father: the famous Harry Potter. One of the Potter boys revealed a surprising bit of information to his siblings: their father is gay. Not only that, but the great Harry Potter is supposedly secretly dating ex-deatheater Draco Malfoy, who's father was imprisoned for life in Azkaban for being in The Dark Lord's inner circle. How Draco himself , and his mother, escaped imprisonment is still unclear, his hearing not being made public, though there have been rumors that he helped Harry Potter during the Second Wizarding War. Could this be why Draco Malfoy helped Harry Potter? Could Harry Potter be the reason his lover avoided Azkaban? This certainly brings into question Mr. Potter's loyalty to the Ministry and Mr. Malfoy's sentencing if Potter was part of his defense. Well at least we now finally know what ended the Potters' marriage. 

By: Morgan Burke

"Hermione said she knows Morgan Burke," Ron told Harry after he looked up from the paper, "She's kind of taken up Rita's work, writing about crazy rumors and uncovering secrets. She has a son at Hogwarts, that must have been how she found out." Ron shook his head,  "Can't believe she'd use her own kid."

Harry sighed, he wasn't even surprised anymore. He wasn't mad at Albus, he blamed himself, "I would say I'm a worse parent still." 

"Don't say that, you are not! You're a great dad, Harry!" Ron said defensively. 

"I've made so many mistakes" Harry said burying his head in his hands. "This," Harry said shaking the paper, "is my fault. If I had just told them all sooner, Albus wouldn't have been yelling it in the hallways."

"You can't blame yourself for this, Harry. You had your reasons for not telling the kids. Hell, I don't know how I would if it were me." Ron said putting a supportive hand on his friend's shoulder. 

There was a quiet moment between them before Ron said, "I'm sorry it went this way, mate. Now, what can I make ya for breakfast?"


The next few days Harry barley spoke to anyone. He kept getting letters from everyone who vaguely knew him asking if it was true. Was he really gay? Was he dating Draco Malfoy? And people kept asking him if he was leaving his job. This was the second time in 6 months that Harry's ability to do his job was brought into question. Harry couldn't believe the ridiculousness of it all, and he was really getting sick of being questioned all the time. 

When he finally went back to work 2 days after the article, his own employees started asking if he was leaving or getting fired. Most of the people in his department didn't want to see him go, but just the fact that they were asking was starting to worry Harry. Would he really be fired over this? He had defended Draco Malfoy at his trial, but it had nothing to do with them being in love. But was the public questioning enough to have him fired, or forced into 'retirement' like Rita?

Harry didn't see Draco in these days. He still felt conflicted about being with him now that he knew all of his kids didn't approve. Now they would also have to deal with the article too. How was Draco going to feel about being with him now? That article didn't just out Harry, it had outed Draco too. Would Draco ever want to be with him publicly? Harry had always avoided that conversation with him, but now he wished he hadn't. 

Draco wrote to him, asking him to come over, but Harry wrote back saying he was too busy with work. It pained Harry to lie to him; he still loved Draco. Just a few days ago he had told him that and everything seemed perfect, and now it all had come crashing down. 


"I don't know what to do, Ginny." Harry said to his ex-wife one night. He had come over to her house to talk, "They might fire me! Everyone seems to think it's a possibility. What about the kids!?"

"And if they do Harry, we'll be fine. We have more than enough saved up for you not to work. That's never why you worked, you worked because you loved your job. But you don't seem to anymore."

"I don't." Harry admitted, "It's become miserable. Ron left right around when Rose was born so that was... 16 years ago! Ever since I became the Head of the Auror Department I rarely get to go into the field. My work is all paperwork. It's agonizing. And now everyone just keeps asking me questions about being gay... being with Draco. I can't stand it anymore."

"You have to do something, Harry. You can't go on like this." Ginny said concernedly, "It's not good for you. You've been doing so well with your depression lately, I don't want to see this send you into a tailspin."

"You're right." Harry said and paused to think before saying, "I think I have an idea."

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