Chapter 11: Words Not Required

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"Malfoy? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Potter. I am here on school board business." This wasn't really true. Draco knew Harry was going to be here today because Scorpius had mentioned in a letter home that Albus had gotten a letter that said Harry was coming to Hogwarts today. Draco wanted to see Harry again, but he had wanted it to look like an accident. He couldn't go to Harry, what if Harry just rejected him? Told him there was too much bad history, he could be friends, but never lovers. After all this time, that would be Draco's worst nightmare.

"You're on the school board?" Harry asked, he hadn't known that.

"Yes, I took my father's spot when he went to Azkaban." This was true.

"Oh. So... how are you?" Harry asked awkwardly.

"We need to talk, Potter." Draco said seriously, strongly masking how painful this was for him from his voice. He was very good at that.

"Not here Malfoy!" Harry said in an urgent whisper, "What if the kids are around, or anyone else for that matter!"

Harry pulled Draco into the door on his right. As they entered, neither of them recognized the room. It had a couch and chairs in a living room like area, and a canopy bed towards the right wall.

"What is this place?" snickered Draco, hiding how much Harry meant to him was brining back his old bitchiness.

"It's the Room of Requirement. It appears when the seeker–"

"I know bloody well what the room of requirement is. Used it for a whole year, remember, Potter?"

"Oh, right." said Harry quietly.

Harry looked at Draco, and Draco's walls came tumbling down. He cared for Harry very much. He had fancied him for a long time, and now he was closer than ever to them becoming a reality. This was the chance he had been waiting for most of his life, his only chance. If he went back to being a complete ass to Harry, Harry would never want to be his friend, or anything more, any more.

"About the other night–" Draco started.

Harry could see Draco's normally icy grey eyes were a warm grey. He just knew, even though he had been so worried that Draco didn't mean it or it was a trick, he knew in that moment it was all real. And Harry felt the same way about him.

"Shut up, Malfoy." he cuts Draco off, and in two strides Harry crosses to him and kisses him deeply.

Their arms wrap around each other, holding each other close. The men's lips don't part when Draco pushes Harry into the couch. It isn't long before Draco reaches for the tie and buttons on Harry's shirt. As they make their way to the bed, clothes are thrown in all directions.

The two roll onto the bed, fully naked, kissing and touching. Harry had never felt so good in his life. He never knew that this is what it was supposed to feel like. He felt more alive than he did on a broom.

This was how sex was supposed to be: fun, enjoyable, freeing. Harry was used to thinking and stressing during sex, but now his mind was consumed with one thought: Draco.


As Harry exited the Room of Requirement, his hair was a mess and he was still buttoning his shirt with his tie hanging over his shoulders, when from around the corner came Professor McGonagall.

"Oh Potter, glad I ran into you again." She said, either not noticing or at least not acknowledging Harry's disheveled appearance, just continuing quickly,  "The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is retiring soon already - lasted four years this one - and I was wondering if you would reconsider taking up the position. I know the last time I asked you said you didn't want to work here while the kids are still here, but you really are the best man for the job. And the ministry must be getting boring with nothing going on. You know its never a dull year at Hogwarts, and you would have so much to teach the students..."

Harry was barley paying attention to what she was saying; his mind hadn't fully left Draco yet. Then from behind him he heard a door open. He looked behind him and out stepped Draco, who was holding his robes in his arms and hadn't bothered to fix his hair either.

Minerva abruptly stopped talking. She looked from Harry, to Draco and back to Harry. She had a look like she knew exactly what had just happened, but she didn't look at all surprised by it.

"I knew it." She said looking at them, "After you both were married, I thought I had lost." she said to herself and then looked back up at the two men, "Excuse me while I write to Sprout, she owes me 10 gallons." she smiled in a giddy way and then hurried down the hall.

Harry looked wide-eyed at Draco. Draco also looked amazed. They looked at each other and then broke into laughter.


After they had both gained control of themselves again, "Shall we get dinner then?" Draco asked.

Together they sneak out of the castle, as to not be seen by their kids, and down to the gates.

"Hogsmeade?"Harry asks, gesturing towards the village below them.

"I'd rather have somewhere with a bit more privacy. I don't have much to eat at home though."

"Do you live near a muggle town?"

"Yes, there's one within walking distance from my house. But–"

"Prefect, I have an idea." Harry said grabbing Draco's hand, and together they disaparated.

Draco took them to his door. He could see the lights of a town not too far away. "Come on." Harry said pulling Draco towards the town.

"What? Go somewhere there? I meant real privacy, Potter." Draco said with disgust in his voice.

"Trust me."

When they got to the town, Harry found what he was looking for: Chinese food. He took Draco inside and ordered to go for the both of them as Draco looked around.

When he went to pay, Harry took out some muggle money.

"You carry mugg.... I mean... that money around?" Draco looked appalled. Harry didn't bother to answer.


When the men got back to Draco's door, Draco showed Harry inside to the living room. They ate on the floor out of the take-out containers.

"This is delicious!" Draco said, "I might have to start picking up this muggle food for myself."

"I told you!"

The two men talked and laughed and smiled and stuffed their faces.

"Come on," Draco said when they had both eaten their full, "leave the mess for tomorrow."

Harry followed Draco up to his very large master bedroom. Draco started to strip, and for a second Harry thought he wanted to go again, but then Draco threw on a sleeping shirt and threw Harry one.

It wasn't a question, Harry was sleeping here tonight. He followed suit and striped and put on the shirt Draco had given him. When his head popped out of the neck hole, he saw Draco was already getting into the bed.

Harry went over and got in next to him. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry and pulled him close. Harry laid his head on Draco's chest, and had one of the best sleeps of his life.

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