chapter thirteen

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"Having fun doing community service," Maddy said, walking away to her mustang somewhere in the schools parking lot.

"Bye!" I shouted to her as she waved back with a tight stupid smile, like she didn't want to but did anyway.

The school bell had just rung and I was not fond of helping elderly people at the retirement village six blocks away. They smell really weird, its the type of smell you just want to barf, and hope your vomit is a better scent. But I was glad about one thing, I finished my two days of detention. Yeah me!

Honestly it was no walk in the park, let me tell you that much, there was the other bad boy, not Brady, he's too good for that. The bad boy, James Dunkinvich, he wouldn't stop talking to me. And at some stage I stuffed my dirty old eraser in his mouth, just to get him to shut up. Yet, sadly to my surprise, it didn't work, he kept his lips flapping about nonsense.

He gave me the biggest headache, I swear.

I stood around by the steps, waiting for Brady because he was now my new chauffeur, as Maddy was having a break from me. She better be happy about that, because I don't just give people breaks, I'm not that kind of girl.

I suddenly squealed in freight when I was hugged from behind and lifted off my feet by a growling bear. I was scared shitless, I might have even peed a little, but no one will know. Unless they smelled my undies, then they'll know.

I was soon dropped back on my feet, I then started hitting Cole on his chest for being a dick. All he did was bellow in laughter as my punches didn't phrase him in the slightest.

"You ass, I peed myself!" I yelled, instantly stopping everything with wide eyes. Gosh I'm so dumb. Cole was looking at me with a straight face before falling over in laughter. I only kicked him softly.

"I hate you," I say, staring down at him on one knee, trying his hardest to breath.

"Oh god, I'm sorry," he laughed out in a breath, heaving to catch air in his lungs.

"Hey, ready to g-- what's wrong with him?" Brady asked, now standing next to me, and an arm over my shoulders as he stared at Cole dying.

"Don't know. Bye Cole," I say, Brady and I leaving him there as he flashed me his bird finger, making me laugh.

"You sure he's fine? He's not doing drugs is he?" Brady asked in a worried tone, looking behind us to watch Cole. I applaud his concern for our friends.

"He's fine, trust me."

"Okay. Wanna get ice cream first?" He asked, smiling down at me. I smiled back with a small nod.

We got in his car quickly and he instantly started driving when I was still putting my seatbelt on. I then went through my bag at my feet, grabbing my water bottle and taking some sips as I was thirsty. Maybe because I lost fluid from peeing myself a little just before.

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