chapter fourteen

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It's been a week now after Brady had fucked those oldies, I keep shattering at the thought of their old sounding moans, just imagining it. I feel sick now.

I wasn't really in the best place with that thought stuck in my head, and I'm still not with everyone talking about the dance happening in five weeks, a month away.

Even Maddy was talking about it nonstop, driving me crazy. She was always talking about the dress that she was planning on getting; and how it gave her a break to release stress, and made her feel more normal than usual.

I only forced a smile, as if I were actually interest, which I wasn't in the slightest. I don't understand why its so great, its just a dance the school holds every year, and announces the dance floor king and Queen, (one year Alex and Martin won).

I've only gone once in my five years of highschool since grade eight. It was in grade ten for the senior one, regretted ever going as I started a fight that night. Broke the girl's nose as she wouldn't move out of my way. I think it was because her boyfriend was in that direction and he was interest in me, but I don't really know. She moved the next year anyway.

"Miss Anniston!" The teacher growled, slapping my ruler on my desk, shocking me and most of the other students. "Please pay attention," she said in a soft whisper, sympathy in her brown eyes.

"Sorry ma'am," I mutter quickly. She gave me a small smile before walking back to the front to discuss. . .

Quadratic equations

. . . as I read it in big bold black letters on the whiteboard.

I heard snickering from behind me, a familiar one too. I scowled under my breath with threats she couldn't hear. I so wish to rip her throat out.

"Why's she even here if she's not going to learn anything?" that fake plastic Barbie said to a friend beside her.

Her friend giggled, replying with, "she's probably going to be one of those students who stay in school when their like forty."

I held my anger in as much as I could, clicking my pen next to my ear to distract me.

Click click


Click click


I look to my pen seeing the purple plastic body broke, making me get up and walk to the front of the class, the teacher watching me. I threw my pen in the bin before heading back, but someone grabbed my hand. I looked to Chase, James Dunkinvich's friend, was that person.

He stared at me, "sit with me, away from them. They're talking pretty loud by the way."

He gave me a small smile I returned, nodding.

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