28. replacement

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Lucy's POV

The next day daniel and i practiced our song together making and perfecting it as much as possible, I didn't want to screw up at my mother's wedding especially not in front of family and friends. Daniel was very sweet and he helped me perfect my voice, im a little rusty if i do say so myself. I'm not used to singing, I mean I do it all the time but not performing. Daniel was very talented when it came to music and he made it easier for me, even his kind words. He helped my nerves which surprised me, no one can usually do that except Jonah. Oh great I did it again, my mind always finds its way back to Jonah. I haven't touched my phone since last night, I didn't want to distract myself or see the photos I was tagged in.

"Lunch break?" Daniel looks up from my piano with a smile, I take a deep breath "yeah, lemme freshen up" Daniel was taken aback at my words, I even was. Why did I say that, I open the bathroom door and pee before putting on some mascara and carmex. I walk out to join the bright blue eyed, I grab my, well Jonah's, keys and sunglasses. Sofia was asleep in the other room so I decided to leave her be. "What do you want to eat" Daniel shrugs opening my door for me, I smile "thank you" he nods with the smile still plastered on his face. I turn the AC on letting the cold air cover the heat. "I want Chipotle" he finally answers, "also I'm paying" I roll my eyes, "yeah for yourself" I see him shake his head besides me "nope I'm paying for the both of us, no ifs, ands or buts" I laugh lowly, "youre just like my mom" he jokingly gasps "I could never be her"  this boy is something else, he chuckles before turning on the radio. He hummed along to songs and i just drove taking in his angelic voice.

Daniels POV

She pulled into the parking lot, parking in the closest to the door. We get out and get into line, the place wasn't as busy as it would be where i live but then again this place is much smaller. I glance at lucy, she had her index finger lingering on her bottom lip as she read the menu, she was so flawless. I didn't know if she could sense me starring but if she did, she didn't acknowledge it. I search her face looking at all the details, she had small light freckles sprinkled all over her beautiful face. She was utterly beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes off of her but once she removed her finger from her lip I knew i had to. I glance at the ground just before she turns to me "have you decided, we're up next" I nod meeting her eyes "yeah I get the same thing everytime"  a smile falls onto her lips. She turned shortly after to take a step forward, she ordered and tried to tell the man we were separate but I convinced him i was paying, I know Lucy didn't like that but it's the least I could do.

She helped me when I needed her, even after what happened between us. It's weird to think we've done it before, especially after just meeting each other. I've never done that in my entire life, but with her it just happened. I know we agreed to never speak of that and just to stay friends but sometimes I wonder what could of happened if we didn't do that, would we be friends? Or could we just be strangers. Crazy how one thing can completely turn your life around, just like that boom.

I pay and take our food too the far corner of the restaurant, Lucy sits infront of me and grabs her food "I pay next time!" She demands, I laugh taking my food "whatever you say" she laughs and takes a bit of her food. Her phone sat besides her and it turned on, I didn't realise her phone was off. She glances at it as her lockscreen turns on. She rolls her eyes, slipping her phone into her pocket. I wanted to ask but decided against it. "So how confident are you on the song?" I ask, she ponders before answering "well..I'm more confident then I was before but I'm not quite there yet" I nod "what do you think you'll need to be completely there" she shrugs "I dont know more practice, I never thought I would be singing for anything so this all a little new to me"  she wiped her mouth with a napkin before continuing "but I'll have to say, you've done a good job helping me. I've never been comfortable enough to sing that much infront of anyone" I feel myself blush "really?" She nods with a smile " I'm glad to hear that, it means a lot coming from you" my heart dropped,I shouldn't have said the last part, frick! Her face doesn't change, instead she laughs "thanks" her phone rings in her pocket, she takes it out reading the name. Her face changes from happy to neutral, i had a feeling on who it was.

Jonah's POV

I woke up in the early afternoon, Lucy still hadn't responded to my text. I sent another in hopes she would read it, I missed talking to her. After getting ready and vocal warmups I checked my phone again. I frowned and decided just to call her, I wanted to talk to her before I the show started. She picked up on the fourth ring, I glad she did.

"Hello?" Her voice was low and the background noise didn't help. "Hey Lucy, I texted you. Did you not receive them?" I hear her sigh "I did but my phone was off" it was my turn to sigh "what's wrong? What did I do?" She stayed quiet for a few seconds "nothing really I'm just over reacting" I lick my lips, "I did do something" I confirmed, I imagined her biting  her lip trying to find the words, "I just miss you, and- and it feels like you're not trying" she took a breath and continued "you told me you were busy last night, when you were on a date, I guess I was just jealous you chose her over me. your best friend" I frown, and sit down on the couch "I know I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. I guess I'm using this time to find someone" she stayed silent, that was way to cocky. I hope she doesn't think I'm trying to replace her. "Okay" I furrow my eyebrows, before I could speak she spoke again "I'll talk to later or whenever I guess, have fun!" She sounded so hurt and can't believe I was the cause of it "wait Lucy, that's not- I don't mean it that way. I -" she ended the call before i could continue, I tried calling her again but it went straight to voicemail. I tossed my phone on the couch besides me and ran my fingers through my hair. I'm so stupid, and insensitive sometimes. I find myself saying the opposites of what I mean with Lucy, every single time we get into an argument. I never say the right things, gosh I'm an idiot.

"Jonah let's go!" His voice takes me out of my thoughts and I stand up following behind him onto the stage, hundreds of girls scream and we wave to them before starting the show. I put Lucy on the back burner hoping she wouldn't creep her way in when i was performing. But of course I failed, one of the songs i sung reminded me of the day I sang it to her, it's crazy how that small little gesture will forever be stuck in my head. I didn't know why that was one of my favorite memories with her but it was. One of a hundred, I wanted to stop the show just to call her again or send her text but I couldn't. I would have to wait till after show meet and greet.

After the show we sat with the fans answering questions, one girl stood up after Jack called on her. She had long braided hair and a wide happy grin "this questions for Jonah" I smile at her "okay go ahead" I notice she was nervous and smiled to reassure her "Well two things really, who were you with last night and who was Lucy with?" I was taken aback by her question but answered as truthfully as possible "well i went on date with her, her name's gia. And we'll for Lucy I don't know who the boy is because I haven't met him yet" she nods and the crowd stays quiet "are they dating?" Someone says, I shrug "I dont think so" i hate that I was talking to my fans about this, well I would talking to anyone about this. The questions go on and finally it was over, i grab my phone checking the time. It was 10pm which means it's 12am in Minnesota. I sigh seeing no messages from her, I click on her contact calling her once again. She picks up slower this time, "hello?" Her voice was lower than a whisper, I sat on the the chair in the back "hey" I didnt want to sound rude, she yawns "why'd you call?" I bit my lip nervously "I called to apologise, I shouldn't have acted or said what i said. Because I simply didn't mean it. Lately I've been having a battle myself and I was hoping distancing myself and going on dates and hooking up with people would help but it didn't and I called to tell you I'm sorry. Plus.." my voice cracks "I never want to lose you"  I finally said the the things I needed to be said "I accept your apology" she says, I smile and close my eyes " Ill talk to you tomorrow Jonah" I smile "I love you" she giggles ever so slightly "I love you too" see ends the call and change and get ready for bed, falling asleep faster than i expected. Good night :)


I changed the POV a lot sorry haha, but ily♡

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