53. honeymoon

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We decided to have our wedding a week after Bailee's first birthday, October 22nd. Bailee walked down the aisle with jacks daughter lavender. Between the two of them they tossed rose petals on the aisle, the wedding was in the middle of fall. The orange, red and yellow colors of the leaves made it look like an absolutely beautiful sight. The ceremony was beautiful, but the best part was when I walked down the aisle. My brother Joel walked me down, as we came into view everyone gasped, I met his eyes and we instantly both began to cry. Corbyn and the boys were his best men, I had Gabriela as my maid of honour and few other girls I've met, the walk down the aisle felt so long, I was so eagered to just kiss Jonah and be off on our honeymoon. We only planned to be away for week, we couldn't take that much time away from Bailee, we're so used to taking him everywhere with us. Life was easy and full of happiness, when he finally said the words "i do" we kissed, legally we were married, I was no longer Lucy Williams, I was Lucy Roth (again, ik that's not his last name)

Before we knew it, we landed in the Caribbeans, we were staying at a small hut in the ocean, there was only 2 others in the cluster but there was enough space between them to leave peace.  The water was icey blue nothing like the water in Minnesota and California. The sand was a light brown almost white and the sun was bright and hot, one tiny cloud was the only thing in the sky. The sky was almost as clear and blue as the water. A few feet away from the huts was A small island, the only thing on it was 2 palm tree and a hammock, it was cute but still breathtaking site.

I peel off my sundress and walk into our hut, I was only in my bikini. I place my suitcase on the floor, Jonah sets his down next to mine. I walk out onto the balcony, another hammock was set up but this one looked more like net making enough room for more than one person. There was stairs that led down into the water, the island was curved around us making a mountain to our left, vegetation was a deep green color and reminded me so much of Hawaii. I loved it, I placed my hands on the wooden ledge and stare off into the sea. Jonah's hands slowly slide across my lower abdomen, goosebumps rose on my skin. his hands stop right above the lining of my bikini bottoms. "Mrs. Roth, how do you like it here?" he whispers into my ear, causing the hair on my neck to stand up. I slowly turn my head, stopping close to his lips "i love it, great choice" he kisses me, we make eye contact right as his hand slips down into my bottoms. I gasp and hovers his lips over mine, "happy honeymoon" he says, his hand goes deeper and grab onto his arm digging my fresh manicure into his arm. I bite my lip to silence myself, he licks his lips slowly seductively. i bite my lip to silence myself, he kisses my neck. I push my back up against him and he groans, I smirk.

later bc I need holy water

the sun set on the ocean, we laid tangled up in one another watching the sun fall as it got darker. We hadn't left since we've arrived, tangled in our love alone away from everyone felt so nice. Sex with Jonah felt amazing but something about being married just hit differently, he knew what he was doing and quite frankly I did too. I never thought about what we were going to do we just get caught up in the moment and it makes everything feel amazing.

He pushes my hair behind my ear, my head rested on his chest with one hand in his hair and the other rested on his arm. He began to play with my hair as we both starred into the sunset, Jonah's phone rang and he sighs reaching for it, "it's daniel" he answers the FaceTime, Bailee's smile comes onto screen, "hi baby" I say, he scrunched his nose "hi mommy, hi daddy, I miss you" Jonah smiles, although we were naked it didn't seem like it. "we miss you too, we'll talk tomorrow okay? goodnight baby" Jonah says, "goodnight baba, I love you" baba was the nickname I gave him when he was 2 months old, it was short and cute "okay" he yawns "i wuv you" he whispers closing his eyes, Daniel lifted the screen and creeped out of the room, he winks at us "have fun you two, use protection!" he jokes Jonah laughs, "we haven't..like ever" I hit his chest and he laughs, Daniels eye widen "jesus" I squint at Jonah and he winks "bye Daniel, thank you" he says goodbye and ends the call. Jonah tosses his phone in the nightstand "Daniel didn't need to know that" i joke, Jonah pulls me up towards him "too bad he knows now" I roll my eyes and kiss him, I look into his eyes "i love you" he smiles, "i love you more" I smile "lies" he kisses me "i would never lie to you" he begins to rub my back, "hmm, really..what about the ti-" he covers my mouth "don't bring up the past" he chuckles, I lick his hand and he raises an eyebrow "you really think that grosses me out? your tongue has to-" now I cover his mouth "stop!' I blush, i feel him smile "it's cute you still get embarrassed" we remove our hands, "it's cute when you breathe" he shakes his head "that wasn't as smooth" I stick my tongue "okay we get it, you've got game" he winks "I'm the coach" he says, "I'm the team captain" I say, he nods "there you go" he picks his hand up and I give him a high five

"let's go skinny dipping" i say, he looks out the door at the now dark sky, the moon was big and bright. He smirks, "let's go" I stand up and I help him up, we creep outside, looking around for anyone and luckily there was nobody else. We get to the end and he grabs my hand, he nods and on three we jump into the cold water, we float to the top and he pulls me in kissing me under the moonlight. "you know" he pauses, looking out to the sea then back at me "all these years, every time I kiss you, i still have the same feeling." I smile, "i will never stop loving you" he licks his lips, "the magic is still there and I know it will always be there" he grabs my hands, "never in a million years did i think I would find my soulmate but I did, and i was lucky enough to say that I did" he kisses my hands, "i never thought so either but looks at us now" I whisper, he smiles and kisses me again.

We swim out to the small island with the hammock, we climbed onto the hammock and made love under the stars.


okay y'all ima cry, I love this book so much and it's almost overrrr

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