45. numb

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I wake up scared, forgetting where I was. I quickly sit up looking around. I relax when I see Jake and Ethan cuddled up on the couch, I reach for my phone. I had 20 missed calls from my manager, and a few from the boys...besides Jonah. I sigh texting my manager, I told her where I was and she told me to get to my house as soon as possible because we were supposed to leave last night. I write a note for Jake and Ethan, thanking them for listening to my problems and letting me stay the night. I quietly leave, I begin to walk back home. it was only 6am and the sun was just starting to rise, I walked towards the sunrise. The morning dew glistened in the rising sun, I felt relaxed, nothing on my mind, clear headed.

I was home before I knew it, my manager stood with her arms crossed. I knew she was mad, but I couldn't come home last night. "why?" she says calmly, I stop infront of her "I didn't want to be here" she shakes her head "go say your good-byes" I nod walking inside, Joel was standing right there. he frowns as if he knew what happened without me saying a word. he hugs me tight "I love you Lucy, everything will be okay" I nod hugging him, I no longer felt sad, I felt numb. I grab my bags and was on the bus within 4 minutes.

I sit at the table quietly, the boys were already in their beds asleep. the bus took off, silence falls, the only sound from the bus itself. I stare out the window watching the yellow lines fly by, emotionalless.

Daniel's POV (I like doing these periodically)

Last night was rough, the way she poured her whole heart out to him, not only on stage but alone. Once the words left his mouth all us frowned. when she opened the door I wanted to wrap my arms around her and tell her everything will be okay but she ran, I wanted to run after her but corbyn held me back "let her go, she needs time away" I begin to breath heavily, I grit my teeth and look into the room at Jonah. Anger rose in me, I've never felt so angry but I was. "YOU ASSHOLE!" I scream running into the room, Jonah's arm fly up in defense, he tries to speak but I overpower him "SHE KEEPS FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU AND YOU JUST STAND THERE, ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN, YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! SHE GETS HURT EVERYTIME YOU KISS SOMEONE ELSE, EVERYTIME YOU SMILE AT SOMEONE ELSE! SHES IN LOVE WITH YOU AND ALL YOU DO IS PUSH HER AWAY" I put my hands on his chest shoving him back, "ITS NOT MY FAULT, I CANT CONTROL THAT" he stands up pushing me back, I lose my balance and almost fall "it IS your fault! YOU LOVE HER JONAH, YOU CAN SIT HERE AND SAY YOU DONT BUT YOU DO" I shove him again "YOU LOVE HER JUST AS MUCH AS SHE LOVES YOU BUT ALL YOU DO IS PUSH HER AWAY! YOU CONTINUE TO BREAK HER HEART BUT NOTHING STOPS YOU, DO YOU EVEN CARE? DO YOU CARE HOW MUCH YOURE HURTING HER? SHE CRIES HERSELF TO SLEEP, SHE WRITES SINGS ABOUT YOU MAN. BUT ALL YOU DO IS PUSH HER AWAY, one day it'll be too late" I push him down onto the couch "fuck you man!" I say before leaving the room, I make eye contact with corbyn and Jack who stood shocked. I walk out and leave back to the bus, I sat frustrated. I fiddled with my thumbs as I called Lucy, I called her 5 times before I just stopped. I was still boiling with anger but I didn't know what else to do, the rest of the boys walked into the bus. Jonah hid his face from me as he walked to his bed "what are we supposed to do? we can't just leave with out her?" I say flustered, jack puts his hand on my shoulder "we're not leaving without her" he tries to calm me down but it doesn't work. my leg bounced profusely and my hands shook uncontrollably. i wanted to punch Jonah but I also wanted to hug Lucy, I hate the amount of pain he's put her through. I hated watching her cry, watching her think about him, listening to the songs she writes about him. she going to lose herself before he even realises it, that's what I'm mostly scared about. I don't want to see her completely strip herself into a new person, because of him.

I send her text telling her to be safe, I laid in bed and tried to force myself to sleep. My mind was still awake and my anger was still present, I took out my phone and wrote a message to my mother, she texted back quickly telling me she's loved me. it helped me calm down, I stared at the dark bunk above me. the bus was quiet other than the snores coming from Zach, eventually I was able to fall asleep.

Lucy POV

I somehow fell asleep leaning my head against the window, when I was awaken again I had no clue how long it's been. "hey, you okay?" his voice was quiet, I nod at corbyn and he frowns sitting besides me, he was still shirtless and his hair was a mess, clearly evident he'd just waken up "I'm sorry about everything, I really wish it didn't go that way" I shake my head "don't worry about it, thank you for your concern though. I'll live" even I didn't believe what I said, corbyn side hugged me and slipped out of the booth and back down the hall. I sit up walking down the narrow hall, Jonah's curtain was open, I walk past blank faced. why should I try anymore? why should I even care? it's a lost cause, I just needed to get over it and move on.

I plop down on my bed and closing my eyes, might as well be numb. it's the only way to stop myself from getting hurt.


i feel like the next few chapters you guys are gonna begin to hate Lucy. She's going to start to change, but she's still the same girl, just lost

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