52. green eyes

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2 years later..

I stare into his green eyes, they sparkled just like Jonah's. His chubby cheeks made his eyes close when he giggled, his skin was soft and olive. He was the everything I've ever wanted, he looked up into my eyes and I smile. "Lucy are you crying again?" Jonah says, I look over at him, he was sitting at our desk writing more songs, he gets up "baby" he says hugging me, "he's just so perfect" i say, he bends down picking him up from the bed, I kiss his little feet and he laughs and another tear falls from my face. Jonah pulls me in and I stare down at the beautiful baby boy we created. "i love you" he whispers into my ear before kissing my cheek, "i love you too" I say, I take him from Jonah's arms and sit down on the bed, Jonah sat next to me. Neptune walks in with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, Jonah pats the bed and he jumps up. Jonah lays with Neptune as I rocked back and forth with our beautiful baby boy, I look up at Neptune and Jonah and smile. The doorbell rings and both Jonah and Neptune jump up and run downstairs, I hear the door open and then footsteps up the stairs. Jonah walks in with Daniel right behind him, "hey lucy, how's Bailee?" he stands over us looking down at him "he's doing great!" Jonah smiles and invites Daniel over to read over his lyrics.

I stand up walking to the nursery across the hall, I place him in his bassinet. he looked so  peaceful and it made me so happy. Everything seemed to fall into place, once we found out I was pregnant.


"Jonah" I say walking out of the bathroom into his room in his house he lived in with corbyn and eben. He looked up from his notebook, I had a face full of tears. He quickly stands up "baby, what's wrong?" I had the test hidden in my sleeve, I didn't know how to go about this. I was overwhelmed, and unsure of our future at this moment. I slipped the test out and held it out for him, he looked at it. It only took a few seconds for it to register in his head what was happening. He looked up at me with a smile, "no way" he sounded so happy, and the stress that weighted me down released. "baby!" he picked me up in his arms "we're having a baby" he spun me around and I cried in his shoulders, I didn't expect him to be so happy about it but I didn't expect him to be angry. he set me down and kissed me over and over "it's okay everything will be okay, I promise Lucy, I'll be there with you every step of the way"

few months later... (still flashback)

My baby bump was huge at this point but I loved looking at it all day long. Imagining my baby growing in there, Jonah and I decided to do a gender reveal. Daniel was the godfather so we left him deciding how he was going to reveal it. We held the party in Jonah's parents backyard, the big open space was enough room for his big family and my small family. I was 6 months pregnant and it was the middle of summer, our baby was due in the first week of October.

everyone arrived and greeted the two of us, gifting us beautifully decorative bags. Everyone was to wear the color in which they believed the baby was. Jonah and I decided to wear white although I secretly wished for a son, we had talks at night about the baby to be. We agreed no matter whom the baby is we will love them unconditionally, but i never told him that I hoped for a boy, a boy who would look like him. and have the emotional state as me. A boy with green eyes and freckled cheeks with curly brown hair. I even had his name picked out.

My mom was wearing all blue and my brother wore all pink. I couldn't help but laugh at them, Joel said he wanted a boy but he wanted to be the opposite as mom and it made Jonah and I laugh. We all gathered around and Jonah and I stand besides one another, Daniel hands Jonah a guitar and I laugh "come on i couldn't pass this up!" Jonah holds it, and shakes his head "now what am I supposed to do with this?" Daniel laughs, "strum it dummy" Jonah grabs something from his pocket, and Daniel steps back recording. "lucy" corbyn says, I turn left and he waves at me and I shake my head turning back to Jonah. I gasp and within seconds tears began to fall, Jonah was down on one knee looking up at me. my body begun to shake and everyone stays silent "Lucile Williams, I have loved you since the first day I met you. I didn't know it then but I knew the feeling i felt was irreplaceable. although I was an idiot as a teenager and pushed you away, i still knew I loved you and I couldn't take the hurt I caused both of us. Love that lasts forever, will you do me the honour of not only being the mother of my child but my soulmate, my wife" I nod "yes!" everyone cheers, and he stands up wrapping his arms around me. "i love you" I say, he kisses me all over my face and places the ring on my finger. I kiss him again, he smiles and looks at everyone "now let's see what gender our baby is" he had the widest grin and it melted my heart. He took the guitar, and everyone counted down. At 1 he drummed the guitar hard and blue powder flew out, he drops the guitar and grabs onto me kissing my stomach then my lips. Everyone cheers and screams, my mom runs to me with tears in her eyes hugging me tightly, I was so overwhelmed by everything but it was happiness overwhelming.

flashback ended

I glance at the ring on my finger then back down at Bailee, I smile. revisiting those moments made me incredibly happy, "lu" Jonah whispers, I turn around, "Daniel left..he said he'll come back tomorrow" I walk towards him wrapping my arms over his shoulders, "we have the house to ourselves" he whispers seductively, I raise my eyebrow "it is our house" I say, he smiles. "it's crazy to think that huh? our home" I kiss him "it feels good" he smiles, "i love you", I jump up and he holds me "i love you too" I kiss him again, "take me to our room" I say, he smirks and turns around walking into our room, he closes the door leaving it open a crack, just to hear bailee if he cries. he drops me on the bed, I laugh and he hovers over me kissing me.


guyysssssss i can't, it's almost over

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