Chapter 26

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And I'm really sorry for not updating😅 School and all.


Perviously on love triangle

Well, we found out that beast boy followed Raven! Then, he almost got killed :( but he was fine. Raven patched him up, and started a fire without her powers!!!! Go Rae! Anyway, so then they were sitting by the fire, and slowly, slooowwwllyyyyy they both lean in, but then Raven pulls away! Stupid Rae! She checks the gem and half of it is already gone! Like! Omf! She's gunna die.

And that's what's up on Love Triangle!

Beast boy POV ((Gihi, I know, changing it up 😉))

Chapter 30: gone

I feel hard ground below me, my back aching. This isn't my bed? I grog fling shoot up and look at my surrounding. I'm outside, there is a burnt out fire beside me, and I'm in the woods. I stRt to panic and look around for any clue at how I got hear, and then I remember what happened.

Sighing with relief, I lay back down on my grass bed. I look over to my side,

"Hey Rae-" I stop, mid-sentence, to see no body there. I shoot up from my spot on the ground once again.

"Rae?!" I half-scream frantically. Standing up, I look for any sign that she is here. All of her gear is picked up, not a trace was left.

"Rae!" I shout into the air. Maybe she went to look for food? No, why would she bring all of her stuff.

"RAVEN?!" I roar out, someone could have taken her away from me, how did i not wake up? no, they wouldn't have taken her bags. did she......leave me?


I dash through the forest, away from beast boy. I can't let him know about the gem, he could get hurt. There is now 7 out of the 12 sides dark. I'm panicing. There is no way i'll be able to find this flower, then go to that stupid planet. wait...... what about starfire! Maybe she will have one of the things! You never know. I quicken my pace, i might be able to get everything I need! Even if starfire doesn'y have it, She can fly up into space and get it for me! I start my running pace, going faster back towards jump city. And she could also fly me back to tibet! We could really break this stupid spell! I flash a smile across my face as I run. I was never a fast runner, though. Why would I run if I can fly? If only I still had my powers. I could have had that stupid flower, I would be back at jump city. I wouldn't feel so weak. I wouldn't have gotten hurt, but most importantly, Beast boy wouldn't have gotten hurt. My eyes ache thinking about it, all I want for him is to be safe.

(sorry for skipping around so much) Starfire POV

I fly into the living room, being met with Robin and Cyborg. They both have concerned looks on their faces.

"What is the wrong, friends?" I ask them with a questioning look.

"Beast boy is no-where to be found" explains the panicked Cyborg. I let out a gasp.

"This is truly the terrible!" I comment, Robin nodding,

"Do you think he follow BB?" Inquires Cyborg. Robin looks up and shrugs.

"It kind of seemed like something was wrong with Raven, and if beast boy sensed it, then he would, no doubt, follow her" Robin agrees with Cyborg. I nod, agreeing with both of them. From the beginning, when we went shopping to find Raven an outfit,

"He really loves her, doesn't he?" Comments Cyborg with a soft face. I smile and nod.

"Yes he does" I nod. I remember all of the things that happened between them, a lot actually. From when Raven forced all of us to go to the mall to get an outfit for her, then that's when they started dating, and then when beast boy got drunk and kissed another girl, Raven was so heart broken. Then there was that Zach guy, and now this. Wow, this is one dramatic couple.

"We will find hi-" Robin starts, but is interrupted by the door swinging open. A short green figure takes up half the door way, it slowly walks towards us.

"Beast boy!" Shouts Cyborg.

"Hey Cy!" He says panting.

Beast boys POV

"Where in jump city have your been?!" Exclaims Robin. I frown, I've looked everywhere.

"I was......looking for......Raven..." I slowly let out with a choking feeling in the back if my throat. I hold in tears.

"Where is she?" Frantically asks Robin,

"I-I can't find her," I whisper to myself, getting gasps from my teammates.

"Then what were you doing all last night?" Inquires Cyborg.

I start my story, starting with chasing her, to her falling from the sky, to me saving her, then her patching me up, then our normal night, after that I told about the morning after, when all the grief and pain hit me. I missed her, whenever i think I have her in my grasp, she slips out. Robin, Cyborg, and Starfire listen closely as I hold back waterfalls from my eyes. When I finish, I look down, not wanting to see their disappointed looks.

"Well..... We need to find her!" Shouts Cyborg after I finish my story. I take a seat on the couch, leaning over and placing my elbows on my knees, digging the palms of my hands into my eyes. I take slow unsteady breaths. I think of her, she has only been gone for a little while but it's the thought,

That anything could have happened to her.

-Raven's POV-

My feet are like an engine, my arms are on fire and my breath is sharp and cold. I breath in the cold air as I run as fast as my feet can take me. My lungs burn as my feet crush little twigs and leafs. I pull out the gem, 7/12. I'm not giving up. I have to! I won't let this thing take over me! In the book it said it will start controlling you when you get to the 6th or 7th side.

I frown, clutching it in my palm. I see jump city's bright lights flashing from a distance. The sky grows darker and darker, as I get closer and closer. I'm so close, to help. I thought I could do it alone.

I can't.

I realized that. Something's you need help with. I get closer, after about 3 hours of running, walking and hiding, I finally reach it. My foot falls flat on the cement. I let out a sigh of relief. And start walking. I pant as I walk, my hair is everywhere, and my cloths are dirty, resulting in a lot of dirty looks. But what do I care? As I run past the rushing citizens of Jump city, I suddenly feel something stop my feet, causing me to fall face first on the ground. A few people gasp around me as I thud to the ground. My chin and knees hit straight on the ground, and my arms come later. I feel a liquid spill out of my knee, I got a scrap. I growl and snap my head back at the person who did it. All I saw was a fairly talk man in a black hoodie. All I see is the tip of his chin and his curled smirk. He quickly snaps his head back around, and continues walking. I scramble back up to my feet. I press my palm to my chin and look at it. It's covered in blood. Dang it! Not now! My feet start dashing towards the guy in the hoodie. I see his head turn to see me speeding towards him, making him pick up his feet and start running. He sharply turns into an alleyway. I've got you now! I turn, skidding to a stop when I see YHERE is nothing there, I swear there was an alley! I swear he ran into it. I look at the brick wall that usues to be an opening. Didn't anyone else see that? I get many looks from just standing there, staring at a brick wall.

"Damn it!" I scream and start my way back down the streets of Jump City. After about 10 minutes of jogging, I stop for a rest. Panting, I drop my backpack on a bench and zip open the front pocket, only to see the gem gone! I gasp, my world falling apart. No.....



Again I'm sorry for not updating, I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Sorry it is short 😅


Question time!

1. Where do you think The Gem is?

2. Do you think Raven will destroy The Gem in time?

3. Do you think the other Titans will find her?

Featured writer: Chello_8893!

She makes amazing Nalu/GaLe books❤️❤️

love triangle, BBRAE fanficWhere stories live. Discover now