Chapter 17

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Ravens prov---

Zach is a really cool guy, we've been hanging out everyday for the past week. I think I'm ready for a new relationship. But, beast boy would be devastated. I gave up on the "hipster" look a couple days ago. I'm back to my dark self. I throw on a pair of dark denim jeans and beast boys green hoodie. I wear it all the time. I walk out and into the kitchen and start to walk towards the door. "Hey rae!" Shouts bb and runs up to me. "Yes?" I ask in my usual monotone voice. "I was uhhh, wonderen if you, uhh, wanna hang out today?" He asks and looks down, i agree that he is adorable. "Can't" i say and start to walk towards the door. "What, are you hanging out with that stupid Zach guy?" He questions with an annoyed voice while rolling his eyes. "Actually, yes. I am" i say and turn to him. "Whats so wrong about that" i add. "Well. For 1st that 'guy' you call Zach is like a zombie, you get close to him and you don't see it coming and then he bites you! Then you become a zombie too. And plus he has no brain, also like a zombie" says beast boy. I roll my eyes and turn around go walk out the door. "He's a bad person rae, i don't know why you like him so much!" He states. I turn around again and look him in the eye. "That 'guy' is the person that risked his own life to push me out of in front of a speeding car! I could be dead right now if it wasn't for him!" I shout. Beast boy is silent but still has an angry look on his face. Robin burst through the door along with cyborg alerted because of our yelling. "What happened?" Asks robin. I look at him "nothing happened. Im leaving now" i say and walk out the door. I walk outside and hear beast boy yell "its on!" I fly off into jump city. I land on the beach and some guys walks up to me. "You got a bright future behind you" he says. ((Lol that was a quote from the song wiggle XD)) my eyes glow red, i am SO not in the mood. I use my powers and throw him into the ocean. I keep walking and the boys that were lined up to hit on me, split into two to make a pathway for me. I walk Through and keep walking up the street. I reach the café and walk in. I see Zach and sit with him. "So, whats new today?" He asks. "Ugh, i am so not in the mood for crap today" i say and groan and put my head down on the table. He chuckles. "Whats got you in a bunch?" He asks. "Me and beast boy had a little fight today" i guess it was just little But it felt so much more. I could feel his feelings. Empathy. All i could feel from him was jealousy, anger, Broken heartedness, envy, sadness, love all mixing together. "That little green bean needs to back off, he had his chance with you, and he blew it" says Zach clenching his fist. "Zach its fine-" he cuts me off. "Its not fine! Little shorty needs to learn a lesson" Zach says and gets up. "No Zach! Please don't!" I say and try to pull him back down. "Fine, only cause you say so, but its on!" he says and grits his teeth. I sigh in relief. He sits back down and i do too. "So, why did you want to meet me so bad" he asks. "Well, i just kinda wanted to say that i think I'm ready to move on" i say. He nods. "Does that mean i can ask you out?" He says and smirks. I chuckle and nod. He grabs my hand and stands up bringing me with him. "Woah! What are you doing" i ask. "Follow me" he says. We run out of the store and into the city's park. "Why are se here?" I ask. Zach looks around to make sure no one is here. He gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring pop. I giggle at how ridiculous this is. "Will you, raven Roth, do me the favor, of becoming my girlfriend?" He asks and smirks. I look at him and take the ring pop. I admire it and stick it in my mouth. "Straw berry" i say. "Is that a yes?" He asks. I smirk. "Yes" i say. He smiles. "Great, meet me here, tomorrow at 8pm, and wear something nice" he says and take my hand, giving the back of my hand a little kiss and them running off. I smile and lick the ringpop.

Time jump

I decided to invite jinx over and tell her all about it. I hang up the phone. I run go get starfire. I knock on her door. "Yes!" She says while opening up. "Friend raven! How may i help you?" I ask. "Well, jinx is coming over so i was wondering if you wanted to hang out with us?" I ask. She smiles. "Yes! That would be the fun!" She says. She follows me into the living room and no ones there. We sit on the couch and starfire gets out her magazines and nail polish and all that girly stuff. Jinx then walks through the door. "Soooo" she says and sits with us. "What did you want to tell me so bad?" She asks. "Well, Zach asked me out!" I say. They both get huge smiles on there faces. "What did you say friend raven?" Ask starfire. "I said yes" i mumble. Jinx jumps up and starts chanting "ravens got a boyfriend! Ravens got a boyfriend! Ravens got a boyfriend! Ravens got a-" she stop chanting when we here beast boy ask with a flood of anger and envy. "Who?"


So, im up at like 4am making this so i can get it out! I love you guys!!!!!

Questions time!

Do you like Zach and raven dating or nah?

Shall i add terra into this?

Featured writer: Funnyfaith789

She has made some bbrae fanfics of her own! And she gave me the idea for this chapter!!!!!! So check her out!

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