cheating something much worse than death

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As the trio made their way back inside the castle, they started to notice something. The blue hedgehog was starting to stir in his sleep, bring concern to his carrier, Tails. “You think he's having a nightmare?” Elise asks, watching the blue hedgehog fidget and whimper in his sleep. “Most likely. Which means we might be running out of time.” “Running out of time?” The black and red hedgehog asks, looking at the yellow fox with a frown. “Yes. Running out of time.” Tails replies, “Nightmares are signs of any unfortunate victim..’turning’...” Shadow shook his head, scowling, “Then let’s get a move on. And fast.” before walking at a quicker pace.

“Nng….mnn…” Tails turns his attention to Sonic, who was stirring even more now, “The first load of noises he’s actually made in quite a while..” he mumbled to himself. “And it sounds like gibberish.” Shadow adds in a rude tone. Elise looks up from the pile of spell books, “Well to me it sounds like he’s fighting it..slightly..” Sonic lets out another whimper, much louder than the last one, causing Tails to jump slightly and holds Sonic’s hand tightly, “Hey, hey it’s ok. It’ll be gone soon Sonic, just hang in there for me…”

From hearing Sonic's heartbreaking cries of pain, it made everyone grow impatient. Elise was in a hurried panic, flicking ferociously in each book, the sound of pages being thrown over one other like they were nothing but ragdolls. Before coming to a sudden stop. “I found it!” A joyful cry emits from Elise. “Just wait here! I always leave the materials grouped together in my study next door!” And with that Elise rushes out, leaving Tails and Shadow alone with Sonic in her room.

“ what?” Tails turns to look at Shadow. “What?” Tails replies in confusion. Shadow sighs, “well, we are here. Alone.” “Tsk.” Tails scowled and turned back to look at Sonic, still holding his hand, “at least you’ve stopped whimpering…then you might be ok..” Shadow looked in complete confusion. ‘What was it that I said?’ “Hey! I found the materials needed!” Shadow jumped at Elise’s voice suddenly appearing as she walked in. “You did?” The yellow fox asks, looking at the princess, who replies with a nod. “What took you so long?” Elise quickly turns to the black and red hedgehog, “I had put it on one of my higher shelves…” She looked down shamefully, knowing the higher shelf was no place for important curse cures. “Well. Let’s get started, we’re wasting precious time here.” Shadow says before walking over to Sonic and Tails. “Yeah. Ok.” Elise nods in agreement, “We need him on the floor though, he can have the pillow to rest his head on, I’ll just have to clean it afterwards”


“ long will this take..?” Tails asked Elise, showing how nervous he was through his anxious tone. “Shouldn’t take too long. As long as there are no complications…” “C-Complications…??” “Yes complications. That goes for any paranormal activity, or exe magic getting involved. The ‘exe’ side of a victim is like a double personality disorder. But the Exe can become a shadow being, a dark yet real creature.” Shadow adds in, soon covering his mouth slightly, ashamed that he let himself blurt out his extensive knowledge on the topic. Elise stares at him in utter shock, blinking a couple of time with her mouth slightly ajar. “How did you know..?” Shadow simply turns away, a crimson blush spreading on his face, “I..I saw it in your dumb book..” he mumbles out, still clearly embarrassed from this situation, “C-Can we just focus on getting Sonic better..!?” “R-Right..! Sorry Shadow..” Elise quickly apologizes, before turning back to Sonic, who was in the “cleansing pentagram” Tails looks at Shadow smugly as he mouthed ‘tsundere.’ which only embarrassed the black and red hedgehog further.

As Elise lit the incense that were on each corner, the three sat beside each other, with the yellow fox and black and red hedgehog having their hands in prayer as Elise read out the curse’s cure spell, as Tails and Shadow did listen, it sounded like almost complete gibberish, but for Shadow who concentrated hard on what Elise was saying, he could almost trace her pronunciations like someone speaking in the ancient language Latin.

But why? He hadn’t heard anyone speak that language in at least a couple of hundred years, possibly a thousand. But his theoretical thoughts were soon interrupted by soft whimpers from Tails, Elise raising her voice, louder than before and the loud wails and cries from Sonic, with blood infused tears streaming down his face as he was still in his ‘coma’ like sleep.

Shadow knew Elise won't be able to do this alone. All three would really have to pull their weight through to save Sonic from his hell of a nightmare.

Hey! New chapter! I know nobody reads this book cuz I suck so much at writing but oh well, I enjoy it. Lol. Anyways part 7 is on it's way! I think I'll make just 10 chapters seeing its my first book but fluff and lemon/yaoi crap is like, chapter 8 to 10? So yeah. Whatever. No one reads this part anyways.

- Silent soul out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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