Chapter 8:Help from Royalty

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Alright so last time Liam's former family came in and tried to patch things up, but that went south quickly. Now Liam's in a very fragile mental state, will Neo, his Sister Pyrrha and his mother Diane be able to help him through it? Also who is Liam's uncle?
Liam was sitting on his bed as he still shook slightly from the confrontation he had with his former family. When Tai slapped him it brought back so many painful memories that he just shut down completely. Liam turned to look at Neo as she gently hugged him in hopes of making him feel better. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this Ice Cream Cone, but after that I just got caught up in some bad memories." Liam said as he looked at Neo with an apologetic expression on his face. Neo simply brought him into a quick kiss before cupping his cheek with her hand. "Hubby you have nothing to be sorry for! After all it's their fault, not yours." Neo's sign typed out as she tightened her hug.
Liam and Neo heard a knock on the door as Neo got up to answer it. Neo opened the door only to find Pyrrha standing there with a worried look on her face. "Oh! Um Neo, right? I'm sorry but is big brother here?" Pyrrha asked her brother's girlfriend nervously as she didn't want to annoy her. Neo suddenly had a huge grin on her face as her sign floated in front of Pyrrha. "Of course he's here strawberry! Come on in, I'm sure he'd be happy to see you!" Pyrrha blushed at the sight of Neo using her brother's nickname for her before entering the dorm. Pyrrha took one look at Liam before rushing to his side to comfort him. Neo smiled at the siblings before walking over to join them.
Summer was frantic right now, she had to find her little boy and make things right with him. "Summer calm down, the kid'll have to forgive us eventually, so just cool your jets would ya?" Qrow said as he took a sip from his flask as they continued to walk around. "Ruby are you sure team KNDM has a dorm located away from the other ones?" Summer asked her daughter as she looked over her shoulder at her. "Yeah mom, Professor Ozpin said that they had a separate dorm for special reasons." Ruby said glumly as she looked down at her feet in sadness. Summer looked ahead to see a building in behind the school.

               "Whoa this place is fancy!" Yang said as she whistled at the site of the mansion in slight envy

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"Whoa this place is fancy!" Yang said as she whistled at the site of the mansion in slight envy. Summer then noticed a lady with red hair and glasses standing near the entrance with a short figure in a black cloak exactly like the one Ruby and Yang said Liam wore. Although the hooded figure had two large round ears sticking out of the top of the hood, maybe he was a Faunus. "Diane I'm sure Liam is fine, Neo and Pyrrha are taking care of him after all!" The hooded figure spoke to Diane in a high pitched voice. "I know Mickey, but as his mother I can't help, but worry." Diane said to Mickey as he looked up at her.
Summer felt something in her snap at what she just heard, so this was the lady that had the nerve to be her little angel's "mother", oh there was going to be blood! "So your the bitch who took my little boy!" Diane turned to look at Summer and the rest of the Rose Family in confusion, then anger when she realized who they were. "Oh so you think you have any right to call yourself his mother after everything you did?! If anything I should telling you to stay away from my son you bitch!" Diane fired back as Summer whipped out her sniper and shot Diane.
                   Before the bullet could hit her the cloaked figure deflected it with what appeared to be an inverted version of Zane's Kingdom Key. "Well now, so you are the people who have hurt my nephew so bad. I must say that you are all quite despicable people for what you did to him." The hooded figure said as Qrow got angry at his words. "I'm his Uncle tiny! You stay the hell out of this!" Qrow yelled as he readied his sword. "You shouldn't talk to royalty like that Mr. Branwen." The Rose family looked up on the balcony of the Mansion to see Liam standing there with Neo and Pyrrha by his side. Liam jumped down and stood next to the hooded figure before smiling at him.
                "Thank you for protecting my mother your Majesty. I would have lost it if she got hurt." Liam said as the hooded figure chuckled. "It was my pleasure Liam! Although how many times have I told you to stop calling me your Majesty?" The hooded figure said as he tapped his foot on the ground in mock annoyance. Liam smiles sheepishly before crouching down and pulling him into a hug. "Sorry Uncle Mickey, still haven't gotten over that habit yet!" Liam said with a chuckle as he broke the hug before standing back up. "Okay who the hell does this short stack think he is?! Stay away from my brother!" Yang shouted as her eyes turned red. The hooded man removed his cloak to the surprise of the Rose Family.

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