Prologue:Consumed by Darkness

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Alright let's get this party started with the Prologue, how will Liam deal with the pain of abuse and no love? Also what dark force could be lurking around the corner ready to strike?
Worthless, pathetic, mistake, and disgraceful were all words Liam Rose's Family used to describe him. Ever since that day ten years ago when he was left in a basket on the Rose family's doorstep his life had gone to hell. His father Tai and mother Summer used him as a punching bag, his younger sisters Yang and Ruby blamed him for everything. Finally his Aunt and Uncle just flat out ignored him, this life was not something any child should go through. Liam questioned why he still kept going after being put through all of this, was there really any light at the end of this dark tunnel?
                  Liam limped back to his room after getting blamed for yet another thing his younger siblings did and really just wanted to lay down. After opening the door to his room and closing it he made his way over to the ratty old blanket that was his bed. "Another day another beating I suppose." Liam thought to himself as he laid down on the itchy old blanket and did his best to fall asleep. Sleeping was Liam's favorite part of the day, no abuse, no insults just him in dreamland. The thought of getting to the world he felt safe in helped the broken ten year old drift off into a peaceful slumber.
               Liam opened his eyes to the sound of waves crashing against the surf as he found himself lying on a sandy beach. Liam sat up and looked around at the island before smiling and springing to his feet. Liam began running across the beach with a big grin on his face as he let the ocean breeze hit his face. Destiny Island the land of his dreams and the meeting place for his one reason to keep on living. Liam slowed down before completely stopping at the site of a blonde haired boy who was a year younger then him. The blonde haired boy turned to face Liam before flashing a smile of his own to the grey haired boy.
Zane Goodwitch was told at a young age that he was destined for greatness, although he honestly didn't understand why. The day the nine year old was born a Wizard by the name of Yen Sid appeared before her and told her that he was destined to become a Keyblade Master. Zane was sitting at the dinner table eating with his mother Glynda as she explained this week's situation. "Professor Ozpin will need my help, so might be home late every night this week." Glynda explained as her son smiled at her. "Okay Momma I understand." Zane said as he finished the last of his meal. Zane took his plate and put in the sink before saying goodnight to his mom.
"Zane." Glynda said as her son stopped climbing the stairs to look at her. "Yes Momma?" Zane said in a questioning voice as he looked at his mom in confusion. "Say hello to your friend on the island for me okay?" Glynda said as Zane smiled and nodded before running upstairs to his room. Zane quickly changed into his pajamas before diving under the covers of his bed and drifting off to sleep. Zane woke up on the beach of Destiny Island as he stood up and stretched before looking around. Zane took in the island's beauty before turning around to see his best friend and fellow traveller to the island. Zane walked towards the other boy as he pulled him into a hug as the older boy let his tears fall.
              "So your family roughed you up pretty bad huh?" Zane asked Liam as they stared out over the ocean. "Are you really surprised? To them I'm nothing but a stress reliever." Liam stated as he looked over at the other boy. "Liam you can't stay there! What if they end up killing you one day?" Zane said with worry lacing every word. "Don't worry Zane I'll survive, I've lasted ten years what's eight more?" Liam said as if he didn't care at all. Liam could tell that Zane was still worried and that wasn't going to change. "Listen if things get out of hand I'll hightail it out of there, after all I promised we would meet in real life didn't I?" Liam said as he flicked Zane on his forehead.
                        Liam and Zane continued to talk and have fun together until they both began to fade. "Well times up I suppose. Same time, same place?" Liam asked as he gave Zane his best smile. Zane smiled as he walked up and hugged the other boy. "Always." Zane said before they both disappeared from Destiny Island. Once again the Magical Island was silent as there was once again no inhabitants to fill the silence. The two boys are now waking up and returning to their lives in the real world. The two boys relied on one another tremendously, Zane trusted Liam to be the friend that was always there for him and Liam trusted Zane to give him a reason to live.
                 Liam once again woke up to the living hell that was his life as he sat up and gently began to get dressed in the rags he called clothing. "He loser get downstairs and make breakfast, you know dad doesn't like it when you slack off." Yang said in an evil tone as she walked past his room. Liam stood up and made his way downstairs to the kitchen and set off to make breakfast for his so called "family" in hopes of avoiding another beating from them. Although the moment Liam got into the kitchen he was picked up by the collar of his shirt and slammed against the wall.
             Tai glared him in complete rage for what was probably the hundredth time in the past month. "Did you break your mother's flower vase?!" Tai shouted at the boy as he continued to press him against the wall. "No I just got downstairs." Liam said in his monotone voice knowing his words wouldn't make the slightest of difference. "DON'T Lie! Ruby saw you do it!" Tai shouted as he threw the boy out of the house. Liam slammed into a tree as he began to cough up blood and try to catch his breath. Liam could hear the two little gremlins laughing at his suffering, but at this point he didn't care.
               "That's what you get you worthless runt! But we're just getting started!" Summer said as she and Tai began to mercilessly beat the ten year old as the gremlins cheered them on. Although Summer went a step further by grabbing her sniper and shooting the already beaten and broken boy in the gut. For some reason this caused all of them to gasp in horror at what just happened to Liam. Summer dropped her gun and slowly crouched down in front of Liam and placed her hand on his cheek. "L-Liam are you alright sweetie?" Summer stuttered out as she felt tears begin to form in her eyes.
               Liam slapped Summer's hand away before making his way towards the house and entering. "S-Son?" Tai said as he as watched the boy enter the house. Liam didn't respond as he stopped walking. "B-Big Brother?" Yang and Ruby said together as they also shakily stared at him. "Just leave me alone!" Liam shouted before heading upstairs and slamming the door to his room. Liam began to pack up what little belongings he had before double checking if he forgot anything. Before hiding it bag under the bed. Liam's thoughts were interrupted by the door to his room opening to reveal Raven.
              It was know late at night and Liam was now getting ready to leave the Rose household once and for all. Liam slung his bag onto his back before exiting his room and gently closing the door. Liam made his way downstairs and slowly creeped towards the door that led outside. Liam heard a barking and turned only to find Zwei looking at him with his ears flat against his head. "Sorry buddy I can't stay here anymore. So this is goodbye okay?" Liam said as per the dog on the head before exiting the house. Once Liam made his way to the edge of the forest he turned to look back at the hellhole that he lived in for his entire life. "Goodbye and good riddance!" Liam said before running into the forest, little did he know a certain Rose was watching him run off.
                Liam ran through the forest as fast as he could trying to as much distance between him and the Rose household before they wake up. Liam could her the growling of Grimm as they began to chase him, Liam ran as fast as he could to try and get away from the monster. Although a wave of dark energy hit the beasts cutting them completely in half. Liam turned around to look at the dead Grimm only to end up running into someone. "Hello young one, what are you doing out so late at night?" A masculine voice asked him as he turned to face the man with piercing yello eyes and long white hair.

 "Hello young one, what are you doing out so late at night?" A masculine voice asked him as he turned to face the man with piercing yello eyes and long white hair

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            "W-Who are you?" Liam asked nervously as he looked at the cloaked man in fear. "My name is Ansem and you appear to be a damaged soul." Ansem said in a calm voice as he looked down at the ten year old with a blank expression on his face. "You have darkness in your heart young one, have you ever thought of embracing it?" Ansem continued, which only confused the boy more. "E-embrace the darkness?" Liam asked as the man approached him put his hand on his head and Liam began to release an energy from his hand. "Allow me to show you." Ansem said as he entered Liam's body.
              Liam was now in a dark body armor that was made from dark energy and a giant key was in his hand. "Ah yes the Keyblade of People's Hearts, with this I will wreak havoc on all of Remnant!" Ansem said in a distorted version of Liam's voice as he walked off into the night ready to begin planning his destruction of Remnant and all that inhabit it. The land of Remnant had no idea just what kind of evil has been unleashed upon it and it's all thanks to a family that used an innocent child as a punching bag. The Wizard would have to rely on one young man to save the world from Ansem and his forces of darkness.

Alright so that was the prologue! Tell me what you thought in the comments and tell if there's anything I could improve! Next time Zane will have to face his friend from Destiny Island in battle, will he be able to rescue his friend from Ansem's control? Find out next time!

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