Chapter 35: Warning and Promise

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In the last chapter Liam found out the truth behind his parents and how his grandparents are Ozpin and Salem! Now he's on his way to try and talk to his Grandmother! First he has to return to a place he never thought he would.

Liam landed the Bullhead in the forest near the Rose-Xiao Long house as he and Mickey got off the ship. "Are you sure you can handle this Liam?" Mickey asked as he looked over at Liam with concern present in his eyes. "I'll be okay Uncle Mick, I'm not looking forward to breaking the bad news however." Liam said with a sigh as they continued to walk through the forest towards the Rose-Xiao Long household. "It is definitely not the easiest thing to tell a family about their loved one." Mickey said as he also had a worried look on his face as the house came into view.
                 Yang and Tai were sparring in front of the house as Ruby, Qrow, and Raven watched on the sidelines. Yang went for a left hook, but her arm was grabbed as she was thrown over her Father's shoulder and onto the ground. "Ow! What the hell did I do wrong?" Yang groaned as she sat up and rubbed her back. "Your first mistake was leaving yourself wide open while attacking Yang." Everyone turned to see Liam leaning against a tree watching them with Mickey standing by his side. "Liam?! What are you doing here?!" Ruby said as she ran up to the boy.
                "Well the peace negotiations finished up on Menagerie, handled an attack from Organization 13, and learned some rather enlightening things." Liam said as he patted Ruby on top of the head before approaching Yang and offering his hand to her. "So what are you doing here?" Yang asked as she took Liam's hand as he helped her back to her feet. "Have you gotten any recent updates from the Mental Hospital that Summer was sent to?" Liam asked as everyone flinched at the question. "We haven't heard anything in weeks! Do you know something about this?" Tai asked as he looked at Liam with Hope present in his eyes.
               Liam sighed as he really wasn't looking forward to having this conversation. "Let's head inside first, it would be best to sit down for this." Mickey suggested as the group headed inside the house as everyone sat down at the dinner table. "Alright kid spill, what's going on with Summer?" Qrow asked as he was about to take a drink from his flask, but was stopped by Liam. "Trust me, your gonna want to save that for after the explanation." Liam said with a serious look in his eye as Qrow nodded before putting the flask away. "So Liam, we're waiting." Raven said as she looked at Liam with slight suspicion present in her eyes as she glared at him.
                  "Well on the way to Menagerie, the ship was attacked by Grimm. Zane and I made it to the Cargo Bay and started fighting the source, only to get interrupted by a Nobody." Liam explained as he pulled up a freeze framed image of Mother Reaper. "What the hell is that?" Yang asked as she looked at Mother Reaper with a creeped out look in her eyes. "She calls herself Mother Reaper, a Nobody born from a parasitic Darkness that was placed within a host. She has taken over her host's body." Liam explained as the Rose-Xiao Long family only became more unnerved by his explanation of the Nobody.
                  "Alright, what does this have to do with Summer exactly?" Raven said in an impatient tone as she was starting to get annoyed with this. "The host of Mother Reaper is Summer Rose." Liam said as the entire room went completely silent at his words. "T-That thing is mom?" Ruby asked in a scared tone as she looked at Liam with hope that it was just some kind of sick joke. "All of you were pawns in Organization 13's plan. They put parasitic Darkness in Tai, Summer, Qrow, and Raven to get them to do what you did throughout my time living with you." Liam explained as everyone was still completely stunned by this new information.
               "How did this happen to Summer? She's always been so kind, shouldn't it have left her body?" Tai asked as he tries to make any kind of sense of the situation. "The day I ran away when Summer shot me, the Darkness left all of your bodies. Except Summer, due to her overwhelming guilt, the Darkness dug hooks into her and fed off her guilt for years. Eventually a new personality, Mother Reaper was formed." Liam explained as his hands started to shake slightly. Mickey looked over at Liam and decided to take over for a little bit so he could calm down.
              "Mother Reaper has taken full control of Summer's body, she is most likely a prisoner in her own body, similar to how Liam was when possessed by Ansem." Mickey said as everyone looked down. "So that's it huh? Summer is gone for good." Qrow said as he took a swig from his flask. Liam suddenly slammed his fist down on the table surprising everyone. "I refuse to accept that!" Liam shouted as he stood up. "What else can be done? You said Summer is trapped within her own body while Mother Reaper is in control." Raven said in a surprisingly defeated tone for the strong woman.
"Your all quick to give up! Zane was able to save me from Ansem's control, who's to say Summer can't be saved as well?" Liam said in an annoyed tone as he glared at the Rose-Xiao Long family. Yang's eyes turned red as she got up and grabbed Liam by the front of his shirt. "What do you want us to do?! We're not you, we're not Zane, we're not Mickey! We can't save Aunt Summer even if we tried!" Yang shouted angrily, but Liam could see the tears in her eyes. "Maybe you can't, but I can." Liam said as Yang's eyes went back to normal as she back away slowly.
Liam looked around at the Rose-Xiao Long family as they still looked at him in absolute shock. "A-After everything we did? Whether it was our fault or not, why help get mom back?" Ruby asked in a broken tone as she couldn't understand why Liam would want to help them like that. "Ruby, even if I can never truly forget what happened, I also can't blame all of you for what happened. After all for two years I learned how hard it is to resist the Darkness." Liam said as he walked up to Ruby and pulled her into a hug. Ruby began to cry as she buried her face in Liam's chest as she continued to cry.
Liam gently rubbed her back as he tried to calm the girl down. "Are you sure that your willing to do this? After everything, your still willing to save her?" Tai said as Liam looked at him. "I tried to forget my past, but without my past I wouldn't have become who I am today. I have accepted and made peace with it, but I refuse to let someone suffer a fate that I suffered for two years." Liam said as he finally let go of Ruby. "Organization 13 is preparing for the final step of their plan to plunge all of Remnant into Darkness that way Master Xehanort can receive a new vessel." Mickey explained as the Rose-Xiao Long family nodded their heads.
"All of you should head to Beacon and prepare for the coming battle. The rest of Team KNDM and William with the Atlas Military is already on route." Liam said as he got up in order to leave. "Where are you going?" Qrow asked as Liam stopped before turning to face them. "I'm headed to the Land of Darkness, I'm making preparations of my own." Liam said as Qrow, Tai, and Raven's eyes widened in surprise. "Kid you can't go into the Land of Darkness on your own, that's suicide!" Qrow argues as he tried to stop Liam from doing what he's planning.
                 "I don't want to get into it, but let's just leave it at Ozpin and Salem are my Grandparents. Turns out my dad was their first kid." Liam said as Qrow leaned against the table for support. "Of all people that could have been your parents, it had to be Lancelot and Gwendolyn." Qrow said with a rather dry laugh as Liam was taken aback. "You know my parents?" Liam asked as he looked at Qrow in surprise. "Yeah, your old man saved my sorry ass from some Heartless back when the others and I were still in Beacon. Met your mom a few years later when I encountered them on a mission." Qrow explained as he took a drink from his flask.
                "Liam, we really should get a move on, who knows what will happen if we give Organization 13 to much time." Mickey said as Liam nodded his head in understanding. Liam and Mickey exited the house as they started to make their way back to the Bullhead. "Liam wait!" Liam stopped in front of the Bullhead as he turned around to see Ruby and Yang run up to him. "What is it?" Liam asked as he gave both girls a confused look. "We can't let you do this alone." Ruby said as she gave him a desperate look. "Ruby, I appreciate the sentiment, but Beacon is going to need as much defense as it can get." Liam reasoned as he hoped they would understand and just rejoin the rest of their family.
                 "We spent ten years standing by and letting you get hurt when we should've tried and stopped it. We are not going to standby and let you walk into your own death!" Yang said as they both seemed to be standing firm on the matter. "You two were kids, you were just doing what the adults were doing. You don't have to make anything up to me." Liam said as he really didn't want these two to walk into the same hornet's nest he was going into. "Liam, please let us help you! Your willing to save my mom despite everything that happened! Please let us help." Ruby begged as tears were in her eyes.
                  Liam sighed before he pulled the two girls into a hug. "I forgive you, both of you. I promise to save Summer. Could you two promise to stay safe until I get back to Beacon?" Liam said as both girls started to cry as they buried their faces into Liam's shoulders. The trio broke the hug as two glowing lights came from Ruby and Yang's chests before flowing in front of Liam. The two lights morphed into Keyblades that floated in front of Liam.

 The two lights morphed into Keyblades that floated in front of Liam

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Ruby and Yang were surprised at the sight of the two Keyblades that Liam gently grabbed the red one

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Ruby and Yang were surprised at the sight of the two Keyblades that Liam gently grabbed the red one. "This is the Keyblade born from your Heart Ruby. You were able to see the truth of how cruel life can be, but remained strong in the face of it. This Keyblade's name is Red Riding Reaper!" Liam said as he gave the Keyblade a few practice swings before making it disappear before reaching out and grabbing the other one.
              "Yang, this Keyblade was born from your Heart. You realized your wrongdoings and worked towards making amends. This Keyblade's name is Gallant Gold!" Liam said as he once again gave the Keyblade a few practice swings before putting it away. "Even if you are not by my side, these Keyblades shall connect our Hearts and let you support me no matter how far apart we are!" Liam said as he smiled at both Ruby and Yang. "Be careful Liam, don't going dying on us!" Ruby said as she returned his smile. "Yeah or so help me I pull you from the grave and kill you myself!" Yang added as all three of them laughed.
Liam and Mickey entered the Bullhead and took off as Ruby and Yang saw them off. Liam looked back at Ruby and Yang one last time before facing forward and speeding off towards the Land of Darkness. "Are you ready Liam?" Mickey asked from his seat next to him. "Yeah Uncle Mick, it's funny I think I'm starting to understand." Liam said as Mickey gave him a confused look. "I didn't think I was worthy of becoming a Keyblade Master after letting Ansem possess me, but seeing how Ruby and Yang have Heroic Hearts, maybe I am worthy after all." Liam said as Mickey smiled at him before they both prepared to enter the Land of Darkness.

So Liam explained the situation to the Rose-Xiao Long family and he received two Keyblades from Ruby and Yang! Although know Liam and Mickey are headed towards the Land of Darkness to meet with Salem! What dangers await in the Land of Darkness. How will Liam handle meeting his Grandmother? What move will Organization 13 make next? Find out in the next chapter of RWBY: Let Your Heart Be Your Guiding Key!

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