Chapter 24: The Master Plan

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So last time William finally made his appearance in Remnant to assist Liam and Zane against Ironwood. The real question is, how was he able to get all of that info on Ironwood and Jacques?

William escorted Ironwood, Jacques, and Whitley to the bullhead that would take them to prison. "How could you possibly have collected all of that information without either of us knowing?" Ironwood grumbled as they were put in the custody of law enforcement. "Simple Ironwood, I had someone on the inside, someone who wanted to take you down just as much as I did." William said as a petite figure stepped out of the Bullhead. "You traitorous little brat!" Ironwood roared in anger as he glared at William's informant before being taken away.
Liam sat next to Neo as they took care of Kaida, while Zane and Kairi were in the kitchen getting snacks together. "To think Ironwood would stoop as low as to try and use a child for warfare." Willow said as she looked at Kaida with an almost longing stare. "Daddy always protects me from the bad people!" Kaida said happily as she smiled at Willow, who hesitated before slowly returning the smile. "Liam, how long has my brother been working with you and Zane?" Winter finally asked the Keyblade Wielder with a pleading look in her eye.
"We found William in Traverse Town about four years ago. Traverse Town is the meeting place of world's by the way." Liam explained as Winter nodded in understanding before Zane and Kairi rejoined all of them. "Yeah, William is brilliant! He practically redesigned our Gummiships from the ground up! Plus he's been a big help to Chip and Dale." Zane added before he and Kairi took up seats in two of the living room chairs. The group's conversation was interrupted by William entering through the front door to the dormitory.
"Big Brother!" Weiss cried as she rushed into her brother's waiting arms, who then wrapped her in a gentle hug. "Hey Snow Angel, it's been awhile huh?" William said as Weiss broke down in her brother's arms. "F-First, Jacques ships you off to Atlas, then you go missing for four years! Why did you leave us?!" Weiss cried as she tried to not completely lose her composure. "Believe me Snow Angel, I wanted to come rescue the three of you immediately, but I had to bide my time." William said as he gently stroked his little sister's hair.
After another minute the two siblings broke the hug before Winter approached her little brother. "William how did you get all of the evidence against Ironwood and Jacques?" Winter asked the question that had been on everyone's minds since William first showed up. "Simple my dear big sister, I had a person on the inside. Keeping tabs on every single one of Ironwood and Jacques's moves. Without their help, my master plan would have failed." William explained as Winter only seemed more confused by her brother's answer. "You may come in know." William said as a petite figure entered the room.

           "Hello everyone! William did I preform well in my mission?" The orange haired girl asked William

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"Hello everyone! William did I preform well in my mission?" The orange haired girl asked William. "Fantastic work as always Penny." William said as he gave the girl a pat on the head. "Penny Polendina was your informant?! I would have never guessed that she of all people would be the spy." Winter said in disbelief as she stared at the Android. "Yes well Pietro Polendina wanted to take Ironwood down as much as I did. He intended to use Penny as war machine for the Atlas Military." William explained as Penny absentmindedly looked around the room.
"After I abandoned the Atlas Science Division, I went to Pietro and we set to putting our plans into action. Penny would infiltrate Atlas and record everything Ironwood did." William explained as everyone listened intently to the genius. "Son, how did you get information on Jacques? Penny would be kept under close watch by Ironwood, correct?" Willow asked her son with a confused tone present in her voice. "That's where your wrong mother, Ironwood had Penny Act a sort of Bodyguard to Jacques, which allowed her to record every atrocity he committed." William said with an evil laugh.
              "Geez, remind me to never get on your bad side William." Zane said with a nervous chuckle as he looked at his friend. "So the real question is what now Big Brother? You have complete control over Atlas and the Dust Company. What is your next step?" Weiss asked in a curious tone as she waited for her brother to answer her. "Simple Snow Angel, I plan to return control to the Family company to mother. Then she can pass it to you when your ready." William explained as Willow looked horrified. "W-William after I failed the three of you I couldn't possibly take over the company!" Willow said as she tried to back out of the offer.
                Weiss brought her mother into a hug along with Winter. "Mother we're finally free! There's nothing to be afraid of anymore." Weiss said as she tried to give her mother a confidence boost. "What about Atlas brother?" Winter asked as she wondered about the other half of her brother's plan. "I plan on reforming Atlas by taking Ironwood's position, there are many wounds in need of healing. That is if it's fine with you big sister?" William asked as he waited for Winter to answer him. "I look forward to working with General." Winter responded as a smile of her own spread across her face.
William then turned to look at Blake, who had been silent the entire time they have been talking. "I take it your my little sister's girlfriend? William Schnee, it's a pleasure to meet you." William said as he extended his hand towards Blake. "B-Blake Belladonna, it's nice to meet you as well." Blake said nervously as she did her best to hold eye contact with William. "Take good care of my sister will you? I know she can be a handful sometimes." William added as Blake blushed slightly at his words. "William, your okay with me dating Blake?" Weiss asked in a surprised tone as her brother turned to face her.
"Oh course I do Snow Angel! After all only Jacques and Whitley are so blindly racist towards the Faunus people. Plus I'd be the biggest hypocrite if I judged you for your relationship." William said with a chuckle as his mother and sisters gave him a confused look. "What do you mean William?" Willow asked her son as he turned to smile at her. "Simple mother, the woman who owns my heart is none other then Sienna Khan." William said as the Schnees and Blake gasped in shock at his words. William couldn't help, but laugh at their reaction.
               "Y-Your in a relationship with the leader of the White Fang?!" Blake said in disbelief. "Yeah, not long after I abandoned the Science Division, I ran into Sienna. At first things were strained between us at best. But as we continued to work together in our attempts to take down Ironwood and Jacques we kinda grew closer." William explained as he scratched the back of his head. "Okay girls I think it would be best if we don't overwhelm William with questions. Let's just leave at here for today." Willow said as she calmed her daughters down.
                  After the Schnees and Blake left, all that was left in the living room were Liam and Neo. Kaida had fallen asleep, so the couple were able to talk. "So your planning on taking Jaune with you to got suit shopping?" Neo's sign types out as she looked over at Liam. "Why am I taking Jaune suit shopping again?" Liam asked Neo as she gave him an annoyed look in return. "Your taking him suit shopping, so he looks nice when he goes to the dance with Pyrrha!" Neo's sign types out as she started tapping her foot impatiently. "Listen I that Jaune and my sister should just hook up already, but shouldn't we let them do it themselves?" Liam said as he gave Neo a curious look.
"Do you honestly trust either of them to be honest with themselves?" Neo's sign types out as she gives her boyfriend a rather disappointed look. "Alright, fair point. So I'm assuming that you're gonna take Pyrrha out dress shopping?" Liam asked as Neo smiled and gave him a nod. The couple then got up to start preparing dinner for the rest of their team. The rest of the day went off without anymore excitement or attacks from any other enemy. The world of Remnant was now a much safer place with Ironwood and Jacques removed from their positions of power and are behind bars.

Okay so I just wanted to get this chapter out as it's primarily a follow up to the previous chapter. This also was to explain how William was able to take down Ironwood and Jacques. Although now Liam and Neo have a plan to try and get Jaune and Pyrrha to got to the dance together, will their plan work? Find out in the next chapter of RWBY: Let Your Heart Be Your Guiding Key!

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