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This Song // Prologue



        "NO, not this again. ugh," liam groaned as the radio in the car was put onto full volume. the girl next to him in the passenger seat only grinned, shouting the lyrics, and dancing stupidly (to liam it was adorable) in her seat. to add to it, she began drumming her fingers on the dashboard, causing liam to groan louder (he was actually trying to suppress a grin, but don't tell her that).

        "oh c'mon, liam. stop being a fun ruin-er. what are you? a thirty-five year old with kids?" she snorted, attempting to do the macarena (she got the moves messed up, but whatever). liam finally let out a loud laugh keeping his gaze on the road ahead.

              "no, i'm a twenty-one year old who doesn't act like a five year old, unlike someone."

             "oi! i'll have you know, i know how to spell 'fish' so you can kindly fuck off. wait. no. fuck. that was a stupid comeback, forget i said that and just suffer listening to my singing."

            the ride to wherever they were going to, was filled with her loud singing and liam's whines and groans on how this song was "so three million years ago". he secretly liked it, though. he also liked listening to her voice singing along to the words.

        "hey, liam?" she asked once they had reached a familiar playground -- call them kids, but this playground was the best and meaningful to them.


               "i know you love this song."


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