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Honest // The Neighbourhood     

Liam Payne


           IT was as if he was falling off a building, dropping down to the ground. the feeling in his stomach twisting into knots, his mind screaming at him that he was close to dying. the wind rushing past him, everything else a blur of colors that slowly turned grey and black as his end came. or maybe it was like drowning. water filling up his senses, losing all feeling as his body grew tired. attempts to resurface gone as he sunk down like an anchor. sinking deep down into the darkness. he was dying. well, not literally, but inside, it felt like it. this empty space inside him getting bigger and bigger taking over his body. a deep darkness creeping on him.

         hope was a lost term. it didn't really exist anymore, except for a small speck of light. just maybe, maybe she'd come back finally, giving him hugs and kisses, telling him how much she had missed him. but that small speck of hope was slowly turning into darkness. that small, little speck of light which was the only thing that kept him going, was disappearing.

         he was drowning, drowning in his own thoughts, drowning in the stupid little things, memories and forgotten promises.

                " i'd never leave you," he mocked, the words tasting bitter.

        "i'd never leave someone like you, liam." those were her words. stupid, stupid lies. If she had really meant it, then phone calls, nightly skype sessions, nor texts would've stopped. if she had really meant it, then she would call him, come over for holidays, share laughs again and again until their stomachs hurt, smiles until their faces grew tired. but she hadn't meant it.

        he was falling off a building, drowning, and losing hope all at the same time. losing hope and losing her was the same thing. drowning and losing her was the same thing, falling off a building and dying and losing her were all the same. synonyms. maybe he had already lost her. maybe he had already sunk deep down, maybe he had already hit the ground, maybe there was no hope. he wished she would call him and be honest. had they saved it? or was all of it over? nothing explained the way he felt. 

          he needed her to be honest. like this song.


THAT GIF MAKES ME SOB BC AW LIAGHKLN (it is honestly freaking hard to end every chapter with the same words, lol. like, does it even make sense? leave comments and votes bc ik you're all fabulous with that stuff, you're all like pros.)

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