All About Us

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 All About Us // He Is We

 Liam Payne

              IT'S like when he was with her nothing else even mattered. it didn't matter if he stubbed his toe. it didn't matter what other said, it all revolved around her. her beauty, her personality, her love. he was truly in love with her. he was in love. in love with her laugh, her smile, her simple brown eyes, her soft brown hair. he was in love with the girl. the girl that gave him hugs and kisses when he felt down. the girl put a smile on his face no matter what. it was a cheesy, cliché love. it was a love that at other times, he'd feel he'd lost his balls. a love that would make him feel as if he lost his manliness, but who the hell cares? it was the best feeling. indescribable and unexplainable. it's love. love, love, love, fucking love.

        but now, he was in love with someone who wasn't even there anymore. he was in love with ghosts smiles, the ghost of lips against lips, the ghost of warming touches. she wasn't even there anymore. she was gone. she flew away with the wind. she floated away like a balloon drifting off, looking for a new place to go. she was gone, gone, gone.

            it wasn't about them anymore. an us couldn't possibly exist. all that was left were bittersweet memories. the ghost of gentle, warm touches, laughter ringing in his ears. just a beautiful, smooth voice humming along to this song.


shhh let's pretend this was not extremely late. it's short, but i've got the other chapter ready, just editing it a bit (i like to rhyme)(is that even considered rhyming?)(hi).

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