(Marauders) Young! Remus Lupin x Reader

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You scoured the floor, looking for your shirt when you caught sight of Remus's favorite sweater sticking out of his drawer. You smirked before pulling it out of the drawer. You slipped it on, it reached your thighs and your hands didn't reach the ends of the sleeves. But it was warm and smelled like Remus, so you loved it. You sat on Remus's bed and shook him awake. "Hey, Remy, wake up, I'm going." You whispered. He groaned, waking up.

"Don't leave," He groaned hugging you.

"I've got too," You explained, "You don't want Sirius and James to walk in do you?"

"No..." He confessed sitting up. "But don't you think it's time for everyone to know?"

"Yeah," you smiled, kissing his forehead. "Go back to sleep."

"Love you," He muttered, burying his head into the pillow.

"Love you too," You responded quietly sneaking out of the room. You snuck all the way back to your common room, the Slytherin one. You sat on the couch and started reading your book, it was 5:00 in the morning, no one was up yet and breakfast started in an hour.


You walked into the great hall, you got a couple of strange looks from the people in the Great Hall. You just sat down at the table, tea filled the mug in front of you and the bowl filled with cereal. You started eating... because it was breakfast time. A couple minutes later someone wrapped their arms around you. "Hey, Remy, how'd you sleep?" You asked.

"I slept ok, what about you." He asked.

"Fine," You responded, sipping your tea.

"That sweater doesn't fit you," He commented, sitting next to you.

"Well, yeah, it's yours." You responded.

"Of course it is," He sighed, rolling his eyes.

"You know it!" You laughed.

"I should probably go console my friends," Remus explained, pointing to the shocked Marauders. You giggled before kissing him.

"Have fun with that," You said.

"I will," He responded.

Remus's P.O.V sorta...

Remus got up and left, he walked back over to his friends. "Are you guys ok?" He asked, smirking.

"You... her... Slytherin..." Sirius choked out.

"Mmhm, her name is (Y/N) (L/N) we've been dating since last year," He responded, smiling fondly at you, you just waved.

"(L/N)? Wow, her family is really powerful," Sirius commented, "Her parents come over sometimes. I always get a really bad vibe from them." They sat down at the table.

"Does she know about... your furry little problem?" James asked. Remus nodded.

'Nother Time Skip :)

You were curled up in Remus's arms in the Gryffindor common room. "(Y/N) I have to go," Remus said, looking out the window. It was the night of the full moon, and you knew it.

"I can help you know." You protested.

"I'm not letting you get hurt," He responded.

"I know James, Sirius, and Peter are Animagi. I am too," You explained, getting up and turning into a Huskey. You turned back, Remus was gaping at you.

"When did you learn how to do that?" He asked.

"My parents forced me when I was 7," You responded quietly. Sitting down next to him. He pulled you into a hug, your arms wrapped around his waist.

"I'm so sorry," He muttered, burying his head into your hair.

One More Time Skip Brought To You By Sirius Getting The Love He Deserves

"Hey," You breathed, sitting down on the cot. Remus smiled weakly, you grabbed his hand. "How're you feeling?"

"Great," He said, sitting up a bit. "Better than I normally am. What about you?"

"Just a scratch or two, nothing I can't handle." You replied, stroking his cheek.

"James, Sirius, Peter? Are they ok?" He asked you.

"Yeah, Peter's still sleeping. Sirius and James are eating breakfast. I think James is flirting with Lily again too." You explained, laughing a little. He gave you a soft smile.

"So everything's normal?" He questioned, a hint of worry still evident in his tone.

"Yep, nothing bad happened last night, darling." You assured, stroking his hair. "I promise."

"Alright," he replied, letting out a yawn. You chucked at how adorable he was being.

"I've got to go, love." You sighed, "but I'll be back once classes are over." He nodded mutely, placing a kiss on your hand before drifting off to sleep. You smiled, leaving the Medbay.

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