The Sacrifice

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This is it.

The evil Tom Marvolo Riddle is marching on Hogwarts. My brother is going to face his destiny, and my duty, is to ensure that he emerged on top, with the old snake's body under his feet. He, and me, and others who supports him, know that the power he knows not, is love.

He had created an army out of students. Well trained, and "Do or Die" is our motto.

The Ministry, under competent leaders like the Minister Amelia Bones, had taken the responsibility to evacuate the inhabitants of Hogsmeade. Furthermore, first to third years were also evacuated, along with many of the fourth years. The Ministry, along with Gringotts, had greatly helped to hasten the destruction or purge of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

A silence ensued, and hell breaks loose.

Harry put us all in battle formation, and we fired the first shot at the upcoming horde of black cloaks.

The ingenious Twins had surprised the Death Eaters with their lethal traps as they marched through Hogsmeade into the castle gates. Furthermore, along with spells, hexes, and curses, the light side also used arrows, to the further surprise of them. I fought with Kaori, the girl I loved, my partner in music, side by side, my sister Naomi, Watari, Tsubaki, Emi, Takeshi, Ron, Hermione... all of them fought hard, cutting down many with spells and blades.

It's a harrowing, back-and-forth fighting, both sides taking casualties. And after what seems to be eternity, I looked as Neville Longbottom finally cut off Nagini's head with his own goblin blade, with Harry covered his back with the mighty Sword of Gryffindor. Soon, I caught the attention of Tom Riddle himself, and I decided to buy time for Harry and Ginny to finish him off. Soon Kaori joined me, but was soon pushed aside by Riddle.

And it happened. I managed to hit the old snake with strong Bludgeoning Charms and pushed him aside, before Harry arrived to engage him. Then I heard the dreaded curse beside me, from another Death Eater.


I know that I will not survive this, but I then hear her voice shouting my name and she pushed me aside. The jet of green hit her body instead. 

I quickly caught her body before her even hit the ground.

"Kaori-chan... ikanai de.... ikanai de... " beg me as I cradled her body, tears on my eyes. 

"Oops, I'm accidentally killed your violinist partner." someone mocked at me. Then...

"Malfoy" I said as I realized the one that took her from me... was Draco. His father has been long dead, killed by the Aurors.

"Now is your turn." he aimed his wand. I straightened myself up and immediately fired a barrage of hexes on him. 

"This is for Kaori, you ferret!" 

I'm awashed with rage, and decided its time to use Unforgivables. Yes, the Ministry authorized anyone to such usage in this situation.

"CRUCIO!!" The rage and grief strengthened the curse almost four times, and I laughed in pleasure as Draco writhed in pain. However, I still not satisfied, and proceeded to cut his both hands with Sectumsempra curse.

He laid on the ground, totally defeated, and losing blood.

Soon, as Harry shouted "EXPELLIARMUS!" to intercept the Killing Curse sent by the Dark Lord towards him. I suddenly feel pity with Draco and decided finally put an end to his misery by hanging his unconcious form upside down, while pulling out my Katana.

With no regrets, I swung it, separating his head clean off. I then looked beside me as the Dark Lord fell down, dead by his own curse sent by my brother-but-blood.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Naomi, my parents, and the rest of my friends looked at me as I fell to my knees, holding her body again, and let my tears fall again.

"Kaori... Aishiteiru..." I gave her my last kiss, before breaking down...

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