Jezebel's Incarnate✓

190 15 13


Life's capriciousness often manifests in its abandonment of the loyal while embracing the disdainful. My mother's departure during my infancy left me motherless, yet my father admirably assumed the roles of both nurturer and confidant. Through his unwavering dedication, he filled the void left by her absence, becoming my mother, father, and closest companion.

The circumstances surrounding my mother's abrupt departure 17years ago was a mystery to me, but my father's candid explanations, revealed a tale of love and betrayal. He spoke of her with fondness tinged with admiration. His reminiscences painted a portrait of a woman once cherished and loved but ultimately enticed by the allure of material wealth. It is perhaps this lingering affection that has kept him single all these years. Despite the hurt and resentment her actions invoked, I'm actually glad the bitch left us. Her departure inadvertently catalyzed our family's ascension from modest means to unimaginable wealth.

I never had the chance to meet my mother's family after her departure, leaving our familial unit comprised solely of my father, his brother, Uncle James, Aunt Robie, and my twin cousins, Julius and Julian. Together, we weathered life's trials and tribulations, forging bonds that transcended blood ties.

Standing upon the balcony now, surveying the tranquil expanse of New York City beneath the cloak of night, I am reminded of our family's unparalleled success. Our mansion, a testament to my father's perseverance, boasts proportions that exceed mere opulence—It's not like I'm bragging but my own quarters rival those of a standalone apartment. That's how big the mansion is.

As Monday looms on the horizon, I steel myself for another day ensconced within the confines of academia, even though I hate it with passion. This is a concession made out of deference to my father's aspirations. As the designated heir to his corporate empire, Blue Corporation, I bear the weight of his expectations with both reverence and trepidation.

I'm the heiress to his company afterall. Dad has really worked hard to bring Blue Corporation to the apex of the stock market and he wishes to see me take over one day to continue his good work. I really love my dad...he's my happiness, my joy and everything a teenage girl wishes for. What makes me excited most was the fact that he named the company after me. In case you want to know, my name is Emerald Blue Woode. Strange as it sounds, but it's my name and I love it.

Interrupted from my reverie by my father's voice, I retreat into the familiar sanctuary of my room, indulging in a game of hide-and-seek—a cherished tradition from my childhood. "Blue... Blue??? Blue..." I heard the voice of my favorite person in the entire universe scream my name.

I hurriedly opened my closet and entered...I decided to hide myself in a rack of clothes to make my silly game of hide and seek more interesting this time around.

"Blue, Blue!!" My dad screamed from the bed room. I kept mute and waited for him to get me caught. "Young lady, you better get your ass here before I find you", he said with that intimidating voice I've come to know.

I've always been doing this since I was a kid. I love playing hide and seek with my dad and it still amazes me that as old as I am...I still do it. It just feels right. I've grown from hiding under beds to behind curtains, in the bath tub, almost every space available in my room. I beamed as I heard his voice in the closet.

"Emerald!!...Blue?? You know am gonna find you right?" He asked, still hovering around. "I know you're in here...just come out already", he said getting impatient.

I kept quiet. I was really bent on making him suffer before he finds me. I waited for a while, I didn't hear sound, nothing. Is he gone?? I ask rhetorically in my head.

He should have waited a little...damn...maybe he's gone afterall, I said to myself as I got up slowly to get back to my room.

"Gotcha!!!!" A voice said as two hands engulfed me from behind. "Daddyyyyyy...that's not fair!!!" I whined as I let him hug me from behind.

"I brought you milk hunny." Dad said as soon as we entered my room. This was our usual ritual since I was little .

He always brings me warm milk before I sleep. He sometimes adds my favourite biscuits, Chocolate cookies. His warm embrace, coupled with the nightly ritual of warm milk and chocolate cookies, serves as a poignant reminder of his unwavering love.

How can someone in her right senses leave such a nice man for some scumbag. I just don't get her...that fucking bitch!!! Was it because of money???
Damn she should have just been a little patient. Hmm...I sighed as I looked at my dad again. He's still as handsome as ever.

"Tell me what you're thinking Blue..." dad muttered and I snapped back into reality.

"I'm thinking of the fact that you're the best dad in the whole world." I said looking at him straight in the eye.

He kept quiet for a moment and sighed..."I love you more than anything Blue, you mean so much more to me and I'll forever keep you. You have no idea of how happy I am when I realized your mother didn't take you with her...loosing your mother shattered my life but losing you would have propelled me to commit suicide."

My eyes watered as I heard what dad just said to me. He kept watching me as I drunk my milk. I hurriedly finished my milk and kissed him goodnight.

"Dad, you're the best!!!" I whispered to him as he got ready to leave my room. Get some sleep Blue, you have school tomorrow, he said on his way out. And with that, I smiled to myself........



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