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Emerald's POV

I trudged wearily toward my car, utterly drained. The impromptu physics test had left my mind in a state of disarray. As I prepared to enter the car, a hand impeded my progress.

"You know, for an ugly bitch like you, you really know how to tie a man down."  The wanna be Nicki Minaj said, popping her boobs out. 

I found myself silently concurring with Nicki's assertion that "Let's be real all you bitches wanna look like me. Wanna be in demand, get booked like me." Indeed, I am an ardent devotee of her artistry, a Barb for life.

"Bervylyn, I'm not in the mood for your nonsense. I'm so tired and I'm heading home to sleep, so go find someone out there and fuck since that's what you do best."  I replied nonchalantly not sparing her a slight glance.

"Aidan is my boyfriend, and I insist that you maintain a respectable distance from him. I shall not tolerate your persistent pursuit of him again. Stop following him around!!."  She declared with palpable venom.

"Who do you want to deceive, Bervylyn?" I inquired, regarding her with a mixture of pity and incredulity. "We both are cognizant of Aidan's aversion to committed relationships. He doesn't do girlfriends. He merely engages in casual dalliances with individuals such as yourself for his amusement. Not only you, but countless others who find themselves susceptible to his charms. I implore you to embrace maturity, Bervylyn. He is merely using you. You deserve..."

"I hate you!" She yelled suddenly, interrupting what I was about to say. "This is all your fault you witch!!!"  She said still yelling on top of her voice.  "He rejected me because of you!!! Emerald this, Emerald that!!!" She yelled whiles bringing her claws nearer to my face. "Leave him alone, if you want your ugly face to still be intact." She said suddenly calm and rubbed my shoulder as she looked at something behind me.

I looked behind and I was met with a fuming Aidan. He pulled Bervylyn's claws off me and regarded her with an expression of profound disdain.

"You don't wanna mess with me, Bervylyn. Don't ever think of picking a fight with my Blue, cos if you do? I won't hesitate to make your life miserable in this school. Blue means the whole world to me, and you? You're nothing but an annoying bitch I use for my release."

"And even that is gonna end now. I don't wanna fuck you anymore cos you're too boring, too loud, a mood spoiler and I don't even get to cum when I fuck you. You're such a waste of time. Move on with your pathetic  life." He concluded, still looking at her in disgust.

"You'll pay for this, Aidan. You'll pay for insulting me infront of this ugly bitch."  She yelled whiles glaring at me. "I'll make sure you pay." She said before leaving.

"Blue", Aidan said as soon as Bervylyn was out of earshot but I held my hands up, stopping him from whatever he was about to say. 

"I'm tired Aidan and I want to sleep, so leave me alone. Today was just full of drama...and I want no drama in my life anymore. Just look at how you spoke to her, Aidan. That was a low blow, especially coming from you, a man whore."

In a sudden motion, I found myself swept off my feet, and before I could fully comprehend the situation, I was tucked into the passenger seat. He maneuvered around to the driver's side, brought the engine to life, and we departed the institution's premises with haste.

"What is wrong with you Aidan? And how the hell did you get the keys out of my hand?" I asked but he ignored me, looking straight ahead. "Don't go grumpy on me Aidan, I'm talking to you and I demand you to answer me." He still ignored, keeping his eyes on the road and pretending as if I didn't exist at all.

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