paper aeroplanes

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Littleton was a beautiful beach town on the west coast. It was very old and charming, with it's worn down, cobbled streets and little white painted houses, piled one on top of another, leading down the cliff, looking out over the wide, ocean bay. Down on the bay, was a harbour, with lots of old and new boats, gently bobbing up and down on the gentle sea. By day, if you looked from high up, you were met with the sight of an old fishing town, very beautiful, and very attractive for English tourists looking for a place to go on holiday in the country. In fact, the town was more packed than ever in the summer months, since it was so lovely, so naturally, the town had many inns and little hotels. But by night, Littleton glowed with the lights from all the house windows, looking like little stars over the dark, purple ocean, as clear as the night sky.

I felt so blessed to live in such a wonderful place. It was horribly cold in the winter, but other than that, it really was a sort of little heaven. I know that sounds cheesy, but I've lived here all my life, and I couldn't imagine living anywhere that didn't have that calming sound of the waves crashing against the rocks, or the salty sea breeze. It was home to me. A safe, quiet home. Not even the loud noise of cars could bother you here, for anyone that had one would only drive back away from the coast to the city, since the town was so small and the streets so narrow you wouldn't need it. Many people who wanted to get some where just used the train or the little tram, that went around the town centre.

Nothing could possibly go wrong here, everyone thought. It was so perfect and safe, with nothing but the enormous sea ahead of us. What could go wrong?


It was a beautiful, spring day of May. we were having a big heat wave. Only last week, it had been pouring with cold grey rain. And now the sun was shining strongly over the whole town of Littleton, and temperatures were rising to up to twenty-eight degrees. Especially where we lived in England, where it was hotter than anywhere else.

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing again, and the morning sun spilling through my open window on to my bed. I groaned, tapping my alarm clock off and rolling back over on my bed. It was a hot morning, and had been a hot night again. I had pulled off my bed sheets in the night, because it was too hot even for them now. I snoozed for another ten minutes, before my mother came into my room to wake me up.
"Posy!" she said softly. "It's time to get up now sweetie. It's seven o'clock. You're going to be late for school."
"I'll get up in a minute," I croak, putting my arms over my face as my mum pulled my blinds up.
"Now! Come on Posy," she said, a little more firmly now.
She kissed me on the cheek and then left my bedroom.
I tried putting my pillow over my head to block out the sunlight, wishing I could just curl up and sleep for a little longer. The bed was so soft and comfy, I didn't want to get up.

When mum came in for the third time, almost shouting now, I decided that I had to get up anyway, and I had no choice about that. So I got up, rubbed my eyes and looked out my window.
Since we lived quite high on the coast, I had an amazing view out over the town. The boats in the harbour were bobbing up and down on the little waves in the morning sunlight, as the whole town was cast in the golden glow of dawn. It was beautiful, and lightened my mood slightly, even though I saw it everyday. I smiled to myself, before walking to the bathroom to get ready.

I changed into a cute black romper, since it was really hot, and tied my long, honey blonde hair back in a high ponytail. Then I slipped on my sandals, and grabbed my bag, and went downstairs. Mum was boiling some eggs, and when she saw me she ran over and grabbed the sun cream, just as I was filling up my water bottle for the day.
"Oh Posy! You can't go out in something like that without sun cream!" she said, fussing over me, rubbing cream on my arms.
"Ugh, Mum! I'm not five anymore! I can take care of myself!" I moaned.
"I don't want you coming back from school looking like a tomato!" she said, "I'm just trying to look after you."
"Well, I appreciate it, but I'll be fine," I said, just as the egg timer went off.
"Oops! Better get the eggs out," she says, running over to the hob and scooping the eggs out of the pot.

Just as she was serving up, Dad walked in from downstairs, all ready for work. He dressed very smartly, as he had a job off the coast in the city, so he took the train and left early.
"Morning!" he said, walking over to the coffee machine and making himself some.
"Morning Dad," I said.
"Your mother's right Posy. You need sun cream on a day like today. I wish I could go out and enjoy it. Instead I'm stuck in that office."
"Well, it's Wednesday. You've only got a few more days until Friday, and then it's a bank holiday!" Mum said.
"I know. At least then I'll get some time off to enjoy the sunshine," he said, looking out the window.

There was a short silence in which I hastily ate my egg, mum put the dishwasher on and Dad grabbed his coffee.
"Alright then! I guess I'm off!" Dad said, getting up and walking towards the door.
"Me too," I said, getting up and putting my plate away.
"Have a good day at work John," Mum said, kissing him on the cheek. Then she comes to me.
"Have a great day at school Posy," she said, kissing me on the cheek as well. Then she waved goodbye to us, as we both left the door and went separate ways. I gave Dad a hug before he left. And then I grabbed my bike and cycled to school, a pleasant breeze whipping my face as I rode down the long, streets to my school.

Littleton High was a big school, just off the coast. Most schools and shops were up there on the flat, high up part of the hill, since it was biggest and led to the city beyond where Dad worked. It was very modern, because it had only been built twenty years ago, but a lovely school. We had huge courtyards and playing fields, and each little or big building of the school was connected by a corridor with walls of glass, which was very nice to walk through on a beautiful day to your next lesson. It didn't have many people in each year, but that sort of made it nicer, as you knew more people and was less intimidating.

I rode my bike up to the gates and parked it outside on the bike racks, locking it safely. Then I walked along the pavement and into the big courtyard leading up to the school.


"Psst!" Anna hissed during History when Mr Timothy's back was turned. Anna was my best friend. I'd known her since we where little babies in our cots, and grown up with her. She was almost like a sister to me, and I loved her so much. I turned around, just as she threw me a little paper aeroplane. It soared over two desks and landed right by the leg of my chair. None of the kids in the class noticed this though. They were either staring hopelessly into space, or their heads lolling on their hands, almost drifting off to sleep as Mr Timothy rambled on about Hitler's gain to power. I had decided to take History for A-Level because it really interested me, and it was what Anna and Faith were doing. Faith was another close friend of mine. It was just us three. We met in Year 7, so I haven't known her as long as Anna, but we've still become just as close, and she's an amazing best friend. But now that I had Mr Timothy as a teacher, with his soft, drawling voice, it just made you want to curl up on your desk and take a nap.

I reached down to pick up the paper aeroplane, and opened it silently under my desk. It read,
"This is so boring! Meet me and Faith by the bleachers at lunch. I've got something to tell you"

I grinned and quickly looked back at her, mouthing, "You've got it!"
And then the whole class proceeded a little faster, the clock slowly ticking as I gazed up at it, looking forward to the news from Anna and Faith.



hello everyone! welcome to my account! my name's Fleur, and I have an account on Quotev (link in my bio) but I decided to join Wattpad since somebody suggested it to me for writing stories online. I'm excited because apparently this website is a lot more popular, so who knows? Maybe this story will become popular too?.. I hope so. Anyway, I've already finished this story, so this is me typing up everything I've already written for you guys. I love this story though. So much. And I hope you can connect and bond with the characters and (hopefully) grow to love this story.

- Fleur xo

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