lazy!werewolf boy x Reader

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(A/N): This is the house  or "setting" the reader and Izumin is in

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(A/N): This is the house  or "setting" the reader and Izumin is in.

In a windy calm evening like any other, you prayed  it to still be uneventful and quiet like any other evenings for you, but somehow the Gods didn't want you to have any calm and relaxating night all to yourself.

Suddenly, the sliding doors opened harshly, making you jolt slightly from laying down on your floor board then heard a big bump on your floor board.

"(Y/N)-Chaan~" whined a raven haired male  laying face-down in the entrance of the sliding door behind you, purposely sounding your name much longer to grab your attention  from reading your favourite book.

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(A/N): This is Izumin ~ 👑


Urgh.. what?"you groaned, turning yourself around to face him, showing slight annoyance at him, the boy who disturbed your reading.

Your eyes widened for in a split second, the raven haired Male already had his arms around your waist and his head on your chest,  cuddling you.

The sudden contact made your cheeks burn up a bright red in surprise.

"W-what the hell, Izumin?!" You struggled moving away from his arms.

"Ahh, quite down (y/n), I haven't had any sleep since last night,"Groaned Izumin, his eyes looking up at you  from your chest, tiredly showing off the dark circles under his eyes.

"W-well, that's your own fault for shifting in the middle of the night  and running off to God knows where!"  You remembered  waiting for Izumin to come back home to you after his shift yesterday night, only for him to come home now and the amount of worry he put you through ever since he left without a single word yesterday in his wolf form.

"Hngg...I'm sorry," pleaded Izumin, eyes begging for your forgiveness. You tched  and looked away from his begging eyes.

'Its unfair, he's got the most beautifullest pair of eyes I have ever seen,' you silently said to yourself, not wanting to say it aloud to boost the man's ego.

"Whatever.. just let me read my book," you said, holding your book close to your face.

Later on in the middle of reading, you heard your boyfriend's soft snores and couldn't help but yawn.

You placed the book down beside Izumin's head then held him in your arms as you were in his.

The whole night through,  the two of you slept together in each other's embrace and what more could  have made it any better?

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