AnimeBoy x Pregnant!Reader

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(^This is Yuuta Nakamura)

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(^This is Yuuta Nakamura)
"Y-yuuta-kun,"you called out weakly to your husband who was in the kitchen. You were lying down on the bed, your thumb and your index finger in each side of your temples gently rubbing it hoping it would help ease your nausea.

You are pregnant for 5 months now and just each day of waking up was already a challenge for you 'but it's all worth it' you would remind yourself. You were expecting twins too.

You suddenly remembered the first time you told your husband...


You jolted awake from your bed and stormed off straight to the bathroom, waking your husband from his sleep.

He stood up with wide eyes ran over to the bathroom, seeing you empty your stomach onto the toilet. Worry laced in his eyes and etched into his whole entire being. He kneeled down, patting and rubbing your back to help you out.

When he asked what was wrong you just replied with, "Something i ate earlier mustve come back to haunt me, heh.."

His brows furrowed at your reply but nonetheless had let it be.

But this wasn't just the symptoms that proved there was something wrong, your constant head aches, vomiting, and short tempered behaviour became a constant everyday thing too.

And it didn't take a few more days until he got fed up with it.

After a few days of persuading you to go to the docotors apointmemt, you finally have gone to one.

However, at that time, your husband was at work and could only offer to drop you off to the hospital and later pick you up, excusing himself and saying he had to pick up an important file.

You didnt whine and just continued on. You waited alone in hallway with other people, the wait to say was dreadful already with the heat and all.

Soon, your name was called wich snapped you back to reality, the doctor was a kind man with a gentle feature.
He did a few rundowns and check ups with you then after another hour of waiting, you felt nervous and started to think you were seriously ill or worse, in the brink of death.

The doctor let out a heartful laugh then said, "No Mrs. Nakamura, you're pregnant."

At first you felt so happy, thinking that you and yuuta are going to be parents, you thanked the doctor and exactly at the perfect time, your husband was there and gave you a worried look.

Suddenly, the positive thoughts you had earlier washed away with negativity. Thinking stuffs like, what if he's not ready? What if i cant do this? Will he want to raise the baby? What if he leaves me?

Your husband noticed the sudden change of the mood, instead of asking you he lead you to the car,opening the door for you and taking a note to ask you what happened later at home.

The whole drive was silent wich was very uncomfortable specially to your husband who was always used to your eccentric vibe and joyous moods. He prayed that it wasnt anything serious like an ilness of some sort, now thinking about it made him realize how much the silence is tensing.

Once you made it back home safely, you immediatley went to your shared bedroom, feeling tired and drained from all the hours inside the hospital.

Plopping down the soft cushioned matress and feeling all the tension and stress relieve from your body and get replaced by relaxation and comfort.

Later for sure you thought that you would tell your husband about the pregnancy.

If he doesnt want to raise the baby, i will do it alone without him.

You heard the door knob open and there peeked your husbands head then stepping inside the room and laying down beside you.

You closed your eyes, thinking of how you would tell him.

"Honey, whatever's going on, i'll accept it. I'll always be here for you," your husband says in a sweet soft tone. His hand reaching towards your (H/L) (H/C) hair, playing with your (H/C) locks.

You looked up at him, nervous.
Words trying to form themselves in your head until you open you lips then said, "Impregnant"

"Oh honey, is that it?wait...WHAT?!" His expression going from 0 to a 100 real quick.

You laughed at how silly  his reaction was and he too laughed as well in the end.

"But seriously though, how?"

You breathed in deeply and smacked him upside his head sounding an "oof" from the author- i mean, husband.

"Are you seriously going to ask me how i got pregnant?" You asked him straight /(haha, jokes on u. I cnt be streyt)/ irk marks appearing on the side of your head.

You turned your body, avoiding him with pursed lips.

You felt hands sliding their way on your waistline, wrapping you in a sweet warm hug.

Yuuta laid his head on your shoulder, with a soft smile whispered, "i'm so happy...(y/n)"

You felt your cheeks reddened and felt a weight being lifted off from your shoulder, to be replaced by something warm and sweet.

"Im happy too, yuuta...i cant wait for them to see the world."

**end of flashbavks**

You heard feet slapping harshly against the wooden floors and there, your raven haired husband slided  to the front of your bedroom door.

"W-what is it my love?!"  He shouted in a panicked worrisome tone. 

"Is something wrong? Is your stomach hurting? D-did your water break?! IS THE BABY COMING?!" Questions after questions leaving his mouth, leaving you to sweatdrop
from him over-reacting. 

"No you idiot, i just need your help, my head is hurting again," you said with a pout.

Yuuta let out a  chuckle then laid you backdown gently , placiny your head on his lap.

He slowly started to rub your temples and then the pain slowly  lifted away and  you, fell asleep on your husbands lap.

(Lifeless, i know. I just cant stand the new update at all smh it takes literally 22 minutes to type one alphabet smh.)

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