Twenty - Five - You're Wrong

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March 10th, 2018
Mayora Ally Oniya


I sat in the waiting room with an Espresso coffee in my hand. Keion and Taji sat next to me, while they conversed with one another.

When I had brought Dray to the hospital earlier this morning he had a panic attack, so they had to calm him down and keep him in the room away from everyone.

It was seven - thirty in the morning, and I was tired.

"Family of Draymin Adim Ryes." The Doctor announced.

We all stood up, rushing up to him.

"Good morning, I'm here to let you know yes Draymin did have a panic attack. The sweating, dizziness, and feeling numb in the body are all side affects. So, to sort of treat this issue he'll have to go to cognitive-behavioral therapy, weekly, for just in case; he'll be prescribed medication. It's quite possible that his panic disorder won't go away but we can do the best we can to help. He'll be free to go as soon as he signs the papers."

"Thank you so much Doc." Taji shook his hand.

"It's what I do best. You all have a nice day." He walked off.

I let out a sigh of relief and looked over at his parents.

"Well, let's go see him and get him home." Keion grabbed Taji's hand and they walked off to his room.

I followed behind them, feeling myself getting nervous to see him. I was scared the panic attack could have killed him. I wondered what caused it. What could have stressed him out that bad?

Keion knocked on the door and got Dray's attention. He was laid back watching the TV. He had the IV hooked into his skin and certain things hooked to his bare chest.

"My poor baby, I was so scared that you were gone." His mom rushed to his side.

"I'm good mama, you see I'm alive."

"I know- it's just I was so scared. I know you're stressed out over Sayia and Jyis."

"Ma I'm good. Don't even bring that stuff up either."

I wonder what happened to Sayia and Jyis? I remember Cierra telling me that they were in the hospital; It must've caused Dray to be where he is today.

His eyes wandered over to me and I froze. I didn't know what to exactly say since we haven't talked since earlier.

"I'm glad your ok Dray." I said walking up to his bed.

He didn't say anything; I studied his unreadable face.

"Can y'all let Mayora and I talk for a minute? Then I'll be ready to go."

"Ok baby." Tajia touched his hand before they walked out.

His eyes looked at me again making me feel uncomfortable.

"Sayia and Jyis died yesterday." He blurted.

I felt my hurt sink. Hearing that his daughter and ex girl died it shocked me. He was going through all this and we were in too bad of a state for me to comfort him. I felt so bad.

"I'm so sorry Dray. I wish you would've told me sooner so I could be there for you. I hate for you to go through all this."

"Well you can't exactly comfort me when you the reason why I'm in this fucking hospital."

I frowned.

"Wait- are you blaming me?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

He had me fucked up if he was gonna sit in that damn hospital bed, with that fucking ugly ass hospital gown on and blame me.

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