Big Bad Wolf

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Author's Note

I would warn and advise readers who are uncomfortable with gore, cannibalism, and murder.

This is a warning of what is in this chapter.

You have been warned.

A torn page flutters out from beneath a bed. Writing has been scrawled seemingly all over the page. You bend down and pick it up.

"Dear readers,

Some may know me for what I am, concealing slivers of silverfish and slowly dying in pain. It feels agonizing, really, however, these snippets are my creations. The stories that no one has heard me tell, the stories that I enjoy writing. Thank you for sticking to this book, this far. I am grateful for the votes and the support.

With love,

Minazara." You blink confused at the page. Scrunching up your face, you bend down to look under the bed to look for more. Something whips out from beneath the bed and slaps you hard in the face, throwing you against a bookcase. Groaning in pain, you slowly try and get up but a sinister dark fog emerges from the bed. Blinking you get up but then dark red eyes get shoved into your face. The dark red eyes vanish after a few seconds, shaken up, you slowly walk over to the door. As you open the door the hinges creak and slowly crack, you try to let go of the door handle. You couldn't, your hand was stuck to the doorknob. Your eyes widened in fear you grabbed your wrist and tried desperately to pull your hand off of the doorknob. By doing so, the door rattled and fell off of its hinges. You fell backward, and onto your butt. Groaning in pain you tried to stand up, but your hand was still attached to the doorknob. You slowly shook your arm and the door moved as well.

A dark figure emerged from beneath the bed and slowly sauntered towards the small boy. Its teeth glistened with drool, and it's smiled deepened as it got closer to the boy. He reached out and grabbed the boy by his neck, but as he did so, the boy swung its arm and a door hit its face. Stunned, it released the boy and stepped backward from the recoil of the blow. The boy ran, dragging a door along with him and when he glanced down at his hand that was still attached to the door, he nearly fainted from the sight. The metal doorknob was slowly burning and embedding itself into the skin and dried blood stained the door frame. Grimacing, the dark figure sauntered out of the room and looked out of the hallway just in time to see the boy run into an empty closet. Grinning the dark figure slowly walked down the hallway and towards the closet door.

He curled up into a small ball, trying to become as small as possible. Of course, it was nearly impossible to do so with his hand attached to a doorknob. Sweat poured down his palms as he heard 'it' walk down the hallway. His heart felt as if it was beating a million miles per minute, and he tried to not make a single noise. The door was broken and had split apart when he was running down the hallway. Trembling, he covered his mouth and closed his eyes as the footsteps stopped. He breathed in and out, in and out. Sighing, he reached for the door, but before he could, the door was wrenched from his grasp. Panicked, he swung the broken door in front of him, but the door was ripped from the handle.

Screaming in agony blood dripped from his handle and poured from the handle. He was picked up and thrown against the wall. Stunned he tried to regain his senses, but before he could, a hand was shoved into his mouth and his tongue was ripped out of his mouth. Trying to scream, it turned into small gurgles as his neck was roughly squeezed. His eyes fluttered as the world was spinning around him, the last thing he saw was the whites of sharp teeth.

The dark figure grinned and laughed maniacally as he tore the boy's body apart. Having already feasted in the boy's tongue, the eyes and heart were next. Of course, the rest were to be auctioned off someplace else.

"Mark! Where are you?" A young woman's voice floated from downstairs.

"You better not be playing a prank on me!" The dark figure grinned and mimicked the boy's voice.

"I'm up here!"

"Geez, Mark, upstairs!?" The woman walked up the stairs and took a peek into the hallway.

"Over here! Inside this room!"

"Yes, I'm coming!"

As she walked in she was greeted by an assortment of toys that had been knocked over and thrown all over the floor.


The last thing she felt was a pain in her neck and the force of her being thrown against the wall.


Okay, well this made the book matured a bit. 

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