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I've written about love before I really even knew what it was, I say "written" but it was more like "dreamed". I wrote about people in love, being in love, and the concept of love. But I had never experienced it for myself.

At the age of 16 I was "in love" with the idea of being in love. But now I have experienced being in love, multiple times, which people make seem impossible. Like, you can only experience real love once. That is not true, love is more than relationship, and its cliche for me to say but love is everywhere and it's so true.

Being in love is not like the books describe, or online blogs, and even the movies. As much as we all want to believe, myself included, love is not a fairy tale. It's real.

It's waking up early to start the coffee pot for your significant other. It's doing the dishes so your partner doesn't have too. Love is nights crying sleeping alone while your boyfriend sleeps in the next room. It's wilted roses weeks after valentines day, and it's remembering your husband's doctors appointments. It's being there on your love ones bad days. It's missing your siblings, and family members. It's missing your best friend. It's checking on your next door neighbor. It's making sure your new plant is watered. It's taking your dog for a walk even when you are tired. Love is in places you never imagine it being.

Sometimes it's ugly, messy, chaotic,  and scary. It's not only roses and sweet first kisses. Love isn't always new and exciting. Sometimes it's like waves in the ocean. Coming to shore and washing out again, but you know it will come back.

Love even gets worn out. Seeming like its gone forever, then out of nowhere it's there again standing on your front porch on a rainy day.

Love is kinda unexplainable.
I think that's why I'm so fascinated by it. It's why humankind is so fascinated by it.

Love is the center of the universe rotating on the axis of our hearts.

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