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Michael jogged from across the hall towards her. He gave her a hug and stepped back to look at her.

"What's wrong?"

"They gave the part to someone else."

"You auditioned?" He asked impressed.

"Well, I didn't get to." She sighed.

"What are you doing here anyway." Asked Avery with a hint of sass in her tone.

"I was gonna sign up for stage crew,"He smiled, a dimple popping from his cheek, "why don't you join with me Charity? It would be pretty lonely going solo." He said as he intertwined his fingers with hers.

"I don't know what's going on here, but I most definitely do not like it." Stated Avery. Michael and Charity laughed, as she leaned into him.

"That actually sounds really fun." Smiled Charity. The more she thought about it, the more she likes the idea of it. She didn't want to be front and centre. All eyes on her? She shuddered at the thought of it. Maybe she did belong behind the curtain.

"You can too Avery." Offered Michael. Avery crossed her arms with a blank look on her face.

"You can do costume design!" Coaxed Charity.

"Now that you mention it, this isn't such a bad idea." She said running to sign up. Michael and Charity laughed again, as they strolled into the auditorium.

"Sierra Miles?" He asked with shock on his face as they made it back stage.

"Mikey!" She squealed, as she ran towards him, leaping into his arms and pushing Charity off to the side in the process.

"I told you to stop calling me that once my voice dropped." He whispered.

"Oh Mikey," she laughed placing her hand in the middle of his chest, "you always were such a funny guy."

They talked for a few minutes, as Charity and Avery shared a look. Who would've thought? The lead actress trying to steal the guy she likes? That was so cliche, she had to resist the urge to gag.

Sierra threw a fake sweet smile Charity's way, and Charity threw it right back. If there was one thing this girl was good at, it was acting. No wonder she got the part so quickly. Even if Charity auditioned, she probably still would've lost to her.

Though she'd never admit that. Ever.

"I have to get back to practice since opening night is only a few weeks away. But it was nice seeing you Mikey, and Avery. And Charlotte."

"It's Charity."

"Same difference." She said, adding a bit of edge in her tone. She turned around, and strutted, so her but cheeks went up in opposite increments, just begging for people to stare.

"Well she seems nice." Said Avery, sarcasm laced so thickly in her voice, she forgot it was Avery saying it.

They all signed up, and then headed out. Avery got a ride back from her mom, and Charity went with Michael.

"Why is your bike so ugly?" She asked.

Michael laughed, a low and majestic ripple effecting every corner of her body.

"I painted it this colour, so no one would steal it." He was handsome and smart? He was the whole deal.

They went back to the diner that they went to the other night. It did look better during the day, but not by much. The same burly man was sweeping the floor. He looked up as they walked in, and instantly set up a table near the front for them. Michael nodded at him in appreciation as they sat down.

He pulled the wooden chair out, and she sat down. They ate sandwiches, which also looked better in the day light. The man never took his eyes off Michael, even when Charity made direct eye contact with him.

As they finished there food, Michael led Charity out. And as last time, didn't pay for their food. She didn't say anything this time, but could feel the mood change.

They walked back to the library, where everyone else was busy working. She had been so lost in the moment, she forgot about all the things she needed to do. She wasn't gonna let show biz distract from what she was supposed to do.

She wasn't her mother.

She got back to work, and was more focused then usual. She was almost done, when she saw the book she had read. She picked it up, and flipped the yellowed pages. It was to worn out, the cover ripped a bit from the spine, causing it to limp.

"You can keep it." Said Ms. Arnold. Charity whipped her head around to see Ms. Arnold looking at her with a motherly glow in her eyes.

"I'm, sorry. I didn't mean to ruin it." She said, delicately placing the book back where it belonged.

"Really Charity. It's not like anyone's been dying to read it lately." Ms. Arnold said with a chuckle. She pulled the book from its place, and gently rested it in Charity's palm. She silently walked away, leaving Charity with the little book.

She wrapped her arms around it, and closed her eyes, breathing in the unique scent of years past, and this book being held by many people before her.

And suddenly, she didn't feel so alone in the library. She felt a warm sensation at the fact that she had people in her life who cared for her wellbeing.

She walked to the table were her backpack was sitting, and put the book inside. She looked out the open window. Michael was standing outside in the afternoon sun, smoking a cigarette. He was talking to three muscular guys, each about a foot taller than him.

Charity ducked down, and crawled just out of view towards the window. She put her ear up to the wall to see if she could hear anything.

"Man, I don't know about this." Said one of the men.

"Me either." Said another.

"Do you want the money or not?" Spat Michael.

There was some incoherent mumbling, when a third, sharper voice cut in.

"If you can get us the money by next Friday, you have yourself a deal." Said who she was assuming the third man.

There was silence before she heard the clapping of two hands, shaking in agreement. There were big footsteps that faded, and then more silence.

She heard Michael coming up to the library door, and quickly pulled out her book, as if she had been reading the entire time.

When he walked in, he had a solemn look on his face, but when he saw her, all the tension melted immediately. He walked over to her, and sat down, placing a swollen hand on her knee.

"There's something I need to tell you Charity."

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