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She was ready to fall asleep when she got back, and everyone could tell. Todd kept giving her weird looks, but she didn't notice. She stumbled over her feet, and barely missed knocking an entire bookshelf over.

Avery guided her to a cozy chair in the corner, where she tried to sleep. But, it was impossible with the constant murmuring and shuffling of people around her.

"Hey." Said a voice as rich as chocolate. She opened her eyes to see Todd standing over her.


"Well, ya have a plan sleeping beauty?"

"You think I'm pretty?" She gushed dramatically.

"What? I didn't—"

"Got ya." She smiled to herself.

"Hilarious," he grumbled. "I was gonna ask you if you had any idea of how we're gonna get out of this mess."

"I dunno, since when am I the idea man?"

"Since forever." Said Todd.

"Well, Michael just invited me to a party, so I was thinking we could go and investigate, see who's there."

"That's one helluva plan Stan."

"Hey! I don't see you coming up with anything better!" She said. He stood up, a bemused smirk playing at the corners of his full lips. She yawned, and eventually fell asleep.

She woke up, to an empty library. Thankfully the lights were on, but it was eerily quiet, the only noise coming from the radiator. She pushed herself out of the chair, stretching her legs, before making her way to the shelf.

Someone was shuffling through papers, but from behind, she couldn't tell who it was. They were wearing a black hoodie with a laughing scull on the back.

"Michael?" She squeaked, even though she had a sinking feeling it was not him. The figure was about to turn around, when Charity fell behind a new shipment of books. She could hear him cussing to himself, but most of it was incoherent.

"He's a dead man." He huffed. That was all she was able to hear, but enough to alarm her. She paused, and laid on the ground, her stomach on the dirty carpet. He looked through aisles, yelling and hitting everything in sight. She was able to calm herself, so he wouldn't hear her jagged, rushed breathing.

She was frozen in place, praying for this perilous man to leave. He walked, his footsteps echoing in the hollow building. She could feel the ice cold flush of her cheeks and neck, make its way to her shaking hands.

He brought his leg back, and kicked the mountain in a swift motion, causing them to topple over her quaking limbs. They made eye contact for a fraction of a second before her thoughts settled in.

He took long strides towards her, prepping her adrenaline into overdrive. It carried
her to the far office, with a window big enough for her to get out. Stepping on the desk, she arched her self onto the frame.

He was to big to fit through the window, but tried to reach her around the side of the building. She jumped out, falling on her knee, causing it to dig into the gravel, leaving bits of stone and blood caked on.

She didn't have time to worry about it, and although it stung, she kept moving as fast as she could through the freezing, dead air.

"Goddammit!" Yelled the figure.

Her house was to far, she limped to Avery's. Janet obviously let her in, but thankfully didn't ask to many questions. Avery was already sleeping, so at least she didn't have to answer any of her questions either.

Morning came sooner than later, and when she woke up, there was a very confused Avery staring at her.

She was wearing a matching set of pink pyjamas, with polka dots. Charity looked down, to see sweat stains on her tank top, as well as dirt clinging to her shorts, with some cuts on her legs, and a small gash on her wrist.

"What happened?" Asked Avery gently, brushing her hand over the cut.

"Well, I was riding my bike and—"

Janet cleared her throat loud enough for her to hear. She sighed, knowing that lying would do no one any good.

"I was attacked." She stated. Avery reached over, and gave her a hug, and even though Charity winced in pain, she let her.

The phone began to ring, and Janet quickly answered. She nodded a few times before passing it over to Charity.

"Hi dad." She said weakly, already knowing who it was. He was madder than she had ever heard him before. She was extremely thankful she didn't have to endure this face to face.

"Why were you at the library so late?"

"I fell asleep. I'm sorry. I was chased out, so I went to Avery's."

"Geez Louise, you just broke your wrist and now you were jumped! What am I gonna do with you!" He said. Both ends went silent, and Charity couldn't help but bite her lip.

"I'm sorry I'm such a burden."

"I didn't mean it like that." He whispered.

"I know."

"I'm just scared. Those kids are bad news."

"Who? Michael?"

"All of them. They are all in this youth program for something."

"Dad, they're my friends, and I'm in this youth program."

He sighed, a long, exhausted groan. She could hear him take a few more deep breaths, before speaking calmly and clearly.

"Whatever. I really can't be doing this right now." He finally replied.

"Why? Is your girlfriend waiting for you? I'm so sorry to interrupt."

"Charity Isla Davis you will not speak to me like that!" He roared, "I understand that a lot is going on right now, and I have been very excepting of your privacy, but I deserve my privacy as well! We will not talk about this any further until you come home!" The phone clicked off, and she handed it back to Janet.

"Well, That could've gone worse I guess." Shrugged Charity, standing up from her spot on the couch.

"Huh. That's a very positive spin I did not expect coming." Said Avery, following her to the door.

"Me either," said Charity, "But, I know one thing's for sure."

"And what would that be?"

"We are definitely going to that party!"

"How are we even gonna get there? What about everything that just happened?"

"Oh Andrew?" She smirked, "don't worry about him, he won't have to know."

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