Ch.3- Blood

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Author P.O.V

Huffing and puffing Minjee scrambled out from her car. Her little purposeful steps were a blur. She was 5 minutes late and she knew she shouldn't have stopped by that really cute cafe, but their French toast just looked out of this world.

Forcing the doors' solid body open she entered the house, but Minjee felt her left foot hook onto the last granite step. Her body was being pulled by gravity towards the chilled floor and she could feel panic pushing its head out to be displayed on her face.

"OOF! Ow. . ." Minjee groaned, while her elbows helped lift her up slightly. Her knitted eyebrows and her hissing made it obvious she was annoyed, but that soon changed when she heard chuckles being projected. Wide-eyed like a fish, she looked up to see Namjoon. Eyes closed, hand on his stomach while laughing with his mouth open and his deep dimples showing.

"Are you alright?" The male smiled offering assistance with his hand extended. Minjee shyly nodded and grabbed onto Namjoon's hand. Being pulled up she couldn't help but blush a rosy pink. Minjee was absolutely embarrassed about the incident and didn't dare to look Namjoon in the eyes, nor even give him a glance.

Mustering up her voice she poked her boss and asked in a low whisper, "Can you please forget about what just happened? My cheeks are heating up like crazy and I'm so embarrassed right now. Please... Namjoon?"

"Of course! You are doing such a great job already, I haven't laughed this hard in a while." Namjoon said wiping a tear from the corner of his eyes, "How come you're late?"

"Oh, um yeah about that. I couldn't resist but stop at this adorable shop called what was it... ah yeah, 'Flower Boy Jin's Cafe'. There was this amazing looking French toast with berries and cream-... I'm talking too much aren't I."

"It's fine," Namjoon beamed, "that was cute. Anyways, that cafe you talked about. It's run by my close cousins, Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung. They're the only relatives I like talking to."

"Really? Okay..."

"Enough about that. How about some breakfast?" The older tilted his head towards the kitchen. Minjee nodded and rushed to the kitchen carefully as to avoid falling again.

Swiftly, like a skilled craftsman, Minjee proceeded to make the food. As she whisked the eggs in a bowl, Namjoon stared at her with his arm prodded up to support his head. He knew the feelings he had for her were forbidden, taboo and overall illicit. She was a married woman, who clearly loved her husband dearly, while he was just an outsider who admired and had feelings for a married woman.  His mind drifted away thinking about what to do as he continued to stare into space.

"Namjoon, do you mind peeling an apple for me? Thanks." 

Listening to her, he grabbed an apple and the peeler. Placing the peeler blade against the fruit, he struggled to even get the slightest slither of apple peel. 

"Ah-" Namjoon hissed as he accidentally sliced himself. If it was a small cut he wouldn't have mind it, but it was unfortunately rather deep and close to the veins. Minjee was alerted as soon as she heard his groan. Turning off the stove and rushing towards the man holding his thumb in pain.

"Oh no! Here, sit down. I'll get the first aid kit." she said. The man watched as her small figure rushed as fast as her little steps could carry her, zooming to the closest first aid kit she could find. He admired her kind, cheerful nature and wished for nothing else but for her to be his, even though he knew that there would never be even the slightest possibility of that happening.  Namjoon hated himself for thinking of her in such a way, he couldn't believe he would be as low to have such clandestine thoughts towards Minjee. Believing that if he continued to see her in that aspect, would mean downgrading her value. Drawn out of his wisps of thought by the shuffling of mini footsteps, he lifted up his head to view the said woman running towards him. Her eyes focused on him and her hands placed firmly around the first aid box as to not dropping it. Her hair bouncing as she kneeled down in front of Namjoon.

"I'm back. Here give me your wrist... careful now. You're lucky I have first aid training." she puffed from doing a fair amount of running. Softly holding his wrist she placed pressure using a towel and wrapped it around his wrist before grabbing her phone and calling Namjoon's private doctor. After a few short words on the phone she turned back to Namjoon and looked at him worriedly.

"If you were having trouble you know you could've told me." she sighed.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I thought I could I handle it. I mean it was just peeling an apple, plus I wanted to be helpful. I would never expect for this to happen. Hehe." he chuckled. Seeing him carefree, Minjee slowly softened and giggled a little. Not knowing that her little chortles would cause Namjoon to smile even wider as he watched Minjee as she shook her head with eyes closed and head down, one hand on top of her forehead. But his appreciation of you would come to an end when there was knocking at the door.

"Dr. Min must be here already. Geez, that was quick." Minjee noted as she ran to the door, opening it to reveal the said man. Dr. Min. A renowned world-class doctor and professor, who is respected for his genius skills in nearly every field and well-known for enjoying sleep more than helping patients. His eye bags showed the lack of sleep he endured every day and his half lidded eyes stared at her, while his silver hair looked rather dishevelled and his attire rather messy.

"Are you letting me in or ..." he asked as he rolled his right hand with his head tilted to the opposite side.

"Ah y-yes. Sorry."

With his shoes clunking on the floor, Dr.Min stretched his back, arms and legs as he made his way to Namjoon lazily.

"What did you do now? Is it your legs, head, stomach or arms." he yawned, closing his eyes.

"Yoongi-hyung, my man. It's my wrist, just sliced it with a peeler." Namjoon smiled, showing off his infamous dimples. 

"Pffttt! Are you kidding me! A slice from a peeler! Hahaha!" he laughed," Alright whatever give it here." Namjoon smiled at his hyung and looked up to Minjee signalling for her to leave for a while. Understanding his message, she nodded and grabbed her bag and keys. 

With no idea what to do as soon as she stepped foot out of the house, Minjee made a hasty decision to buy a gift for Namjoon. As she drove into town, she decided on buying him a watch to hide the scar that would definitely be left behind after this incident. Smiling at how his reaction would be she happily drove on unaware that someone she was way too familiar with would coincidentally be at the same place.



Hey moonies! It's been a while, yes I know, but please bare with me. Expect more chapters to be published as it is now school holidays for me and I can't wait to show all of you guys how this book will unfold.

Now, I'd like to make an announcement...

A few weeks ago, I made a terrible, absolutely terrible mistake...

I dropped my phone in water. Now, I tried all methods to help save my phone like putting it in rice, taking it apart and my dad( love this man) even went as far as to use a vacuum to suck out the water. However all these efforts were applied to no avail, and my phone would just not turn on. So, I'd like to hold a funeral for my phone.

R.I.P Bleng's Phone

Beloved phone, storage of all embarrassing photos, videos and gifs, the beholder of all my story drafts and chapter drafts (including the original version of this chapter), the beholder of my valued games and last of all the beholder of my precious music.


You will be missed.

ANyWaYS! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and please look forward to the next chapter, and the next one and the one after that, and the one after that etc.


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