Ch.2-The Husband

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Time: 11:50 p.m.

Yongguk arrived from "work" and was stumbling into his home. Unlocking the door and trudging inside to see everything all clean and tidy. Chucking his shoes aside, he sighed and made his way up the stairs to his shared bedroom with his wife. The thought of having a wife made him dizzy. He never even wanted to get married, it was an arranged marriage. He was thankful that his wife was beautiful and all, but he hated her. Hated how she was cute and always tried her god damn hardest at everything. He hated that she was alive. She wasn't his style at all. If she was more daring, more voluptuous, more sinful then he might've actually enjoyed having her as his wife. If she was more of his ideal type, then maybe he wouldn't cheat. 

Putting down his briefcase, he entered the bathroom. He strips and steps into the shower, his toes feeling the chill of the cold ceramic tiles before he turns the shower handle. The water splashed onto his face, then wrapped itself around Yongguk before slowly sliding off and gurgling down the drain.

" Water. Water. Water."  His hands swept through his hair. His eyes closed as he remembered the Wedding he hated so much flow out. Blurry and distant movie reels of memories played out at an uneven pace. Slow. Fast. Slow. Fast. The lake the dreadful wedding was held at, even the forced dancing and the crooked, disgusting smile he put on to make everyone happy. Min Jee's revolting, sweet expression and his masked face as they said their vows. The idiotic game of throwing the groom and the bride into the lake. HOW STUPID! That lake felt like a cesspit! That 'joyous' occasion felt like hell. His life felt like hell! More and more filthy memories filled his head the more he tried not to remember.

"No. No. NO!" Yongguk cried, " This time I will NOT be pushed around. This is my life. My fucking life. I will do whatever I want. I will do whatever I want... Okay, F-father. What I-I want..." Yongguk scrubbed and scrubbed his skin until it turned a startling red. The second time he closed his eyes he thought about what made him actually 'happy'. The women he had met behind Min Jee's back. Their shining, sultry eyes and their alluring figures were just some attributes that made him attracted to them. Then the movie reel played a different side of his memories. His more sinful desires were revealed. Yongguk smiled like a madman, eyes still closed as he imagined the lingering touches of those women. 

It had been a long while before he exited the bathroom and made his way back to his bed, already clothed of course. He sat down slowly and carefully to not disturb Min Jee or else he'd have to talk to her. With one last, long sigh, he laid down and closed his heavy eyelids. 

The tingling of warmth rolled around his structured face causing him to peek out from one eye. The bright sun was beaming its smile through the window and casting it into the bedroom. Annoyed by the brightness, Yongguk dragged his sluggish body out of bed and trudged to the window before he let out an exasperated sigh and clasped onto the white lace fabric of the curtains. With a grunt, he slid the curtains closed. For some reason, the once light fabric felt extremely heavy. His head slowly hung down and in his peripheral vision, he could see his watch read 10:56 a.m. 

"Shit, I'm late!", he screamed. Rushing to get ready, he managed to quickly pack his bag and get dressed before stumbling down the narrow steps to grab his lunch. The only thing he liked about Min Jee was her cooking. However, as the kitchen island came to view, he noticed that his usual breakfast wasn't prepared. Shuffling to the fridge, he looked inside and found no lunch either. Yongguk was confused as to what was going on. Min Jee would always wake up early to make his lunch and breakfast. As he lifted his head up, he saw a pastel pink strawberry shaped sticky-note with small hearts peppering the outline of the note. It read:                                                                             

 Good morning dear!                                                                                                                                                           I'm sorry that there was no breakfast and lunch for you today, love. You see I've finally got a job as a Companion and I wanted to impress my boss with my skills, so I rushed to get out this morning. My work starts at 9 a.m., but the drive to Mr.Kim's estate takes minimum 2 hours. I had forgotten to wake up extra early to make breakfast, lunch, prepare your suit and pack my required items as well. I promise to get back by at least 11:30 p.m. No need to worry about me!    ~~~ 

❤❤❤                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ Min Jee

Yongguk scoffed as he re-read the small letter again, "You finally got a fucking job huh. Well, you took your fucking time didn't ya. Oh and a 'Mr. Kim'. Wahhhh... Unbelievable. Leaving me without food for some retarded bastard." After he'd voice his thoughts, he was surprised by his own words. Yongguk meant his first two sentences, but the rest took him by surprise. He never in that dark, empty brain of his would he ever believe that words such as those would emerge from him.

 Yongguk slapped himself to wake him up before shimmying to loosen his body and relax his mind from those thoughts. One last whoosh through the mouth and briskly he grabbed an apple, his keys and his bag. A slip and tuck of both of his shoes, a crunch of the pink-tinted fruit, the jingle of keys and the clomping of his footsteps. He was finally going to work. 1 hour and 45- no 46 minutes late. Yongguk was certain that his Uncle/Boss would kill him. The last time he had arrived just 10 minutes late to work, his Uncle almost demoted Yongguk to a lower position in the office. Luckily, that was only a threat. This time he was certain. Absolutely POSITIVE. That his Uncle would punish him.



Heyyyyyyyyyy Moonies!!!  ヾ(・ω・o) 
  How's it been?   I've missed you guys a lot. I have been inactive a lot lately and I won't make any excuses. I was... procrastinating. Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know. I'm trash. Anyways here is a little treat for you. 


~ BlengMoon 

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