Escaping Asgore ..Ch 1..

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Encre's Pov.

I was running for my life. Running from what you ask? From the guards of course!
Did you think I was running from vampires or something!?
No! Of course not!

As I was saying, I was running. Running for my life.
I ran as fast as I could, despite having a deep-ass cut in my leg. I heard.. something move in the trees.. I swear...- maybe.. someone? It doesn't matter. I'm running for my li—'SHITSHITSHIT' I thought to myself. My cut got worse, along with a stick getting stuck inside of it. This made me fall onto my face. Ugh... it reeeaaallly hurt. Suddenly, I felt a hand wrap around my neck and pick me up. Of course, it was the guard. "Asgore wants you, you little shit." Scoffed the guard who held Encre. 'Ugh... Ass-gore is gonna kill me..'

But— a black-boned skeleton shot out from behind a tree, tackling the guard who held me. The guard let go of me as I fell to the floor, too weak to even get up. The mysterious person backed away from the two guards immediately as one of them said, "GET MORE GUARDS!!" The mysterious person picked me up bridal-style, and flew away.
Wow! A vampire! W o n d e r f u l. Also, I could recognize this vampire.
'..Fallacy.... The KING Of Vampires... The same vampire who took everything I loved away... the same vampire that killed my parents...'
I shot a glare at the vampire as he flew, and began to thrash around as an attempt to get out of his grip. But, he was strong.. I continued to struggle. "LET GO OF ME!!" I shouted at him. He didn't say anything back. He just flew on. How rude... I continued to thrash around, struggling and hitting him if possible. "..Stop moving... if you keep struggling, I'll throw you back to those idiots you were running from..." Man. His voice.. he sounded so.. sad. So.. c o l d. Oh, did I forget to mention that his hands were cold as ice? His hands were v e r y cold. But, I didn't want to go back to Asgore, sooo... I listened, and stopped struggling. "..Thank you.." He said with his cold, sad voice. Eventually, we reached.. his castle. The worst place to be....

Fallacy's Pov.

I was holding the small mortal bridal-style as I reached the main doors of the castle. Obviously, she knew where this was, so she began to struggle once again. I quickly opened the doors, and flew in. Somehow finding a way to close the doors behind myself. I flew upstairs, and into the guest room. I plopped the mortal down into the room before she could hit me in the face. "WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE!? WHY AM I HERE!? WHY DO I MATTER TO YOU!? WHY DID YOU SAVE ME!?" She shouted. She seemed quite mad.. it was kind of cute.... very.. very cute...

(517 words. Y a y. Chapter 2 coming soon-)

Vampire Love [VampireVerse] [Encre x Fallacy]Where stories live. Discover now