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" kim taehyung!!!!! wake up before I kick this door!!"
"Arghh!!ok omma, I wake up."good boy, now go bath and go to downstairs so we can eat breakfast together with your father "~💕💕."Ok mom". I replied with smiley smile on my face.I standing and stratching my body.It feel good when we do morning exercise after sleep.It relaxes my body and I fell more fresh.I quickly take any nearest towel at me and quickly take a shower.I don't want my beautiful omma get angry at me because trust me you dont want to know what she will be when she is angry.After wear my white plaint school uniform with red tie on it,I walk to the downstairs.I kiss my mom cheeks.'Awww, what a sweet boy you are .here take your breakfast and eat it with us'.I sit at the chair that beside my mom and my dad.Suddenly my father cursed.we are so shock with father-sudden-curse."What wrong Mr. Kim?"
My mom asked with worried face on her face.

"OMG!!!we are already late now!!" I look at my dad with confuse look on my face."Dad it still early you now.We have about 25 minutes left."We both just chuckled at my dad cuteness.And I forgot to tell you guys that Im their only sons so yeah i am the maknae of this family 😜😜😜.Back to the story.no it not.That clock is not working that why it show us the wrong time.I forget to fix that clock yesterday.Now hurry up my son or both of us will get late!! I quickly eat as fast as I could.I want to eat more of my omma cookings .My mom 's cooking is the best cooking i ever eat and I still hungry okay!! I quickly grab some sandwiches on my plate and drink a glass of milk.I walk to the door with sandwiches still on my mouth."Yahhh!! Your lunch box take this with you.Hey am i talking to a door right now?!!!'silent....no one answering."Mom i forgot to take my lunchbox with me,did you see my lunchbox?"my mom look at me annoyingly and give my lunchbox."Aigoo,you are lucky young boy that you are my son."i look at my mom and kiss her face."Hehe, bye mom. love you.""love you too.~"

I quickly run to my father s' car. I sit at in front passenger s' sit. My father give a wink at my mother before the car drove away from our house. My mother face is red as tomato like it will explode at anytime. I just laugh with my parent behavior."Why are you laughing cupcake?"My dad ask me with weird look on his face."Ah...it nothing dad.I just feel happy to see you guys still romantic to each other although you guys have been married for about 20 years."My dad just smile at my word.I feel weird and at the same time confuse why my dad smile when i say that."Cupcake,you will understand when you have meet your "destiny mate" and trust me when you find "your destiny mate "you will feel how i feel right now at why we,your parent still romantic to each other although we are old."Yea dad, i feel how you feel right now because i al-"Okay,here we are ,now go to your class you dont want to be late for you first class of this year right, cupcake?

I want to say something to my dad but i think that i will talk about it at home."Bye cupcake see you at home".Bye dad and dont call me CUPCAKE anymore, i now an adult okey!! not a 5 -years- old-child that you can call CUPCAKE!!" I made a sulky face to my dad to show that i really mad about that " cupcake" things."Okey , i will not call you cupcake anymore.deal?"" deal. Bye dad." i said while giving "mini love" to him ."BYE.....CUPCAKE!!!!".He quickly start the car and as fast as light his dark green BMW now are gone.I smile to my self ."Aishh,this old man ."i love my old man although he sometimes too crazy and a bit weird to me.I think i got it from my father gen.That why my friend call me an "Alien"because i just unique and a little bit weird and a bit hyper.

KRING!!!! KRING!!!!!

Shit!!! the first class has ended.I never miss any classes before this .This is my first time to be very late like this.You are dead kim taehyung.THIS IS THE END OF MY LIFE.I quickly go into school to find my new classroom. Shit!this is all happen because of that fucking idiot clock.

so guys how you feel about the first chapter of this book because this is my first time writing . please give any comment about my writing because i really need that so i can improve my writing skills.And also sorry if my english is bad because english is not my first language.hehehe..

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