Chapter Two-Magical Combinations

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Chapter Two  

Magical Combinations

"Damie! HELP!!!" Dom's scream for help reaches my ears and I jump out of the tree I was reading in to find out why he needed my help. As I round the bend and come into the forest clearing I see a sight that pisses me off. Two of the men from town, that's known by the lesser folk to rape innocent kids, were trying to rape my brother. I run over and grab one of the guys and punch him in the face then kicking the others stomach as he came at me. "Get lost! You ever try to rape my little brother again I'll burn you both to a crisp!" I growl bringing a foot high flame to life in my hand. The fools run off towards the town.  

I make the fire vanish and turn to help Dominic up from the ground. "My hero!" He shouts hugging me and I laugh. "You won't really need my help all that much once you become a knight you know." Dominic lets go and I help him walk over to the log near by knowing he won't be able to walk on his own with the sprain at his ankle. "I hope Vulcus doesn't find out about this." He worries as I place my hands around his ankle to heal it. Though I am gentle the pain still makes him twitch. "No doubt he has already. After all he and I see through the same eye."  

Just as I say that Vulcus drops down out of the sky and rushes to Dom's side. "Oh thank goodness those vagrants didn't get any further." I couldn't help but snicker. You see since the day Vulcus saved my life he and Dominic were betrothed secretly so father wouldn't lose his sanity at finding out Dominic is gay and I am a magical genius. "If you two start kissing I'll zap you both." I say with a laugh so they know I wouldn't really hurt them. Dominic shoots me a glare and says, "Oh you're just jealous because I have a lover and you don't." I roll my eyes and turn to look at the sky dreaming yet again today.  

"Damian, what are you thinking about?" Vulcus asks me after a few moments of silence pass. "About flying." I say simply. Dominic groans in despair. Dom's terrified of heights so flying and levitating nearly give him heart attacks. "Speaking of flying come on Dom, father's lessons start soon." I get up and start walking towards home. I hear Dom and Vulcus kissing before Dom's footsteps fall in with my own. I roll my eyes again as I glance over and see Dom's dreamy look.  

Once we make it home I see father trying to get our cat out of the tree. It's a funny sight when father is flustered because our cat ignores him. Since he taught us levitation when we were 6 I've had 10 years to perfect it. So I show off for Dom and lift off the ground and zoom by father and gently land by our cat and pick her up and scratch her chin as she purrs in my arms. Dom laughs and shouts, "Damie you are the biggest show off ever!" My father couldn't help but laugh as well when our cat starts giving my face a bath.  

"All right boys settle down lesson time." Our father says and I drop down from the tree branch and take our cat inside to mom. I kiss her cheek as she takes Moonglow from my arms. "Have fun with your lesson dear." I hear her say as I run back outside and stand by Dominic. "Today's lesson is conjuring illusions if you need to make a quick escape." Father gestures with his hands and a lion appears and roars Dom hides behind me as my focus stays on the lion. All of a sudden it's gone and so is father. I hear him laughing and we turn to see father sitting in his rocking chair on the porch. "That boys was an illusion of a lion. Illusions come in handy for many kinds of escapes."  

"So that's how you never get in trouble with mother." I say aloud thinking to myself. Father chuckles, "Indeed." He walks over to us and places a hand on Dominic's shoulder. "Dominic, picture in your mind something you think will distract us and then use the opportunity to vanish." I see my brother gulp but nod. I use our mental link to give him encouragement. 'You can do it, Dom.' He looks at me and smiles before closing his eyes and makes the gestures father had done. I hear a neigh and I look away from Dom as father does and we see a colt running around and playing near by but then it was gone. "I did it!!" Father and I turn and see Dom hugging mother. Father smiles with approval and I cheer, "Yeah! You did great little brother!"  

Father turns to me, "All right Damian it's your turn." I nod and conjure up a giant snake and use the opportunity of everyone's distraction to vanish and reappear sitting on the roof with my legs dangling over the edge. "So does this mean I passed?" I ask and my family looks up at me and I see my father's look of pride and I drop to the ground with a wide grin. I finally got my father to be proud of me for something. "You both pass this lesson with flying colors." My father says as he places a hand on each of our shoulders. Then he says something that makes us both cry in rage on the inside. "I believe it's time for you both to go train away from home. Dominic, you will go train to be a wizard like myself and Damian you will go train to be a knight in the royal capital."  

Dominic starts to cry and runs into the forest with me right behind him. I catch up and bring him into a hug and hold him. "Don't worry Dom. Everything will be okay." I tell him as mother comes up behind us knowing that our dreams were gonna be ripped from us. She knows Dominic wants to be a knight and I want to train my magic. "Oh my darlings do not cry. We can just switch your positions." We look at her with confusion and she elaborates what she means. "Tomorrow you two will be leaving for your training and I have told your father that I will take you to the fork so you won't get lost. However when we reach that fork Damian you will go the direction to the hermit that trains all magic users and Dominic you will go the direction to the capital to become a knight." We smile at her and hug her.  

That night as I lay awake thinking about tomorrow I feel Dominic climb in my bed. "Can't sleep?" I ask him and feel his nod on my chest. "Hey I know what can help you sleep." I sit up bringing him with me and bring forth a small orb of light so he can see better. "I've been experimenting with my magic." I tell Dominic. "Really?" He asks his eyes widening in wonder. I nod and show him one of the spells I created myself. I hold out my hand and summon forth a small bird made of ice then make it fly around before making it explode into beautiful colors of light. He squeals in wonder and I laugh. "What do you call it Damie?" I think for a second and say, "Shard Explosion. In the bigger version when the bird explodes ice shards will rain down on anyone that's going to threaten me or those I love." Dominic wraps his slender arms around me and hugs me. "I love you big brother." He whispers as he snuggles close to me and I smile. I lay us back down and the orb of light vanishes as we fall asleep and I dream of more magical combinations.  

Three different combinations fill my dreams as I dream of an unknown future. A combination of Darkness and Fire. One of Earth and Ice. The last of Wind and Thunder. The names pop into my head and as I dream my magic remembers these spells and as I lay there unconscious I master them: Flames of Darkness, Sapphire Surge, and Thunder Pulse.

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