Chaphter Seven-Meeting the King

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Chapter Seven  

Meeting the King (Damian's POV)

As Vulcus shifts to his human form I start healing his wounds before punching his arm. "Next time try not to let yourself be tied down." As he rubs his arm he smiles sheepishly and then hugs me. I roll my eyes but return his hug. As we step apart I head over to where Dominic is standing and snap my fingers in front of his eyes. "Dom! Stop drooling over the man and go make sure I didn't miss any injuries when I healed him!" At my word Dominic blinks and races over to Vulcus and hugs him tight. I watch Vulcus and Dom be content with holding each other but the moment they started to lean in to kiss I turn away and find gray eyes and green eyes gazing down at me from a horse.  

"Afternoon, Your Majesties." I say with a small smile as I see them shift their eyes from me to Dominic and Vulcus showing all they don't care who sees since they are together again. I start to laugh and all eyes turn to me again. "What a way to meet the King and Queen, right after killing eighty enemies. *sigh* I guess I've got some explaining to do because I'm pretty sure everyone alive saw my Phoenix and White Lion." I glance over to see the gray eyed prince staring at me with some kind of emotion shining in his gaze.  

"You are most definitely Dominic's brother. *laughs* Though it took him a bit longer to recognize us." The green eyed King states before dismounting to help his wife down. I sigh finally feeling the toll of using all that magic in such a short time. As I turn to look at Dom I plop my ass down onto the ground and don't bother to get up. "So little brother, you gonna let Vulcus breathe or not?" Dominic glances at Vulcus and blushes as he loosens his hold a little. Vulcus breathed in and out a few times before sitting down where he stood as well dragging Dom down with him, Dom positions himself on Vulcus' lap before laying his head on his lover's shoulder. "I missed you so much Vulcus." I saw Vulcus lay his head on Dom's before I start my explanation.  

"Well then while those two get over the lovey-dovey crap I'll tell you how we know the dragon." I say using wind to pick me up and turn me around to face my audience. "I nearly lost my life when we were three years old because I threw a rock at a wolf. I thought at the time it would run away but instead it attacked me and I lost my left eye. Our mother knowing Dom would be tormented because he prefers marrying a man decided to save my life the only way she could." I pause my story and glare a knight down until his look of disgust was wiped away. "So mother brought the two of us to the dragon cave half way up the mountain behind out home. Vulcus is that dragon, he gave me half his magic to save my life and because of this I am the most powerful magic user ever. Since no other can summon beasts like I did today." I pause again as I feel Dom and Vulcus move over to sit by me. "However, my magic doesn't come without a cost." I lift my hand to the eye that's covered with my hair and move the hair aside for all to see my dragon eye. "My left eye that the wolf punctured was replaced by this dragon eye. Due to this whenever Vulcus is in danger my eye hurts like a bitch giving birth, and when he's pissed I pretty much showed you what happens then with my little rampage."  

I look over to the King and Queen to see how they've taken this so far. As I gaze into the Queen's gray eyes and I see she has the more level head so I continue. "The other cost to Vulcus saving my life was...well *laughs* he gets Dom as a lover." The Queen laughs and claps vigorously. "Mother?!" I look up at my gray eyed hotty appreciating the view he's giving me right now. I mean who wouldn't like seeing a well toned set of abs and a well toned butt all in one look. Meaning I was seeing a side view of him. The Queen walks over to Dom and places a hand on his head. "I knew you were in love the moment I saw you." I notice the King chuckling. "So that's why you have been nice to my little brother." She nods a yes and claps again before shouting out to all knights. "If any of you torment Dominic because his love is male I will personally kick your ass into a pile of horse shit!!"  

The King bursts out laughing as his darling wife finishes her threat. "And that is why I married your mother boys." He says to his four shocked sons who apparently have never heard their mother use vulgar words before. She smiles brightly at her husband before looking at me and asks, "Who is your love?" I look down saddened. "I don't have one. I mean who would want me when I can shift to dragon form at any time when my brother-in-law gets pissed." Vulcus clears his throat. "Since when am I your brother-in-law?" I look over at him and roll my eyes. "Since the day you fucked me brother for the first time, dumbass." At my words Dominic squeaks and blushes as red as an apple. "Oh sorry little brother I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your dreams." I laugh out right when Dom punches my arm.  

The King clears his throat and shouts out an order. "Knights back to the palace!" As the knights return including the cutie that brought me here, I see the King glance at his gray eyed son and then back at me. I see him nod to himself as if he was agreeing to his inner thoughts. Just as I was about to ask I feel another dark aura. I jump to my feet and scan the horizon until my gaze meets the dark aura's owner. 'Vulcus danger put up a barrier around yourself and the royal family.' I tell him before I let my aura's full force be felt by all. I call out to the man before me in a deadly tone. "If you value life retreat now!" I watch the man come out into the open and hear the King mutter a curse. "What the hell does he want?" I hear my gray eyed prince growl out before I hear the thwack of an arrow being released. I see it and then see its target and grow very angry. I yell out a spell just as I step into the arrow's path. "Flames of Darkness!!" I feel the arrow dig into my shoulder as I watch my darkened flames surround the archer by the man with the dark aura. I watch as my flames completely torch the archer and the man who apparently is his leader gazes at me and then I am shocked. 'You may have saved Gabriel today but you won't always be there to protect him.' The man's voice had actually gotten through my mental shield. As I kneel to a knee holding my shoulder I growl back to him, 'Don't be too sure of that bastard. A dragon never leaves his mate unguarded.' Just as I say this to him my new beast comes up beside Gabriel and sits down with its eyes fixed on the enemy.  

At the presence of my new beast the man gazes back at me somewhat shocked. "Like I said a dragon never leaves his mate unguarded. So a word of warning fool, try to kill Gabriel again and I'll enjoy biting your head off and crushing your skull with my teeth." I tell the bastard out loud. As I watch the man turn and walk away I grit my teeth and rip the arrow out of my shoulder before my beast comes over and starts bathing my wound with its tongue. I feel the wound closing as my dark wolf licks away the blood until it is fully healed. I scratch his neck and nod a thank you. "I think I'll call you Nightglow." I say as the wolf vanishes. I let myself fall back onto my back and close my eyes. "Damn I need rest big time. Only been half a day and I used way to many spells. Not to mention summoned three beasts."  

I open an eye and look over at Dom and say, "Next time Vulcus gets his ass in danger you save him." I hear my brother laughing gleefully as my eye closes again only to reopen when I feel myself being lifted up by strong arms. I see its Gabriel and close my eye again as I fall into the sweet bliss of darkness to sleep off my spell exhaustion.

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