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Dear family,
When I say I don't want to talk, it means I don't want to fucking talk. I'm not telling you how I cut myself and why I cut myself. I don't know why I cut myself okay? And thank you kayla for sticking up for me and saying that depression doesn't have an answer and it's because of all the shit I've been through. But fuck you Mawmaw for being mad at me. I can't help it I'm a lazy, fat, rude, depressed piece of shit. It's not my fault I haven't been to counseling. I'm the one that's been asking for months for you to sign me up but you always have some lame fucking excuse as to why it never happened. And you even said I come home happier than ever when I hang out with friends and you told me to hang out with them more but Everytime I ask to hang out, you say no. I'll make sure to kill myself next time.

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