Chapter 11

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We finally reached some gates to what seemed to be a park.

We walked closer  up to a sign that almost made me cry once I read it.

It said Strawberry Fields.

"Ive always wanted to come here!" I said excitedly.

"Really? Its nothing special."

"Oh you have no idea."

He just raised an eyebrow.

We entered the park to see it was empty so we decided to just stroll around, and then Paul told me some things about himself.

"You know I had my first kiss here."He began.

"Really? Well that must have been something!" I said jokingly

" Yeah, it was with my first girlfriend. But the she left me three days later!"

We both began to laugh.

"What was your first kiss like Lizzy?"

Hmmm, should I really tell him?

"Oh it was nothing special really, just a small peck." I said almost whispering.

"Well then what was your best kiss?"

"Actually Paul, thats been the only kiss I've had."

I sound like a loner

"What?! You're telling me that you, such a beautiful lass has had only one kiss?!"

Did he just call me beautiful?

I just nodded in response.

"So tell me, who had the honor?"

This was going to be hard to explain.

" Well you see, its just, uhh, it was you Paul."

He stared at me for a second and then burst out laughing.

"Me?! lizzy thats ridicul..."

He then noticed my serious face and noticed I wasnt joking.

Why would it be ridiculous, does he doubt that he will ever kiss me? Am I that horrible?

"But how?" He questioned me.

"It was you from the future. The Paul of 2014." I let ou a deep sigh remembering the old him.

He was so different yet exactly the same as how he is now.

"Well then, Im sorry for not making it special." He said jokingly and soon began to chuckle and I began to blush.

Is this like a joke to him?

"Lets go home" he said and began to walk to the exit of the park.

And so we walked all the way back, which was a little far, but we talked and joked around the whole time.

"So I'm guessing that you've never had a boyfriend?"

Here I go again looking like a complete loner.

"Nope, lets just say that I'm a bit antisocial."

"Antisocial? Why?"

"Well lets just say that I actually perfer to watch Doctor Who than to hang out with hypocrites."

"Awww c'mon Lizzy, not everyone is like that. You're with me right now and having a good time arent you?"

I just smiled in response. He was right.

"And what is that Doctor whoop thing?"

Ohh right, it doesn't come out in a year. Oops, spoilers.

"Well its Doctor Who, and its a television program, and its fantastic!"I said trying to make a posh accent, but failed horribly.

"You dont sound British at all love!" He said and we both began to laugh.

We finally reached the door of the apartment and Paul was fiddling with the keys looking for the right one to open it.

I was leaning against the wall waiting for Paul to open the door.

"You know I still feel bad for giving you a first kiss that wasnt special."

"Oh its fine Paul, no big deal."

By this point he had already opened the door, but  he blocked my way to enter leaving me no choice but to stay exactly were I was.

He slowly grabed both my both hands and pulled himself closer to me untill there was no gap in between. He then looked straight into my eyes.

"It is a huge deal Lizzy, specially for a girl." He said slowly and whispering.

I was starting to get butterflies in my stomach at this point.

What is happening here?

His hands let go of mine and went up to my waist while mine reached up towards his neck while still staring into eachothers eyes.

Our faces slowly started to move in towards eachother, and I closed my eyes softly while our lips were inches away from eachother and I could feel his breath on me.

We gently kept getting closer, and closer.

"I really fancy you Lizzy." He said in a quick and quiet whisper, and then our lips were pressed together.

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