All ______ ever wanted was a way out, not this.
_______ needed a holiday, so as soon as she's legal to travel alone she sets out to the airport with her five best friends and catches the first plane out of England, not caring where it goes.
She expected the thrill of her first plane ride but she never expected the devastating disaster that would shortly take place.
She never thought that it would ever happen, it only happened in the movies.
She never expected to fall in love. Especially with the narcisistic boy she despises.
But life isn't what you expect it to be, so why should anything else be.
They're lost and they never realised that this would bring them together.
Story Ideas || 1D, 5SOS, THG, SPN, HP & Many More
FanfictionIdeas that I think will make it big. Problem is, I suck at writing. ©A.Y Cliffton