#7 5SOS

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"_______! They're going to be here soon!" a knock came from the door followed by my flatmate's voice. I sat up in the bath and surfaced from under the water, taking in a deep breath. I removed the hair from my sight of horrid vision and searched with my right hand for my glasses. I stood up and hopped out, wrapping my towel around my body. I wiped at the condensated mirror and sighed.

Anna is my flatmate. She is probably the definition of perfect, brown hair that curls at the end, crystal blue eyes and a flawless figure. She decided that today, the day which I intended to finish by lounging around getting comfortable and listening to All Time Low, would be the day that she invited her new boyfriend and his three friends over.

I, of course, agreed but with a condition. That she would do the dishes for four months, I never bother to do them anyway which is why they usually stack up in piles on the draining board until she gives in and washes. But at least she will stop nagging me when I am 'busy'. I walked out of the bathroom, leaving a trail of wet footsteps, and into my bedroom.

I didn't bother to shut the door because in all fairness Anna was like a sister to me, and hardly anybody else comes around. Apart from today. I pulled on my underwear and searched for my favourite jumper, I frowned and stared up at my poster. "What would Golem do?" I muttered and then smiled. I started to search under my bed which was hard, since the bed was practically covered with sheets, causing them to block the underneath.

I heard footsteps coming this way so I shouted out."Anna have you seen my jumper, you know the one with Boys Like Girls on it?" I called out. She didn't reply. "Anna?" so I crawled out after banging my head several times and stared at the dirty blonde haired boy that stood in the doorway. His eyes were roaming over my body and my eyes widened once I realised that he was in fact Ashton Irwin.

"A-A-Anna told me to come and get you. I never knew you were getting changed and I apologise for not knoc-"

"Shabba hush!" I cut him off while smiling. "What is Ashton Irwin doing in my house?" I asked while opening the drawers looking for a top. I pulled out my vest top and black high waisted shorts, along with my black, white and silver plaid top. Pulling them on, I then brushed my hair and threw it into a ponytail.

"Well you see. Your friend Anna is dating one of my friends so yeah."

"Anna is dating a member of 5SOS?" he nodded. "Damn she did well." I blinked and then ushered to the door. "Maybe we should go downstairs, I'll ask for an autograph later."

"So you are a fan?" he asked while smirking.

"Maybe." I said while jogging down the stairs. I yawned and stopped at the last step, sitting on the sofa was Anna and Calum all cuddled together. Luke looked over at me and walked towards me.

"You must be _______." he said. I nodded and he pulled me in for a hug and I gently patted his back. He pulled away awkwardly and smiled before introducing his self. I then walked into the kitchen muttering 'Lovebirds' as I walked past the loved up couple.

"Anna banana did you seriously drink my juice again?" I called looking in the fridge.

"No. I gave the last to Michael." she shouted back and I turned around. I squealed as I saw the very man himself eating a slice of toast. He raised an eyebrow and grinned at me. "______ right?" he asked.

"Uh huh." I mumbled before making myself a glass of water.

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