Chapter Three

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i apologize for the slow updates. its only the second week of school and im already busy as hell. ive had two projects already. TWO. -_____-

in other news, i find out the sex of my baby on October 1. (((((((:

Shays POV

The sun shined brightly through the window, illuminating the entire room. I blinked a few times in an attempt to banish the sleep away. When I was able to open my eyes, I pushed myself up and gazed at Mike for a few seconds. I took in all his beauty: his shoulder length black hair, his lip ring, part of a sleeve he had begun on his right arm, his lips. I smiled and stretched, causing a weird noise to escape my mouth.

"Mmmm." Mike groaned as he yanked me back down next to him.

"Stay in bed." He mumbled into my hair. I giggled and rolled onto my side then placed my hand that wasn't supporting my head on his chest.

"Time to get up sleepy head." He shook his head and I grinned evilly, an idea popping into my head.

My hand trailed down his chest and onto his stomach, I didn't stop until I reached the hem of his boxers. I placed my lips on his neck and began leaving kisses.

"Time." Kiss. "To." Kiss. "Get." Kiss. "Up." Kiss. A moan escaped his lips.

"I may not be up but somebody else is." He whispered. He grabbed my hand that was located by his boxers and showed me who was up.

"Nope." I yanked my hand back and jumped out of bed, the t-shirt Mike had put on me last night fell off my shoulder and was about knee length.

"Gahhh." I laughed and grabbed a pair of Mikes boxers and pulled them on then quickly fled out of the room and to the bathroom.

On my run there, I bumped into Mikes mom.

"Good morning querida. Sleep well?" She used her eyes and examined my face, growing wide when they landed on the bruise.

"Yes momma, thank you so much for allowing me to stay here." I covered the bruise with my hand and glanced down to the floor.

"Of course honey. Breakfast will be done shortly." She gives me once last glance before turning her back and heading to the kitchen.

I sigh and continue walking to the bathroom. Once I'm in the small area, I push the door shut, separating me from the rest of the Fuentes family.

I walk towards the mirror and stare at the monster looking back at me.

Yelling outside interrupts my thoughts and once I recognize the voices, chills run down my back.

I walk out the bathroom door then proceed to the kitchen, the voices continuing to yell. I poked my head around the corner and my breathing hitched.

"I know she's here! Where is she?!" Mike stood tall, Vic standing right beside him, neither of them showing any sign of fear.

"She isn't here. Now get off my fucking property." Mike demanded, anger flashed in Keiths eyes. I recognized that look.

"NO!" I screamed as he threw his fist at Mike. I jumped in between the two and waited for the impact, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to see PaPa Fuentes standing behind Keith, a loaded shot gun pointed at Keiths head.

"Get off my god damn property." He spit to the side as Keith began backing up, his hands raised in defeat.

He ran to his car and jumped in then quickly sped off.

"llamar a la policía." PaPa said, looking at Vic.

"Call the cops."

Mikes POV

After the cops were called and the situation was explained, a warrant for Keiths arrest was sent out. Everybody in the state was looking for him.

Shay had locked herself in my room and refused to come out or let anyone in, she just kept saying she needed to be alone. I could only imagine how much pain she was feeling, how lost she must feel. All I wanted to do was hold her and let her know everything was going to be alright.

But she refused to let me in.

That's the thing about Shay, she locks everyone out, she refuses to let anyone in. She has talked to Vic and I about a few things, but refuses to let us any farther.

"I hope God can look away when I find the ones who hurt her." I sighed and Vic jumped up out of his slumped position.

"Fucking genius, man!" He darted out of his room and I was soon behind him, following him down stairs to our "studio".

"I've had writers block for the longest time and what you said up there is absolutely perfect for a song." He sat at his desk and ripped open a drawer, revealing a shit ton of notebooks. He threw one on the desk then slammed the drawer shut and fumbled to grab a pencil out of the pencil jar.

I pulled up a seat next to him and watched him quickly scribble my words down, he then tapped his pencil on his chin before yelling out "THE NEW NATIONAL ANTHEM!"

He then scribbles that at the top of the paper.

We sat there for a few hours, just brainstorming some lyrics.

I wish Shay could've heard it.

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