Chapter Five

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5 years later...

Shays POV

It's been five years.

Five years since I've ran.

Five years since I last saw my best friends.

Five fucking years.

I was now 22 years old, living in Pensacola, Florida and working on opening up my In Home Counseling while working full time at my tattoo shop.

I killed the engine to my car and climbed out, hitting the lock button as I made my way to Bad Ass Ink's door. When I walked through, the bell dinging welcomed me as well as the sound of a tattoo gun going, rock music playing, and the smell of ink.

"Good morning Caleb." I smiled at my partner who was sitting on a stool behind the counter.

"Morning short shit." I cringed at the nickname, memories attempting to resurface but I quickly pushed them back.

"So, how'd your date go last night?" I jumped up on the counter and smirked at him, causing him to laugh.

"Eh, she was just another bimbo. Too much plastic for my liking." He shrugged his shoulders and bit into an apple he had grabbed out of our fridge. I laughed and shook my head, jumping down as a tall, dark haired man walked through the door.

"Hey, I was wondering if you do walk ins?" I turned to face him and nodded.

"You came to the right place." I smiled at him and he returned the smile, revealing perfect teeth.

I walked behind the counter and retrieved some paper work, a clipboard, and a pen.

"I just need you to fill out some papers before we get started." He extended an arm to grab the stuff and his fingers brushed against mine, sending a shock through me. He must have felt it too because he pulled his hand back quickly and looked down at the floor, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'll fill these out quick." I nodded as he grabbed what he needed and returned to a chair. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and played around on it until the man was finished.

"Here ya go." He showed me another one of his smiles as I retrieved the paper work from him.

"Great..." I read over the paper before continuing.

"Austin. Just follow me so we can begin." I lead him to my room and pulled my keys out to unlock it. Once in, I shut the door and pointed to the seat.

"So what are you looking to get?" I sat down in my swivel chair and pulled on a pair of gloves.

"Well, this." He reached into his back pocket and handed me a piece of paper. Once I unfolded it and saw what he wanted, I had to bite my lip to hold back a laugh.

"This?" I looked up at him, tears gathering in my eyes from attempting not to laugh.

"Yeah you see, my friend and I had this bet.." He trailed off and looked at me.

"Ok ok, say no more." The laughter broke free and I had to hold on to Austins knee to keep myself from falling.

"It's not funny." I looked at him and he was sticking his bottom lip out.

"I'm sorry, I tried to hold it back." I sat up and wiped a tear that had fallen down my cheek. He poked his tongue out at me and I giggled.

"So where would you like this beautiful tattoo?" He removed his shirt and pointed to where he wanted it, on his ribs and going over a small part of a huge bird tattoo. I admired his body, trying not to make it too noticeable but I must have failed miserably.

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