Chapter Seven

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~Shays POV~

Sam and I were back at our apartments, getting ready for the party. Austin had texted me the details and had told me to wear my bikini.

"SAM DON'T FORGET TO PUT YOUR BATHING SUIT ON!" I shouted through our apartment.

I rummaged through my drawer that contained nothing but my bathing suits, I pulled out my black playboy string bikini. After stripping out of my outfit from the concert, I pulled the bottom part of the bathing suit on then followed with the top part. Thankfully I had become a pro with tying my own shit with out looking over the years.

I walked to my bed and threw on the outfit I had laid out. I then threw my bright red hair into a braid which hung down over my shoulder. I walked over to my vanity and pulled open the drawer that held all my waterproof makeup.

20 minutes later, I had finished doing my makeup. I pulled on my black combat boots and took a look at myself in my body length mirror.

I examined the finishing product: I had done the cat eye eyeliner and some mascara for my makeup, my hair still fell over my shoulder in a braid. I wore a black laced crop top along with high waisted shorts that looked as if the bottom half of them had been dipped in black paint.

I walked out of my bedroom and strolled to the living room where Penelope, my shar pei, was rested on the couch.

"SAM ARE YOU READY YET?" I yelled as I walked to the kitchen that was conjoined with our living room and bent down to the cabinet with the big bag of dog food.

"TWO MINUTES." She yelled back. I used the cup in the bag to scoop out food for Penelope and filled her pan. I then took her water dish and used the faucet to rinse it out and put fresh water in it. Sam walked down our small hallway, putting in an ear ring as I finished taking care of Penelope.

"Alright baby. We'll be back tomorrow." I said to my dog as I switched on Animal Planet for her.

Sam walked out our front door and I grabbed the keys off the hook before following her out, locking the door behind us.

~Austins POV~

I opened the front door to greet Sam and Shay. I swear my jaw dropped when I laid eyes on Shay. Alan soon pushed past me, greeting Sam in a warm hug.

"C'mon! You can help me set out the snacks." Alan said as he took her hand.

"Sounds delightful." She giggled as she was dragged past me and into the house.

"You look... Wow." I said as I slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close to me.

"Well thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." She smiled and gave me a quick peck.

"Well, I'm, meaning we're, in charge of getting drinks set out." She walked past me and into the house and I shut the door behind her. I led her to the kitchen where Alan and Sam were putting snacks out while Tino, Aaron, and Phil played a game of "Go Fish" at the table.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING CHEAT!" Tino screamed as he stood up, slamming his cards down on the table. We all busted out laughing until Tino finished his hissy fit. He sat back down and huffed as he picked his cards back up and continued on with the game.

By the time we were all finished setting up, we had ten minutes left until people were supposed to start arriving.

"A shot for each of us, since we did such an amazing job." Shay said with a bright smile, struggling to hold the four shot glasses. Alan, Sam, and I each took a glass from Shay.

"Here's to a damn good night." We raised our glasses and the air before throwing our heads back and swallowing the glorious Cinnamon Whiskey.

2 hours later...

"AUSTIN DON'T YOU DARE!" A drunk Shay squealed over my shoulder.

"Hold your breath babe!" I yelled as I jumped into the water, Shay still over my shoulder. When we arose from underneath, she let out a cute squeal before splashing me. I laughed as I brought myself closer to her, then quickly pulling her to me.

Our foreheads touching, we stared into each others eyes for what seemed like forever.

"LOOK OUT LOVE BIRDS!" Danny Worsnop from AA yelled, doing a cannon ball into the water right beside us.

"Danny you drunken asshole!" Shay yelled as she splashed him and giggled.

"Now now, don't criticize me when you're just as drunk my dear." He winked at her, causing me to tense up, before Shay pulled away from me and swam to the edge.

"I'm gonna go get another drink baby." She said as she pulled herself up. I watched her strut over to where all the towels were hanging, admiring the view. I felt a bit disappointed as she wrapped the towel around her wet body. She winked at me as she walked back by me and I chuckled before being dunked by Oli Sykes and Danny.

~Shays POV~

I stumbled into the kitchen, where more people were located. The house was packed full of people. I made my way through the crowd and bumped into somebody as I reached the counter.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm a bit tipsy.." I trailed off as I looked up and recognized the face.

"V-Vic." I stuttered, my stomach instantly becoming queasy.

"Shay? Is that really you?" I just stared, my eyes wide.

"Oh my God, Shay! I've missed you so fucking much!" He yelled as he picked me up and squeezed me. I couldn't help but laugh and hug him back. After he had put me back on my feet, he held me at arms length and examined me.

"You got hot.. Er." I laughed and his smile grew even bigger.

"Wait till the boys hear you're here, wait till Mike-"

"No." I cut him off.

"You can't tell Mike." I said in a stern voice.

"But why?" His face fell.

"Because I can't face him, not after all the hurt and pain I caused him. Hell it's hard just talking to you." He shook his head.

"Same old Shay."

"What?" I asked defensively.

"You're still running." I grabbed a drink off the counter and strolled back to the pool.

~Vics POV~

I pushed through the crowd, searching frantically for Mike. I had to tell him, I couldn't keep this from him.

When I found him, he was on the balcony, a drink in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, while a small brunette grinded up against him.

I sighed and made my way toward him. Once in my reach, I stood up on my toes to whisper "Shays here!" into his ear over the loud music. He looked at me with wide eyes, his drink and cigarette dropping on the pavement.

He shoved the female away from him causing her to stumble away, a look of shock and anger on her face. She shook it off as he took off running through the crowd before making her way to me.

~Mikes POV~

I had gone from totally shit faced to completely sober when Vic told me the news. After about five minutes of running around looking, I began to think it had just been my drunken mind playing tricks on me.

As I was about to give up, I perked up at the sound of a familiar laugh. I swear my head spun in circles searching for her.

The laugh came again and I spotted her.

Her hair was long and a bright red color and she was dressed in a bikini which showed she was covered in tattoos and piercings.

My heart broke when I saw her pressed up against a tall man. I soon recognized the man as Austin Carlile, frontman for Of Mice And Men.

I walked towards the two and as soon as I was in hearing distance, her name escaped my lips.


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