1- After that party

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Present time
June 2018

Never in my life, have i wanted the ground to swallow me up more than now.
I'm constantly being rejected or humiliated by the ones i think i love. I seriously need to grow a pair and leave ffs. This party is bullshit anyway. His music taste is awful, and may i just say i seriously don't need that cheap shit alcohol in my system, although it would help in this particular situation. I try my hardest not to but i find myself again, around the table of "goodies", which aren't really goodies-more like 'i've run out of money so stuff it' stuff. My now ex boyfriend is over by the massive crowd of people, oh and guess what's there, all the sluts ready to jump on the freshly made single guy. Why does that affect me so much? I don't need this shit tonight.
"Fuck off jenny, i don't need your sympathy right now."
Damn that was harsh, whoops can't change that now.

Two lads are fighting over there, wonder who it is? Oh it's kevin and james, james will win for sure. He hasn't lost a fight yet, i think. He's tougher than he looks. He does look good though.ohhhhh that left hook was cleannnn. Incredible. Haven't seen a fight like this in a while, pretty decent actually.
That's unfortunate, it was just starting to get interesting. I guess that's my queue to go. This party was bullshit anyway.

Well i can't drive and i have no money so how am i going to get home. Fuck. wait james is over there, maybe i can get a lift with him.
"James! Hey"
wow he actually turned round. What's he holding? Is that a joint? Nevermind bigger things to worry about.
"Yo, brooklyn right?"
"Yeah that's me" he actually knows my name, surprising really.
"Did you want me for something?"
"Yeah if you don't mind, are you getting a lift home?"
"Nah sorry i'm staying out tonight, no college tomorrow so don't need to go home."
"Ahh fair enough. But you dont know of someone that could give me a lift back do you? My mum will be worrying about me by now."
That seemed to upset him a bit
"Yeah yeah i can get someone for you, will cost you though."
He looked me up and down with a cheeky look in his eyes.
"What do you want?" sarcasm crept into my voice
"Come to another party with me at the weekend"
That was unexpected. Butterflies have formed in my stomach. Fuck off feelings, you're not needed tonight, thank you very much. how do i play this now? Sarcastic funny or flirty
"Well is that a question or an order?"
"Both? Does both work?"
Holy shit. Whats just happened?
"Yeah it works. Okay fine i'll join you. Look after me though. I don't go to many parties usually."
"Okay. deal".
He has a smirk on his face. Why does he have a smirk on his face. fuck , why am i smiling. Stop it now feelings!
A couple minutes later a car pulls up next to us.
"Heres your ride m'lady." he says in a terrible posh english accent. "Have a good trip home."
"Thanks darlin, i'll be sure to text you when i'm home." i mimic him to show i listened.
"Okay, talk later then"
"Bye james"
"Farewell brook"

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