Chapter 9

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I have been in what I believe is the mystery man's home for the past two days.   He's made sure I've had plenty of food, drink, and has even let me sleep in his bed.   But why?  Why would he go through the trouble of taking me and then not harming me?  What are his intentions?  He still hasn't explained why he was in my apartment or why he killed Greg.  Not that I'm in anyway upset about that, it just doesn't make any sense.

I have so many questions for him.  The first being, who is he?  I still don't know his name.  Hell, he doesn't even know mine.  He's been calling me Diamond for the last 48 hours and I haven't corrected him yet.  I wasn't going to offer up any information without the guarantee that I would get some in return.

Despite all that is going on, I still had this strange attraction towards him.  How is that possible?  A complete stranger murders your father and steals you away in the middle of the night, and all you can think about is how absolutely handsome he is.

By the looks of his home.  I knew he didn't have a wife or a girlfriend.  If he was seeing anyone, it wasn't very serious because there was no evidence of a woman ever being in this house.  

There weren't any high heel shoes laying around.  No extra toothbrush.  No feminine hygiene products.  No spare clothes.  The house was filled with nothing but testosterone.   A framed college football jersey hung on the wall along with other sport related photos.  A woman would never let that slide.   The bathroom wasn't decorated by a woman.  Really, it wasn't decorated at all.  There was a mat outside the walk-in shower, a toothbrush holder, and paper towels.    A woman would have had toilet covers, shower caddies, a shower rack for her products, decorative towels.   It was clear that he was single. 

The question is why?  I guess it could have something to do with the fact that he's a killer.  I saw the look in his face when he saw Greg lying there.  It didn't faze him at all.  That was not the first time he's seen a dead body. 

That was only my second.  Jessie was the hardest to see.  I absolutely hated Greg, and even seeing his lifeless body lying there wasn't an easy sight to see.  But this man had no reaction at all.  It was like he was immune to it.

I lied there in his bed, pretending to sleep.  I wasn't ready to face him just yet.  I don't know why, but I had a feeling we would finally speak today, and I just wasn't ready for that.  The sound of the doorbell startled me though, and I couldn't help my eyes from shooting open. 

He stood up and headed towards the door. "Stay here.  Do not say anything."

I had no intentions of going anywhere.  Even though he hadn't done anything to hurt me, I wasn't going to gamble with that and disobey him. 

The look on his face told me that he wasn't expecting anyone to stop by.  He shut the bedroom door and locked it.  He locked the door every time he left.  It wasn't necessary, but I didn't say anything about it.  

The worried look on his face made me curious.  I wanted to know who was here.

I put my ear against the bedroom and tried to listen to the conversation on the other side.


I hadn't seen my brother in almost five years.   Being a criminal and having a detective as a sibling wasn't really the best combination, so I've learned to keep my distance. 

Considering everything that has happened, seeing him after all this time wasn't exactly the family reunion you would imagine.  What did he want?  Was he looking for the girl?  Did he know about Greg?  Granted, I didn't actually kill him.  But I didn't have the best alibi.  "Yeah, I was on my way to kill him, but someone beat me to the punch."  That wouldn't exactly work in court.  "Oh and in the process of trying to kill him, I kidnapped this girl because she thinks I really did kill him."  I might as well lock myself in the cell before trying to talk my way out of this one.

"What are you doing here Will?"

He pulled out his badge, letting me know it was on official business. "I got a couple of questions for you.  Can I come in?"

I didn't say anything, I just opened the door all the way, letting him walk inside.

"There's been a couple of homicides not too far away from here.  You heard anything about that?" He wasn't even completely in the house before he started grilling me.

I turned to him with my arms folded and shrugged, "And?  There are homicides almost every day.  What does that have to do with me?"

William starred directly at me. "Yeah, but you were spotted just down the street from where one of them was committed just hours before.  You don't live over in  that neighborhood, so what were you doing there?"

Will knew about my past, so I'm sure he already had a theory in his head about what he thought happened.  I'm sure he wasn't too far off.  But he didn't have any proof, and I wasn't planning on giving him any.  "I know some people over there.  I'm sure there were other people in that area as well when it happened.  I'm assuming you're showing up at their houses unannounced and questioning them too right?"

Will smiled.  "No need to get defensive.  This isn't a formal interview.  Just a routine"

"Well then I guess we're done here."  I opened the door, letting him know it was time for him to leave.

Will started walking out. "Oh, one more thing.  When you see Heaven, let her know we need her to come down to the station for questioning."

I didn't react, nor did I respond.  I didn't want him to see that anything was getting to me.  

I knew it was time to talk to Diamond.  I had some serious questions for her.  Starting with, who the hell is Heaven?

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