Chapter 4

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"I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this shit."
I whispered to myself as I walked into the restaurant, Little Miss Steaks.
I haven't done a job like this in years and I can't stand the fact that I'm back in this place.
I'm not a 20 year old boy anymore. Hell I'm 36. I thought this lifestyle was long behind me.
Here I am though, putting my life on the line to take away someone else's.

I became a hit man at a very young age. I couldn't get with the whole 9:00 to 5:00 thing.
Sitting behind a desk all day everyday to barely bring home enough money to keep a piece of shit roof over my head didn't sound appealing.
$50,000 for one job. That's more than most people make in a year.

I guess when you think about the amount of risk involved with the line of work, it's almost like making minimum wage, but whatever.
I became addicted to the bread. After a while you become numb to the sight of a dead body. It becomes second nature.
The act of killing becomes as easy as breathing.

I walked over to a booth in the corner of the little diner right next to the window. I needed to be able to keep an eye out for my target.

I pulled out a newspaper pretending to read it. I needed to seem like a regular customer.

I heard a female voice asking me if I wanted anything to drink. I just said the first thing that came to my mind.
"Just coffee, black please."

My phone vibrated and I looked at the text from my client.
"Is it done yet?"

I shook my head. They know damn well not to text me.

I heard the waitress ask if I looked at the menu yet. I just ordered the first thing I saw.
"Chicken fried steak, extra gravy. Two slices of honey ham."

I texted my client back "I will call you later."

I knew the waitress hadn't walked away yet.
Damn, had she said something that I didn't hear? I didn't want to seem out of place.
It's been so long since I've been on a job. I could tell my discretion was a little rusty.

I looked up at the young girl. She had to have been 18 or 19. I skimmed over her uniform, saw her name tag, Diamond.
I took a better look at her face and noticed it was one of the most beautiful I had ever seen.
Her long eyelashes complemented her bright green eyes.
Her hair, all natural, was pulled back in a ponytail. Making it easy to see her high cheekbones.
There wasn't a single blemish on her skin.
She didn't wear an ounce of makeup.
She didn't need to.

It's a good thing she didn't realize I was staring at her.
"Did you need something else...Diamond???"

She stuttered a few words. Cute.
She seemed real nervous though. I hope she didn't peep my strange demeanor.
She stumbled a little as she walked away. I couldn't help but laugh a little at the clumsy act. I watched her from behind as she made her way back into the restaurant kitchen.


I caught a glimpse of my target walking passed the window from the corner of my eye.
Good, I'm in the right neighborhood.
I pulled the piece of paper out that my client wrote the address on.
According to this, I should be just down the street.


I sat in my all black Cadillac Escalade down the street from the apartment building.
Headlights off, dark tint on all the windows.
I thought the all black would make me blend in more. In this dusty ass neighborhood I stuck out like a sore thumb.
I would definitely need to make this quick.
I had on a suit and tie earlier that day but when I looked around the neighborhood at how everyone else was dressed, I knew I couldn't leave it on without drawing unnecessary attention to myself.
So I traded my suit in for black pants, black shoes, and a black hoodie.
Everybody seemed to like all black around here.

I had been riding around the neighborhood all day. Waiting on the right moment. I couldn't do this in broad daylight. But this bastard acted like he didn't want to go home. I feel like I went into every bullshit store around here, buying all kinds of unnecessary shit. Trying to keep my eye on him but also be discreet.

He had finally walked in the old apartment building. I stayed put for a minute just in case I was being watched. There needed to be a nice gap between the time he walked in and the time I came in behind him.

I noticed somebody walking towards that same building. I couldn't see their face. It was covered by their hood. I decided I would make my move once they were gone.

After I saw I was alone on the street I started making my way towards the building. Walking fast but also steady. Making it look as if I was supposed to be here.

The apartment was all the way on the fourth floor. In a building this old I knew the elevator didn't work so I didn't even try it, and headed straight for the stairs.
I got to the apartment and went to the door.
I was prepared to kick it down but it was unlocked.
Good. No forced entry.

I pulled my gun out. From what my client told me about this guy I expected him to be passed out drunk. But instead I found him having sex with some girl. Damn, now I knew I would have to kill her too.
No witnesses.

Hold up. It doesn't seem like she was enjoying this at all. Is he raping her?
I don't know why, but absolute rage went through my body.
The job suddenly became easy. Personal.


His body slumped over on the girl. I knew his weight was probably heavy for her so I tossed him to the side. I felt bad that after she just experienced this she would still have to die.
I took a better look at the girl and I couldn't believe who the hell I was looking at.
The girl from the diner.
What the fuck?

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