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I awake with a sudden gasp for air. "what the fuck just happened?!" I wrap my hand around my neck having a small sense of agitating pain. I blink a few times in disbelief trying to remember what happened. "he am I not dead?!" I hear a dark voice chuckle over to my right causing me to jump. "come on y/n~  did you really think I was gonna let my toy just die. already?~ your smarter than that I hope~" with that being said h lets out another small chuckle making me shiver. "why...? what do you want from me...?" he shakes his head "i already told you! your going to have to find out yourself kitten." I sigh and just try to keep my eyes off him. "well what do you want? are you expecting something from me?" he stands up more straight and pulls down his tux "i was waiting for you to wake up, which I might add you woke up pretty quick compared to the matter, I'm going to give you a tore around my home and tomorrow you shall start your set of chores along with any wishes of mine. but first off I need for you to change out of those rags you call clothing" he gives a disgusted look as he gestured towards a dresser that was most definitely not there before. "this dresser is filled with cloths that I think you might enjoy, but if I expect you to wear something of my choosing I expect it to be worn, with that being said I shall leave your room for about ten minutes and when I return I expect you to be wearing new clothing provided to you in this dresser, understood?" I nod my head in agreement nod looking up at him. he growls in his deep and menacing voice "time starts now. I will be back in exactly ten minutes" with that he teleports out the room. You get up slowly off the bed and take a look around your room pretty much the same besides the fact the smell of blood is finally gone and the fact you now have a dresser, you make your way over to the big dresser filled with many colors of clothing  but mainly black, white and grey, which you have no issue in and its nice to know you have the option of what you would normally wear but also some colors like red, blue and even sometimes pink if you were in a good mood. but you decided to go with something casual. you find a pair of basic black ripped jeans and a plain gray long sleeved shirt.(this is basically the picture at the top but you may change this in anyway you please if you so desire) "this'll do for now..." you take this time to change and look at yourself in the big mirror connected to the top of the dresser, they fit you perfectly. you sit on the bed waiting for Darkiplier to come back.

a/n hello guys I know its been so long sense I was on...that last time I updated this story was in august and I'm so sorry ive spent so much time away. also Happy New Year everyone have you made new years resolutions? if so do you plan to solve them by the end? if so I wish you the best of luck with that. and if you haven't made any...well... be too sis XD well I hope you all have a good one and I will try to update this as soon as possible and if I don't, I'm truly sorry

goodnight everyone!


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